Publishing to Moodle forum via email - email

In Moodle 4.0, can I publish a message to a course forum (a course that I teach) without logging into my Moodle account, that is, by sending an email to some pre-specified address associated with the forum?

You can reply to a forum post via email but the admin will need to set up the Moodle site to receive incoming emails
Then maybe create a pinned forum topic, subscribe your students to it, then reply via email

You can do it if the admin has the setup configured in mail configuration settings (Site administration -> Server -> Email.)


use bigrock email in godaddy hosting

i have a open cart website on my go-daddy hosting, my C-panel email in go-daddy is having some issue and the go-daddy is working on it. till then i want to use the email of my BIG ROCK hosting.
i want to know the SMTP settings of Big Rock and the MX entry
When ever you login in to the CPANEL , you will get this notice on the top.
Attention! Please register your email IDs used in non-smtp mails through cpanel plugin. Unregistered email IDs will not be allowed in non-smtp emails sent through scripts.
Go to Mail section and find "Registered Mail IDs" plugin in paper_lantern theme.
Just follow these steps and it will work.

Magnolia cms Gmail configuration?

I want to be able to send emails from Magnolia CMS using a Gmail account. What are the steps to follow?
I am having authentication issue when trying to verify the setup by sending a test email.
Here are the steps for dummies:
Back in Magnolia, go to your user profile and provide an email. That’s where the test email will be sent to (see step 7) /admincentral#app:security:systemUsers;/:treeview:
Back in your Gmail account: settings: allow IMAP
Back in Magnolia, go to the mail app: /admincentral#app:mail:main;
Add your SMTP settings (auth via SSL worked for me) as described here
Always in Magnolia, try to send a test email: /admincentral#app:mail:verify;
Back in your Gmail account: receive that warning email from Google (see screenshot) & follow the link in that email to allow "less safe apps"
Back in Magnolia, try to send a test email again /admincentral#app:mail:verify;
Voila :)
Note: the /admincentral* are the url path to jump directly to the relevant section of admin central, this is only informative & hopefully will help you save time.
Magnolia CMS mail module:

cpanel/whm new email account welcome email

I've searched around a bit, but can't find anything close to this:
Any script or module out there for sending new EMAIL accounts created in cpanel a "welcome" email?
I can find info on customizing the welcome email when you create a new cpanel account (the one with all the account details), but not when creating new email accounts within cpanel.
Example: we create a new email account "" and when bob logs into this account for the 1st time there is an email in his inbox saying "Welcome Bob, heres some useful info..." or something like that.
I've read the cpanel API might be able to handle this, but I have no experience with it. I found this module from 2007 that looks close:
WHM don't have such option to fulfill your requirement but yes there are some api given to do so. The one you mentioned is Joomla plugin, there are some third party billing automation software available (such as WHMCS & Hostbill) which has that ability to do what you looking at.
Here is the API given by WHM and can be implement if you would like to try it out yourself

Jira send emails from user address

My Jira 4.3.2 instance sends emails from jira#{domain}.com. When user, for example Todd, makes a comment on an issue, I would like Jira to send the email from Todd's email address (todd#{domain}.com) rather than jira#{domain}.com.
Is this possible to configure? This is mainly so that users can hit Reply from their email client and email the person responsible for the comment.
From the JIRA documentation it looks as if you can only configure one "from" email address per project, not per user.
The advantage of having project specific email addresses is that you can configure email services that will automatically create or update JIRA issues from emails sent to them.

local email send in osCommerce

I have install osCommerce and Xampp, I am using Mercury Mail for local emails.
Now, how can i configure email setup in osCommerce, so that emails will be send to customers.
I have tried. to change the configure email setup by giving as and but emails are not sent in osCommerce system.
Where as i configure Thunderbird it perfectly working fine.
Do i need to change any other configuration files related to emails in osCommerce.
Rafee, you need to go to your admin panel, which is probably located at or or whatever you named "admin".
From there, you can adjust your OSC settings -- including mail that gets sent to you and to your customers. It doesn't matter what e-mail client you're using, whether it's MS Outlook or Mozilla, or whatever. It's all configurable through your admin panel.
If you have OSC version 2.3, which you should have if you don't, then I'd recommend an addon such as Contact Us Enhancement which is not only an enhancement for receiving e-mail, but also sending your customers the mail you're intending to send 'em (whether it's an invitation to create an account, a receipt, a thank you for the order, or whatever).