Restful way for deleting all items - rest

I am designing an API for domain admin to manage user cookie sessions, specifically
GET users/{userKey}/sessions to get a list of a user's all sessions
DELETE users/{userKey}/sessions/{sessionId} to delete a user's specific session
I want to expose another method for the admin to delete (reset) a user's all sessions. I am considering 2 options, I wonder which one is more Restful
DELETE users/{userKey}/sessions - {sessionId} left blank to delete all sessions
POST users/{userKey}/sessions/reset

REST was never designed for bulk transaction support, it's for representing the state of individual objects. That said, API design is very opinionated and you have to balance REST "pureness" with functionality. If I were designing this, I would go with option 1 and use delete at the "sessions" endpoint since you are removing all of the user sessions and not just a single or subset.

This answer may be opinion based, so take it as such.
I would use DELETE if you are removing the resource (since you are going to be removing sessions).
If you keep the sessions (but change some data in those resources eg sliding expiration) then I would consider using PATCH as you're modifying (resetting and not replacing) existing sessions.

I would go with DELETE # users/sessions
If you think about it, a reset is simply an admin dropping a session. The user gets their new session when/if they return. So a reset route does not make much sense as you are not reissuing sessions to all of your users in this action.
My preference is users/sessions rather then users/{*}/sessions. The later route suggests that you are wanting to remove all sessions of the parent resource, in this case being a single user.

I want to expose another method for the admin to delete (reset) a user's all sessions. I am considering 2 options, I wonder which one is more Restful....
You probably want to be using POST.
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding, 2008.
HTTP DELETE isn't often the right answer
Relatively few resources allow the DELETE method -- its primary use is for remote authoring environments, where the user has some direction regarding its effect. -- RFC 7231
HTTP Methods belong to the "transfer documents over a network" domain, not to your domain.
REST doesn't actually care about the spelling of the target-uri -- that's part of the point. General-purpose HTTP components don't assume that the uri has any specific semantics encoded into it. It is just a opaque identifier.
That means that you can apply whatever URI design heuristics you like. It's a lot like choosing a name for a variable or a namespace in a general-purpose programming language; the compiler/interpreter don't usual care if the symbol "means" anything or not. We choose names that make things easier for the human beings that interact with the code.
And so it is with URI as well. You'll probably want to use a spelling that is consistent with other identifiers in your API, so that it looks as though the api were designed by "one mind".
A common approach starts from the notion that a resource is any information that can be named (Fielding, 2000). Therefore, it's our job to first (a) figure out the name of the resource that handles this request, then (b) figure out an identifier that "matches", that name. Resources are closely analogous to documents, so if you can think of the name of the document in which you would write this message, you are a good ways toward figuring out the name (ex: we write expiring sessions into the "security log", or into the "sessions log". Great, now figure out the corresponding URI.)
If I ran the zoo: I imagine that
GET /users/{userKey}/sessions
would probably return a representation of the users cookie sessions. Because this representation would be something that changes when we delete all of the users sessions, I would want to post the delete request to this same target URI
POST /users/{userKey}/sessions
because doing it that way makes the cache invalidation story a bit easier.


REST on non-CRUD operations

I have a resource called “subscriptions”
I need to update a subscription’s send date. When a request is sent to my endpoint, my server will call a third-party system to update the passed subscription.
“subscriptions” have other types of updates. For instance, you can change a subscription’s frequency. This operation also involves calling a third-party system from my server.
To be truly “RESTful,” must I force these different types of updates to share an endpoint?
PATCH subscriptions/:id
I can hypothetically use my controller behind the endpoint to fire different functions depending on the query string... But what if I need to add a third or fourth “update” type action? Should they ALL run through this single PATCH route?
To be truly “RESTful,” must I force these different types of updates to share an endpoint?
No - but you will often want to.
Consider how you would support this on the web: you might have a number of different HTML forms, each accepting a slightly different set of inputs from the user. When the form is submitted, the browser will use the input controls and form metadata to construct an HTTP (POST) request. The target URI of the request is copied from the form action.
So your question is analogous to: should we use the same action for all of our different forms?
And the answer is yes, if you want the general purpose HTTP application to understand which resource is expected to change in response to the message. One reason that you might want that is cache invalidation; using the right target URI allows all of the caches to understand which previously cached responses should not be reused.
Is that choice free? no - it adds some ambiguity to your access logs, and routing the request to the appropriate handler in your code takes a bit more work.
Trying to use PATCH with different target URI is a little bit weird, and suggests that maybe you are trying to stretch PATCH beyond the standard constraints.
PATCH (and PUT) have remote authoring semantics; what they mean is "make your copy of the target resource look like my copy". These are methods we would use if we were trying to fix a spelling error on a web page.
Trying to change the representation of one resource by sending a remote authoring request to a different resource makes it harder for the general purpose HTTP application components to add value. You are coloring outside of the lines, and that means accepting the liability if anything goes wrong because you are using standardized messages in a non standard way.
That said, it is reasonable to have many different resources that present representations of the same domain entity. Instead of putting everything you know about a user into one web page, you can spread it out among several that are linked together.
You might have, for example, a web page for an invoice, and then another web page for shipping information, and another web page for billing information. You now have a resource model with clearer separation of concerns, and can combine the standardized meanings of PUT/PATCH with this resource model to further your business goals.
We can create as many resources as we need (in the web level; at the REST level) to get a job done. -- Webber, 2011
So, in your example, would I do one endpoint like this user/:id/invoice/:id and then another like this user/:id/billing/:id
Resources, not endpoints.
GET /invoice/12345
GET /invoice/12345/shipping-address
GET /invoice/12345/billing-address
GET /invoice/12345
GET /shipping-address/12345
GET /billing-address/12345
The spelling conventions that you use for resource identifiers don't actually matter very much.
So if it makes life easier for you to stick all of these into a hierarchy that includes both users and invoices, that's also fine.

