flutterfire_ui blocking iOS release - flutter

So months ago I was trying to upload my Flutter app to the App Store (it's already on Android) but kept getting rejected because when the Apple testers tried to sign in with Apple on their emulators, it gave an error message. It worked fine on all physical devices. I gave up trying but now I'm back at it and wonder if anyone knows if there is some sort of firebase_auth / flutterfire_ui version combo that happens to work in every situation (apple, google, email sign-in). I've tried the latest versions of each and the issues still exist. If I can't figure this out I will have to write my own sign-in page from scratch, which I would rather not do.
Sounds like a bunch of others are having the same issues. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Thanks!


Appcelerator Live View Console.Log not working

Odd one this. Ever since upgrading to iOS10 and the latest Appcelerator SDK (5.5.0), I can't get even a simple console.log("hi!") to show anything in the console when I'm testing on an iPhone 6s Plus connected to my Mac via USB, using LiveView.
I've tried changing it to Ti.API.info("hi!") - which I believe is the old way to do it - to no avail. If I change it to alert("hi!"), that works fine. However, it's not as useful as console.log used to be when developing things which MUST be tested on a connected device (the camera, in my case).
I've Googled this, plus done extensive searching on StackOverflow.
It may be that this is so new that no-one has noticed yet.
Can anyone help?
It's a known issue. Apple changed something with the way they log data. The Appcelerator SDK has to be adapted to this changes. I'm pretty sure they'll fix it asap. You'll have to await an update.
Edit: Here is the corresponding jira ticket (https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-23786)

iOS 8.0.2 Library Not Loaded libswiftCore.dylib

I have an application that uses HealthKit and Swift in it, everything compiles and runs fine when I test it from Xcode on a simulator or a device. I tested, debugged it, and submitted it to the iTunes store. When the application was approved I downloaded the new version from the store and it crashed right away. This was extremely puzzling as I have never had this issue before. I look at the diagnostic and usage logs on my phone and the crash report for the application says this:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Reference from: /path/to/my/app
Reason: no suitable image found.
Did find: /path/to/my/app/Frameworks/libswiftCore.dylib: mmap() error 1 at address=0x100174000, size=0x0194000 segment=__TEXT in Segment::map()
Has anyone seen anything like this or know how to deal with it?
Thank you
The crashing issue magically fixed itself on the morning of October 4th, which tells me that this was an Apple issue. I have been emailing iTunes Connect Support, but they have not said one way or another what happened. I also opened a technical ticket without even a response back from Apple. This is pretty disappointing, not just for the fact that Apple is not being transparent about the issue, but also it makes me feel like I have no course of action later on down the road if this ever were to happen again.
Simply do the following two steps:
1) Delete the App from the device (or simulator)
2) Clean your workspace (CMD+SHIFT+K or via menu Product->Clean)
3) Build and run your app again.
Magically helps every time with all that startup / deploy stuff...
I also often get something like "application not found on device" or signing problems etc. Minutes before everything worked well.
This appears to possibly be a code signing issue on Apple's part, and the issue seems affect apps with embedded frameworks (including non-Swift apps). There are multiple accounts of developers being affected (myself included) who had only submitted an update, without changing any build settings. Some high profile apps appear to have been affected and tickets have been filed with Apple, but there has been no official response from them at this time.
EDIT: This has been confirmed.
The app was rejected, after making this change, for the same reason, however, I am confident that the problem has to do with a missing architecture version in the libswiftCore.
I am going to post this as the provisional answer.
Xcode 6 Standard architectures exclude armv7s
Notice how the error says: Did find: /path/to/my/app/Frameworks/libswiftCore.dylib
So it did find the lib but it also says: Reason: no suitable image found.
After running lipo against the archived build it didn't contain armv7s in the swift library, or in the app binary. I manually added it per the link above and the binary now contains support for armv7s though the swift library still did not. My app is in expedited review so I should get feedback farily quick. I will follow up when that does happen.
I had the exact same problem with one of my app version updates (FunKeyBoard 1.1).
After doing some research, looks like it was an Apple side issue for many apps updated on October 3rd. Apple fixed the issue on October 4th by releasing an update, same version number, without needing any fix/re-upload from the app developer.
Obviously an Apple side issue, but I'm surprised Apple is very quiet about it. Many developers, including myself, got angry emails from users, and poor app reviews, as a result.
This error typically occurs when signing Swift apps with certificates that lack "OU" (Organizational Unit). All certificates created after the release of iOS 8 should have this. The simple solution is to create a new certificate to sign with.
For more details, see the official Apple comment here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1886/_index.html
It seems that my on the iTunes store is now downloading and opening as expected. From what I have been reading in the Apple Developer Forums, other apps are also working now too. I have not received any word from Apple on why this happened or what caused this. I opened up a technical support ticket with them and I also contacted iTunes Connect support and there is no
explanation or any information on this issue being resolved. This is pretty poor customer service on their part.
I had the same problem. I removed support for arm64 and added armv7s and now apple review team approve the app.

