Publishing Flutter app to Galaxy/Amazon/Microsoft Stores? - flutter

Im looking to refactor my app - however am also looking at switching to Flutter
Considering I want to publish my Play Store app onto Samsung Galaxy Store, Amazon Store and Microsoft Windows Store is Flutter compatible?
I ask because these stores have their own consoles, require their own IAPs and some other APIs ( like Amazon Geo ) so want to determine if this is a forcing function for my biz
The app in question

Flutter is fine for Samsung Galaxy store as they only need an apk which Flutter will generate for you. Windows is also fine with Flutter. Amazon app store also only requires an APK similar to the Galaxy store, so once again you're fine. The important thing with all of these is it seems you just need a .apk version of your app, so really you just need an android compatible app.
The main draw of Flutter is that you can also publish to iOS & macOS. If it's just these stores you're interested in, personally I'd just use native Kotlin.


can i create android and ios applications with flutter without android emulator , with just flutter sdk and vscode and browser

I learned dart and I want to access flutter, but I was surprised by android studio because my computer is,can i create android and apple applications with flutter without android emulator , with just flutter pack and vs code and browser
If you only work with simple UI widgets yes you can use the embedded development tools within the browser to get the dimensions of the device you working on like so
But, most of the cases there are libraries work differently according to the platform so it might work with the web but not with android or iphone and you can not test it without the actual device.
And yes VS code is a very good with flutter and might be better than android studio but it won`t make the difference you expected, in my opinion what make it faster is to use an actual device for testing and not using the emulator, also don't use a lot of application along side with the IDE, like if you are using spotify, listening to youtube video or following a tutorial just use your phone because browsers as bad as emulator.
You can use a text editor and the command line tools to build flutter apps and test them on a real device.
I wouldn't recommend it though.
You could give VSCode a try as it is a more lightweight environment.
Your computer should handle testing on a real device, which requires only a USB cable. Accessing the application in the browser would probably eat a lot more memory. You can read about how to use the real device with flutter here.

Changing published mobile application developing language from ionic to flutter

I have a mobile application developed using Ionic. Now I want to redevelop it in flutter and publish a new update, would that be possible? will google play and AppStore allow that?
There is no constraint on development language. But,
You need to use same certificates/keys for iOS App
You need to use same key-store/keys for Android App
If you are using local database or file storage, then you should follow the same path in your newly created app as well. If you are using any third-party library to manage the db or file paths, then it may be in different location altogether. (This one actually happened to me. When I migrated my app from a cross-platform framework to Native the database path got changed in release version)

How to do Remote Updates On Flutter

I have a flutter chat app. Companies like Whatsapp & Facebook update their app without forcing users to uninstall or manually uploading the APK again to google play. Is this possible with futter i tried using firebase remote config but it didn't work as i expected ( Changing UI on the go ). Any answer will be appreciated.
WhatsApp and Facebook use React Native with CodePush (if I'm not wrong).
You can't update an app without forcing a user somehow to update the app from a store with Flutter as it compiles to binary and React Native – not
There are multiple things you can do and it is based on what you want to achieve. [From your question your goal is not clear.]
Change Something based on configuration.
If you have configurations defined then you can use Firebase remote config to pass on value to devices and devices should behave according to value that you have set on Firebase Remote config.
Limitation of this approach:
In this approach, don't expect your newly updated code will into existing app. Above approach works, if code is already there in the compiled binary and you just want to switch path.
Binary version update:
If you want to force new app version download then it would require a different approach,
Android: Yes it is possible.
iOS: In-App update is not possible. You can show prompt to user by saying that new version is available and redirect user to new version on Store.
If user has enabled auto-download in iPhone settings then there are chances that app version updated to new version when user come to app.
For implementation look at here: Binary version update
Flutter now has unofficial support for code push using Chimera Flutter Code Push.
Here is a full tutorial

Making Apps using flutter

Is it possible to build a fully functioning application for iOS and Android using AndroidStudio + Flutter and FireBase alone? This is my first time trying to make a fully functioning mobile application which I want to use as I am constrained with my finances at the moment. I would appreciate the clarification.
Yes, it is possible to make both Android and IOS app using flutter and dart.
Flutter has many benefits. here some example :
Flutter hot reload helps you to build your app very fast.
User fluent. Can use app with excellent user interface design.
It's easy to use function like other OOP languages.
Update everyday with new features.
Flutter user community is increasing day by day .
Check the flutter docs for more info
Yes, Flutter can produce a fully functioning application for both iOS and Android platforms.
there are some apps built with Flutter. check them here
I am a native Android developer and I did some iOS as well. I started learning Flutter a couple of days ago and it seems promising.

Using IOS device to develop an Android game

as the title described my issue , my question seems to be dumb a little ; But because I don't own an Android device , But I published Android Apps using Genymotion Emulators. And I tried to download Unity Remote App on my Emulator but it does not work that well.
So my question here is : Can I use my iPhone device to test and develop the game that will be published to android users?
Yes, it is possible to do that since the Input methods being touches do not differ. The only thing you have to keep in mind is the wide range of resolutions used by android devices.
You can use can use your iphone for testing but jusst for the logic. The performance and resolutions are very different for android. Also if there is any platform specefic code you have written in unity then you have to take care of that.
Besides using your iPhone you can generate an APK from unity and install it on the android emulators to test.