Azure WAF - what's the difference among allow, log and disable? - azure-waf

Allow action will log requests.
Log action will log requests.
I don't know what's the difference between them.
If I don't want the rule to block requests. Disable it and change its action to Allow, which is better?

As per
Allow - WAF allows the request to process, logs an entry in WAF logs, and exits.
Log - WAF logs an entry in WAF logs, and continues to evaluate the next rule in the priority order.
The key difference is that Allow will exit i.e. it will not process any other rules. Whereas log will record an entry but continue to process other rules (which may themselves block). So which is better will depend on your intention for the rule.
I'm not quite sure what the relation of disable is to your question (that will mean the rule is not active until you enable it), Block and Redirect are the other options (see link above).


Invoking a script as part of a web api method : how bad an idea is it?

I have a powershell script (but I think these considerations could be extended to any script that requires a runtime to interpret and execute it) that does what I also need to expose to a web application front end as a REST API to be called and I've been asked to call directly the script itself from the web method but although technically feasible, having a web api method that starts a shell/process to execute the script and redirecting stdin/stdout/stderr looks like a very bad practice to me. Is there any specific security risk in doing something like this?
Reading this question brings to mind how many of the OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities it would expose your site to.
Injection Flaws - This is definitely a high risk. There are ways to remediate it, of course. Parameterizing all input with strongly-typed dates and numbers instead of strings is one method that can be used, but it may not fit with your business case. You should never allow user-provided code to be executed, but if you are accepting strings as input and running a script against that input, it becomes very difficult to prevent arbitrary code execution.
Broken Authentication - possibly vulnerable. If you force a user to authenticate before reaching your script (you probably should), there is a chance that the user reuses their credentials elsewhere and exposes those credentials to a brute force attack. Do you lock out accounts after too many tries? Do you have two-factor authentication? Do you allow weak passwords? These are all considerations when you introduce a new authentication mechanism.
Sensitive data exposure - likely vulnerable, depending on your script. Does the script allow reading files and returning their contents? If not now, will it do so in the future? Even if it's never designed to do so, combined with other exploits the script might be able to read a file from a path that's outside the web directory. It's very difficult to prevent directory traversal exploits that would allow a malicious user access to your server, or even the entire network. Compiled code and the web server prevent this in many cases.
XML External Entities - possibly vulnerable, depending on your requirements. If you allow user-provided XML, the bad guy can inject other files and create havoc. This is easier to trap when you're using standard web tools.
Broken Access Control - definitely vulnerable. A Web API application can enforce user controls, and set permission levels in a C# controller. Exceptions are handled with HTTP status codes that indicate the request was not allowed. In contrast, Powershell executes within the security context of the logged in user, and allows system-level changes even if not running escalated. If an injection flaw is exploited, the code would be executed in the web server's security context, not the user's. You may be surprised how much the IIS_USER (or other Application Pool service account) can do. For one, if the bad guy is executing in the context of a service account, they might be able to bring down your whole site with a single request by locking out that account or changing the password - a task that's much easier with a Powershell script than with compiled C# code.
Security Misconfiguration - likely vulnerable. A running script would require it's own security configuration outside whatever framework you are using for the Web API. Are you ready to re-implement something like OAuth Claims or ACLs?
Cross-Site Scripting - likely vulnerable. Are you echoing the script output? If you're not sanitizing input and output, the script could echo some Javascript that sends a user's cookie content to a malicious server, giving them access to all the user's resources. Cross site request forgery is also a risk if input is not validated.
Insecure Deserialization - Probably not vulnerable.
Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities - greatly increased vulnerability, compared to compiled. Powershell grants access to a whole set of libraries that would otherwise need explicit references in a compiled application.
Insufficient Logging & Monitoring - likely vulnerable. IIS logs requests by default, but Powershell doesn't log anything unless you explicitly write to a file or start a transcript. Neither method is designed for concurrency and may introduce performance or functional problems for shared files.
In short, 9 out of the top 10 Vulnerabilities may affect this implementation. I would hope that would be enough to prevent you making your script public, at the very least. Basically the problem is that you're using the tool (Powershell) for a purpose it wasn't intended to fulfill.