Does this break the statelessness of a RESTful API?

Take this design of an API:
/articles/{id} - Returns an article. Client provides a token in the header to identify them.
/updated-articles - Returns collection of articles that have been updated since the client's last call to this endpoint, and only includes articles that this client previously requested. Client provides a token in the header to identify them.
The second enpoint doesn't fit very well with me. The design motivation of that second enpoint is that the client does not need to track the time of their last requests. Is this breaking the "statelessness" constraint of RESTful APIs? An alternative approach would be /updated-articles?since=YYYY-MM-DD but this would require clients to remember
Your "token" is basically a client id, and the fact of remembering the date of their last access is keeping a client-state on the server.
Think about it : If you had to scale up your service, could you simply plug-in a new server, copy your service's files, and redirect via a round-robin algorithm on one or another of the two server (without having them sharing informations) ? Clearly no, because you would need your table tokens<->date of last consultation shared between the two servers. So no it's definitely not stateless.
Plus, I don't understand your point :
An alternative approach would be /updated-articles?since=YYYY-MM-DD
but this would require clients to remember
Wouldn't a token require a client to remember ? On the contrary, this way would be RESTful, since the client-state (the date of last consultation) would be kept on the client side.
Basically, no, I don't think your second resource would break statelessness.
I think it's okay to have your client's keep track of their own 'updated at' time stamp. Your api should be stateless. The client doesn't have to be stateless.
If anything the client should retain a lot of state. The client will be a device central to one user and their specific needs. It's responsible for keeping track of the user's needs and current state. In this situation someone will have to store that time stamp. I think it should be your clients, not your server.
This is just my opinion though.
I did find a write up over the true meaning of statelessness that I think could benefit you as well here.
We should avoid creating endpoints with no related entity. So instead of /updated-articles?since=<timestamp> a better approach should be:
/articles?updated=true&since-last-request=true or
If the intended result should affect all clients. Meaning every request time stamp must be kept on the server. Or
If the intended result depends on each client behavior. That seems to be your case.
The choice between the former or the latter (or both) depends on the use case. But the main point is to avoid creating endpoints with no related entity and having special cases being defined by parameters.
As a guideline:
Endpoints are substantives, adjectives are parameters and verbs are the HTTP request methods
This also means a simple 'GET /articles' means returning ALL articles. To avoid abuse you may issue proper 4xx codes depending on the case.