IAP available in sandbox, but can not fetch it using "product id" after the app get online in appstore

I have tested all my IAP product in the sandbox environment, but after the app been approved by Apple's review team, it just do not work:
I downloaded and installed my app from the appstore, when I pressed the product, my app tried to fetch the product's information using the "product id" but got 0 result.
Then I deleted the app, and installed it using the Xcode, and the app worked pretty well, as you know, at this time it connected to the andbox.itunes.apple.com environment.
Does anyone have met such a problem? Can you help me please?
I'm experiencing exactly same issue right now. Having in mind you are asking same question 15 mins earlier than me, I may suggest this is something going weird on Apple's servers. I have googled this and looked for the similar questions here, and it appears that it takes some time before IAP are available. So I dropped message to Apple support, but I guess we need just wait some time.
Anybody met such a problem just have to wait for 2 days, be patient, this is an issue of Apple itself!

Can't update iPhone apps

After making an update to an iPad app I released some time ago, I've been getting reports that people are unable to actually update the app without deleting and re-installing. However, as far as I know, nothing in the update should be causing this. (All the update deals with is letting people email PDF documents, nothing major.) When people attempt to update, they're asked for their iTunes password, but after entering it, it merely goes back to the update screen and nothing happens. Additionally, it would seem that this only happens with my app, the people in question aren't having any issues with the other various apps on the App Store. Does anyone know what might be causing this and how I could fix it?
Thanks in advance!
(Also, if it matters, the app is a custom B2B app, the general public can't purchase it.)
I'm removing the text of my answer because it's so inaccurate it's embarrassing. I mistook "B2B" for "Enterprise" and answered based off of that. To make up for it, I'll look into the problem a bit more and if I find anything I will edit this answer accordingly.
Okay, I can see why you put a bounty for this question on SO; there's not really any data on a problem like this anywhere. Frankly, there's not much available information on B2B in general. I'll post what I found anyway, in case it can be of any help to you.
I found the details reason behind Maggie's question, there. Per Editing and Updating App Information:
Updates keep the same Apple ID and bundle ID, which means they are
associated with your first version and free to your customers
Also, apparently, "You can't change the CFBundleIdentifier of a released app if you want to release updates for it, the App Store will automatically reject it when you upload." which is something I can vouch for, having experienced this with a normal app. I do know that for a B2B app you do have to submit it to Apple for review, but I can't tell from the documentation I found if you need to actually submit it to the App Store, so it may not go through the various checks that normal apps go through, so this could be your problem.
Aside from that, according to the VPP guide, if your customers are installing the apps on the devices with Apple Configurator (broken right now, per app store reviews) the updates also have to be done with the Configurator. You haven't said that Configurator was involved, but I did find this tidbit.
• Use Apple Configurator to install apps on new or supervised devices.
Apple Configurator on a Mac makes it easy to mass configure and deploy
devices that are centrally controlled. Redemption code spreadsheets
acquired through the Volume Purchase Program can be imported by Apple
Configurator, tracking the number of apps installed on each device. To
update deployed apps using Apple Configurator, you must reconnect to
the same Mac from which the apps were installed. Learn more at
Anyway, good luck. Wish I could be more help.
What you are describing (assuming that it is accurate) would certainly be a bug on Apple's side. If users are trying to update the app and the update is not being processed, then in one way or another that is a bug that Apple needs to address. Nothing that you do as a developer should be able to cause that situation to happen. I would suggest contacting Apple and possibly filing a bug report.
It seems that apple wants you to develop the Iphone apps in the latest build. Sometimes this cause issues between realeases (diferent versions of Itunes, OSX, IOS, etc) when you try to update your apps.
Try to publish the app in the latest version of xcode.
That happens a lot in iphone development testing.
Hope this help.
When updating an app, iOS looks for the bundleId and if there is another app with the same bundleId, it updates the app with the highest version number. Maybe the version number is not set correctly or maybe people have issues because an other app (from the AppStore or an other B2B app) have the same bundleID but a higher version number.
I'm by far not an iPhone expert, but it seems something related might have been fixed in iOS 6.0.1.
Fixes a bug that prevents iPhone 5 from installing software updates
wirelessly over the air