Restful way for deleting all items

I am designing an API for domain admin to manage user cookie sessions, specifically
GET users/{userKey}/sessions to get a list of a user's all sessions
DELETE users/{userKey}/sessions/{sessionId} to delete a user's specific session
I want to expose another method for the admin to delete (reset) a user's all sessions. I am considering 2 options, I wonder which one is more Restful
DELETE users/{userKey}/sessions - {sessionId} left blank to delete all sessions
POST users/{userKey}/sessions/reset
REST was never designed for bulk transaction support, it's for representing the state of individual objects. That said, API design is very opinionated and you have to balance REST "pureness" with functionality. If I were designing this, I would go with option 1 and use delete at the "sessions" endpoint since you are removing all of the user sessions and not just a single or subset.
This answer may be opinion based, so take it as such.
I would use DELETE if you are removing the resource (since you are going to be removing sessions).
If you keep the sessions (but change some data in those resources eg sliding expiration) then I would consider using PATCH as you're modifying (resetting and not replacing) existing sessions.
I would go with DELETE # users/sessions
If you think about it, a reset is simply an admin dropping a session. The user gets their new session when/if they return. So a reset route does not make much sense as you are not reissuing sessions to all of your users in this action.
My preference is users/sessions rather then users/{*}/sessions. The later route suggests that you are wanting to remove all sessions of the parent resource, in this case being a single user.
I want to expose another method for the admin to delete (reset) a user's all sessions. I am considering 2 options, I wonder which one is more Restful....
You probably want to be using POST.
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding, 2008.
HTTP DELETE isn't often the right answer
Relatively few resources allow the DELETE method -- its primary use is for remote authoring environments, where the user has some direction regarding its effect. -- RFC 7231
HTTP Methods belong to the "transfer documents over a network" domain, not to your domain.
REST doesn't actually care about the spelling of the target-uri -- that's part of the point. General-purpose HTTP components don't assume that the uri has any specific semantics encoded into it. It is just a opaque identifier.
That means that you can apply whatever URI design heuristics you like. It's a lot like choosing a name for a variable or a namespace in a general-purpose programming language; the compiler/interpreter don't usual care if the symbol "means" anything or not. We choose names that make things easier for the human beings that interact with the code.
And so it is with URI as well. You'll probably want to use a spelling that is consistent with other identifiers in your API, so that it looks as though the api were designed by "one mind".
A common approach starts from the notion that a resource is any information that can be named (Fielding, 2000). Therefore, it's our job to first (a) figure out the name of the resource that handles this request, then (b) figure out an identifier that "matches", that name. Resources are closely analogous to documents, so if you can think of the name of the document in which you would write this message, you are a good ways toward figuring out the name (ex: we write expiring sessions into the "security log", or into the "sessions log". Great, now figure out the corresponding URI.)
If I ran the zoo: I imagine that
GET /users/{userKey}/sessions
would probably return a representation of the users cookie sessions. Because this representation would be something that changes when we delete all of the users sessions, I would want to post the delete request to this same target URI
POST /users/{userKey}/sessions
because doing it that way makes the cache invalidation story a bit easier.

Getting many welcome messages from the same user

I am getting many welcome messages from the same user, is it some kind of a monitoring system by Google?
How can I learn to ignore those requests?
Yes, Google periodically issues a health check against your Action, usually about every 5-10 minutes. Your Action should respond to it normally so Google knows if there is something wrong. If there is, you will receive email that your Action is unavailable because it is unhealthy. They will continue to monitor it and, when healthy again, will restore it.
You don't need to ignore those requests, however you may wish to, either to save on resources or to avoid logging it all the time.
With a library such as multivocal, it detects it and responds automatically - there is nothing you need to to. For other libraries, you will need to examine the raw input sent in the body of your webhook request.
If you are using the Action SDK, you should examine the inputs array to see if there is one with an argument named "is_health_check". If you are using Dialogflow, then you would need to look under

Why should I make my service Restful when the business needs and workflows are complicated?

My service requirements and business workflows are bit complicated. First, please consider the two different options below.
In my case, the problems going with restful option are
In the restful option, basically to distinguish the operation intended, I
need to inspect the input payload. So, my controller logic is going to bit ugly.
For each of these operation, I need to check for specific roles and permissions. Based on the input payload, I need to check whether the user has the required permission first, rather than having it at the controller method level as we do now in the RPS style.
For some operations, I need to check the current status of the order. For example, approving or rejecting an order which is currently in draft status doesn't make sense. Before approving and disapproving, the order should be in pending for approval status. So, I need call DB to check the current status and this will impact the performance.
Monitoring and perf profiling are going to very complex with restful option in my case.
Trouble shooting production issues going to be complex. Because the input
payload needs to logged and inspected. The http verbs needs to be inspected.
I don't think restful way is making it simple just because of exposing fewer endpoints. Now, clients of this service has to be given clear documentation
explaining what input they have send in order to perform a specific
intended action.
My service is not a simple content delivery applications with fewer operation. In the future, I may need to support more operations than what I have today.
Please don't tell me, I can pass the operation to be performed in the request header. I don't think, it solves all of the above problems.
So, now why should I bother making my service restful?

Event sourcing and validation on writes

Still pretty young at ES and CQRS, I understand that they are tightly related to eventual consistency of data.
Eventual consistency can be problematic when we should perform validation before writing to the store, like checking that an email address isn't already used by an existing user. The only way to do that in a strongly consistent way would be to stop accepting new events, finish processing the remaining events against our view and then querying the view. We obviously don't want to go that far and Greg Young actually recommends to embrace eventual consistency and deal with (rare) cases where we break constraints.
Pushing this approach to the limits, my understanding is that this would mean, when developing a web API for example, to respond 'OK' to every request because it is impossible, at the time of the request, to validate it... Am I on the right track, or missing something here?
As hinted in my comment above, a RESTful API can return 202 Accepted.
This provides a way for a client to poll for status updates if that's necessary.
The client can monitor for state if that's desirable, but alternatively, it can also simply fire and forget, assuming that if it gets any sort of 200-range response, the command will eventually be applied. This can be a good alternative if you have an alternative channel on which you can propagate errors. For example, if you know which user submitted the command, and you have that user's email address, you can send an email in the event of a failure to apply the command.
One of the points of a CQRS architecture is that the edge of the system should do whatever it can to validate the correctness of a Command before it accepts it. Based on the known state of the system (as exposed by the Query side), the system can make a strong effort to validate that a given Command is acceptable. If it does that, the only permanent error that should happen if you accept a Command is a concurrency conflict. Depending on how fast your system approaches consistent states, such concurrency conflicts may be so few that e.g. sending the user an email is an appropriate error-handling strategy.