Delete multiple records using REST

What is the REST-ful way of deleting multiple items?
My use case is that I have a Backbone Collection wherein I need to be able to delete multiple items at once. The options seem to be:
Send a DELETE request for every single record (which seems like a bad idea if there are potentially dozens of items);
Send a DELETE where the ID's to delete are strung together in the URL (i.e., "/records/1;2;3");
In a non-REST way, send a custom JSON object containing the ID's marked for deletion.
All options are less than ideal.
This seems like a gray area of the REST convention.
Is a viable RESTful choice, but obviously has the limitations you have described.
Don't do this. It would be construed by intermediaries as meaning “DELETE the (single) resource at /records/1;2;3” — So a 2xx response to this may cause them to purge their cache of /records/1;2;3; not purge /records/1, /records/2 or /records/3; proxy a 410 response for /records/1;2;3, or other things that don't make sense from your point of view.
This choice is best, and can be done RESTfully. If you are creating an API and you want to allow mass changes to resources, you can use REST to do it, but exactly how is not immediately obvious to many. One method is to create a ‘change request’ resource (e.g. by POSTing a body such as records=[1,2,3] to /delete-requests) and poll the created resource (specified by the Location header of the response) to find out if your request has been accepted, rejected, is in progress or has completed. This is useful for long-running operations. Another way is to send a PATCH request to the list resource, /records, the body of which contains a list of resources and actions to perform on those resources (in whatever format you want to support). This is useful for quick operations where the response code for the request can indicate the outcome of the operation.
Everything can be achieved whilst keeping within the constraints of REST, and usually the answer is to make the "problem" into a resource, and give it a URL.
So, batch operations, such as delete here, or POSTing multiple items to a list, or making the same edit to a swathe of resources, can all be handled by creating a "batch operations" list and POSTing your new operation to it.
Don't forget, REST isn't the only way to solve any problem. “REST” is just an architectural style and you don't have to adhere to it (but you lose certain benefits of the internet if you don't). I suggest you look down this list of HTTP API architectures and pick the one that suits you. Just make yourself aware of what you lose out on if you choose another architecture, and make an informed decision based on your use case.
There are some bad answers to this question on Patterns for handling batch operations in REST web services? which have far too many upvotes, but ought to be read too.
If GET /records?filteringCriteria returns array of all records matching the criteria, then DELETE /records?filteringCriteria could delete all such records.
In this case the answer to your question would be DELETE /records?id=1&id=2&id=3.
I think Mozilla Storage Service SyncStorage API v1.5 is a good way to delete multiple records using REST.
Deletes an entire collection.
DELETE https://<endpoint-url>/storage/<collection>
Deletes multiple BSOs from a collection with a single request.
DELETE https://<endpoint-url>/storage/<collection>?ids=<ids>
ids: deletes BSOs from the collection whose ids that are in the provided comma-separated list. A maximum of 100 ids may be provided.
Deletes the BSO at the given location.
DELETE https://<endpoint-url>/storage/<collection>/<id>
This seems like a gray area of the REST convention.
Yes, so far I have only come accross one REST API design guide that mentions batch operations (such as a batch delete): the google api design guide.
This guide mentions the creation of "custom" methods that can be associated via a resource by using a colon, e.g., it also explicitly mentions batch operations as use case:
A custom method can be associated with a resource, a collection, or a service. It may take an arbitrary request and return an arbitrary response, and also supports streaming request and response. [...] Custom methods should use HTTP POST verb since it has the most flexible semantics [...] For performance critical methods, it may be useful to provide custom batch methods to reduce per-request overhead.
So you could do the following according to google's api guide:
POST /api/path/to/your/collection:batchDelete delete a bunch of items of your collection resource.
I've allowed for a wholesale replacement of a collection, e.g. PUT ~/people/123/shoes where the body is the entire collection representation.
This works for small child collections of items where the client wants to review a the items and prune-out some and add some others in and then update the server. They could PUT an empty collection to delete all.
This would mean GET ~/people/123/shoes/9 would still remain in cache even though a PUT deleted it, but that's just a caching issue and would be a problem if some other person deleted the shoe.
My data/systems APIs always use ETags as opposed to expiry times so the server is hit on each request, and I require correct version/concurrency headers to mutate the data. For APIs that are read-only and view/report aligned, I do use expiry times to reduce hits on origin, e.g. a leaderboard can be good for 10 mins.
For much larger collections, like ~/people, I tend not to need multiple delete, the use-case tends not to naturally arise and so single DELETE works fine.
In future, and from experience with building REST APIs and hitting the same issues and requirements, like audit, I'd be inclined to use only GET and POST verbs and design around events, e.g. POST a change of address event, though I suspect that'll come with its own set of problems :)
I'd also allow front-end devs to build their own APIs that consume stricter back-end APIs since there's often practical, valid client-side reasons why they don't like strict "Fielding zealot" REST API designs, and for productivity and cache layering reasons.
You can POST a deleted resource :). The URL will be
POST /deleted-records
and the body will be
{"ids": [1, 2, 3]}