"This game is not recognized by game center." iPhone Development

There are already a couple of questions on this but I followed their steps to solve it and it doesn't seem to work for me. Here's what I have done:
1. I double checked to have the bundle identifier in the xcode project to be the exact same as the provisioning profile found on the provisioning portal (it also says Game Center is enabled). No wildcards.
2. I have logged in using a sandboxed account to gamecenter (made 2 accounts incase one wasn't sandbox). I did see the word "sandbox" with some numbers/letters on the top left while signing up for an account, so I'm 100% sure I have a sandboxed account. Tried 2 different sandbox accounts. Tried on 2 different devices (ipad/iphone). Also tried on the iPhone simulator.
3. I have deleted my app from my iPhone many times and tried it again.
I'm running 4.3/xcode 4 on iPhone + iPad.
I'm still receiving the message. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
From memory (I battled with this recently)…
In addition to what you've already done, you have to setup your app (even if it's using a fake bundle ID) in ITC (iTunes Connect). This means you need to put in a name, category, a screenshot and a bunch of other stuff (you can just put dummy data in there for testing purposes). Then you need to create a version of your app, then enable Game Center on that version.
There might have been a few other important steps that I've forgotten, but in between the voodoo dancing and making sacrifices to the gods of iOS etc., that's all I can recall.
Deleting the old app from your device can sometimes help too. Looks like it stores some data with an app and will try to login to actual Game Center instead of Sandbox Mode.
This solved my problem when trying to add Game Center in an update.
This is how I solved the problem. I opened the Settings App, then select Game Center. At the bottom under Developer, turn on "Sandbox".
I had a similar problem. Make sure you have the exact same app version in xcode and ITC. For example, if you have 1.0 in xcode and 1 in ITC it will not work. The version is a string not a float, so 1.0 != 1.
My situation is , It showed "this game is not recognized by game center",and my ipad is jail-broken. so I uninstall Appsync 5.0+ in Cydia--> logout game center---> reinstall app, it's ok now
In my case, almost everything people had suggested was in already correct for my app.
My bundle IDs were correct, my iTunes Connect record was set up, etc. However, the version number of the build that had been uploaded to iTunes Connect was not recent (and didn't match the version I was building onto the test device).
After uploading a newer build to iTunes Connect with a matching version number, it appeared to fix the problem.
I'm not guaranteeing it won't break in the future (because the authentication seems to be very flaky and has worked previously, even with the old version record), but for now it seems to have solved the problem for me.
I learned from somewhere that if your machine(iphone or ipad) is jail-broken, it will assume you use the real game center without the sandbox one.
So, if your devices are jail-broken, just restore it, and give it a try.
Hope this will help you.