RESTful Soft Delete

I'm trying to build a RESTful webapp wherein I utilize GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. But I had a question about the use of DELETE in this particular app.
A bit of background first:
My webapp manages generic entities that are also managed (and, it happens, always created) in another system. So within my webapp, each entity will be stored in the database with a unique key. But the way we will be accessing them through URLs is with the unique key of the other system.
A simple example will make this clear, I think. Take the URL /entity/1. This will display information for the entity with ID 1 in the other system, and not my own system. In fact, IDs in my system will be completely hidden. There will be no URL scheme for accessing the entity with ID of 1 in my own system.
Alright, so now that we know how my webapp is structured, let's return to deleting those entities.
There will be a way to 'delete' entities in my system, but I put quotes around it because it won't actually be deleting them from the database. Rather, it will flag them with a property that prevents it from appearing when you go to /entity/1.
Because of this, I feel like I should be using PUT ('deleting' in this way will be idempotent), since I am, from the perspective of the data, simply setting a property.
So, the question: does the RESTful approach have fidelity to the data (in which case it is clear that I am PUTing), or the representation of the data in the app (in which case it seems that I am DELETEing)?
You should use DELETE.
What you intend to do with your data is called "soft deleting": you set a flag and avoid flagged items from appearing. This is internal to your webapp and the user doesn't have to know that you're soft deleting instead of deleting or whatever you want to do. This is why you should use the DELETE verb.
I think there is no definitive answer. I'd rely on whether 1. the soft-delete, recover and destroy actions are an actual feature of your api OR 2. soft-delete is merely a "paranoid" database engineering pattern.
The "soft" deletion is transparent for the api client, in which case using the DELETE verb seems like the way to go
Everything is as if the item was to be removed once and for all, but engineers want to keep it somewhere in the database
Api clients have the ability to recover or destroy the soft deleted resource, in which case soft deletion and recovery can use POST on a different action url like /resource/:id/softdelete and the destroy action would be the one using DELETE.
Another way to go may be to use DELETE with no query parameter to soft delete, and add ?destroy=true to actually destroy. But this approach seems less explicit and more prone to errors.
The DELETE method has very specific semantics in HTTP, which must not be overloaded
or stretched by a REST API’s design. Specifically, an API should not distort the intended
meaning of DELETE by mapping it to a lesser action that leaves the resource, and its URI,
available to clients. For example, if an API wishes to provide a “soft” delete or some
other state-changing interaction, it should employ a special controller resource and
direct its clients to use POST instead of DELETE to interact.
Source: Rest-API Desgin Rule book by Mark Massé
POST: /entity/1/your-soft-delete-controller-name

RESTful Web Services: method names, input parameters, and return values?

I'm trying to develop a simple REST API. I'm still trying to understand the basic architectural paradigms for it. I need some help with the following:
"Resources" should be nouns, right? So, I should have "user", not "getUser", right?
I've seen this approach in some APIs: (returns list), (do something specific to a user). Is this approach good?
In most examples I've seen, the input and output values are usually just name/value pairs (e.g. color='red'). What if I wanted to send or return something more complex than that? Am I forced to deal with XML only?
Assume a PUT to /user/ method to add a new user to the system. What would be a good format for input parameter (assume the only fields needed are 'username' and 'password')? What would be a good response if the user is successful? What if the user has failed (and I want to return a descriptive error message)?
What is a good & simple approach to authentication & authorization? I'd like to restrict most of the methods to users who have "logged in" successfully. Is passing username/password at each call OK? Is passing a token considered more secured (if so, how should this be implemented in terms of expiration, etc.)?
For point 1, yes. Nouns are expected.
For point 2, I'd expect /users to give me a list of users. I'd expect /users/123 to give me a particular user.
For point 3, you can return anything. Your client can specify what it wants. e.g. text/xml, application/json etc. by using an HTTP request header, and you should comply as much as you can with that request (although you may only handle, say, text/xml - that would be reasonable in a lot of situations).
For point 4, I'd expect POST to create a new user. PUT would update an existing object. For reporting success or errors, you should be using the existing HTTP success/error codes. e.g. 200 OK. See this SO answer for more info.
the most important constraint of REST is the hypermedia constraint ("hypertext as the engine of application state"). Think of your Web application as a state machine where each state can be requested by the client (e.g. GET /user/1).Once the client has one such state (think: a user looking at a Web page) it sees a bunch of links that it can follow to go to a next state in the application. For example, there might be a link from the 'user state' that the client can follow to go to the details state.
This way, the server presents the client the application's state machine one state at a time at runtime. The clever thing: since the state machine is discovered at runtime on state at a time, the server can dynamically change the state machine at runtime.
Having said that...
on 1. the resources essentially represent the application states you want to present to the client. The will often closely match domain objects (e.g. user) but make sure you understand that the representations you provide for them are not simply serialized domain objects but states of your Web application.
Thinking in terms of GET /users/123 is fine. Do NOT place any action inside a URI. Although not harmful (it is just an opaque string) it is confusing to say the least.
on 2. As Brian said. You might want to take a look at the Atom Publishing Protocol RFC (5023) because it explains create/read/update cycles pretty well.
on 3. Focus on document oriented messages. Media types are an essential part of REST because they provide the application semantics (completely). Do not use generic types such as application/xml or application/json as you'll couple your clients and servers around the often implicit schema. If nothing fits your needs, just make up your own type.
Maybe you are interested in an example I am hacking together using UBL:
on 4. Normally, use POST /users/ for creation. Have a look at RFC 5023 - this will clarify that. It is an easy to understand spec.
on 5. Since you cannot use sessions (stateful server) and be RESTful you have to send credentials in every request. Various HTTP auth schemes handle that already. It is also important with regard to caching because the HTTP Authorization header has special specified semantics to caches (no public caching). If you stuff your credentials into a cookie, you loose that important piece.
All HTTP status codes have a certain application semantic. Use them, do not tunnel your own error semantics through HTTP.
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