gtsummary's tbl_regression() returning odd result - gtsummary

I'm using gtsummary::tbl_regression to format the output of the following code:
dat.mi <- import(here("temp", "adTurn_mi.rds"))
fit1 <- glm(quit ~ sex + age + race + education + experience + tenure_sr +
salary + anymc + catcap + medi + nonpro + rural,
family = 'binomial',
weights = svy_weight,
data = complete(dat.mi)
) |>
tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE)
dat.mi is MICE data (unfortunately I can't provide a truly reproducible example as the data is confidential), but is completed in the call to the glm() function. tbl_regression formats everything beautifully, with the exception of one line, and I cannot figure out what that one line is doing or how to fix it. Instead of returning an exponentiated coeficient, it returns a string of numbers separated by commas (please see the Masters degree line in the attached image). Is this a known issue with a similarly known and easy fix? Or am I just really good at breaking stuff?


Spark, Scala, Databricks, combine and add columns

Using Spark/Scala to attempt a "simple" query. I have a file which, after line 1 below runs, looks like this
The first and third columns (EmpReg, RegPay) come from one source and the second and third columns (EmpOT, OTPay) come from a second source. My objective is output that looks like this.
Here is the code that I have been trying, at least what I have saved.
var q2 = q.join(q1, q("EmpReg") === q1("EmpOT"), "fullouter")
//q2 ="EmpReg", ($"RegPay" + $"OTPay"))
//q2 = q2.groupBy($"EmpReg".sum($"RegPay" + $"OTPay"))
var add =$"RegPay" + $"OTPay"))
//q2 = q2.sum("RegPay", "OTPay")
//q2 = q2.groupBy("EmpReg", "EmpOT")
//var q2 = q.join(q1).where("EmpReg") === "EmpOT"))
//q2 ="EmpReg").sum("RegPay", "OTPay")
[q] is the first file which represents regular pay. [q1] is the second file which represents overtime pay. [q2] is the combination shown in the first example above. Primary keys are [EmpReg] and [EmpOT]. don't really need to combine [EmpReg] and [EmpOT] since they are the same, and it doesn't make any difference which I use.
I really need to add [RegPay] and [OTPay] to get [Pay], but for the life of me I can't get it to work. The lines commented out return various errors. I can add the two pay columns, and select an appropriate employee column, but can't seem to do it in one query. I am constrained to use Scala on Databricks. Othewise, I might do something like this.
select q.EmpReg as Emp, (q.RegPay + q1.OTPay) as Pay
from q join q1 on q.EmpReg = q1.EmpOT
(Why can't things ever be simple?)
You can use a similar approach as in your SQL query:
val q2 = q.join(q1, q("EmpReg") === q1("EmpOT"), "fullouter")
val add ="EmpReg").as("Emp"), (q("RegPay") + q1("OTPay")).as("Pay"))
Your code has this line"EmpReg", ($"RegPay" + $"OTPay"))
which should work if you add $ before "EmpReg". You can't have both strings and columns in the select statement. This works in Python but not Scala.

Why do I get NA values after filtering a dataset and running a regression based on that set?

I am using the gpa1 dataset in R and am trying to filter out all instances where a student has worked less than or equal to 19 hours and does not volunteer or participate in any clubs. I can run the filter and save the data fine, and get the results I want (job19=1, clubs=0, and voluntr=0, but when I try to run a regression based on the new dataset the job19 values just come up as "NA"
This is the code that I used:
PTjob19 <- filter(gpa1, job19 == 1, voluntr == 0, clubs == 0)
olsreg9 <- lm(colGPA~job19 + age + male + hsGPA + ACT + siblings + skipped + fathcoll + mothcoll, data=PTjob19)
I expected that job19 would have some kind of value be it negative or positive, but the values were just listed as "NA." Cam someone please help?
So I figured this out. The reason I was getting an "NA" value was that I wasn't giving R anything to compare. I was trying to run a regression where people only worked less than 20 jobs, which of course R couldn't give me stats on.

Display a parameter on icon level from calculation prior to simulation

I want to have a parameter lets say n = 1 that is not displayed in the UI, but another parameter n_add = n + 1 is displayed at the icon of the model.
parameter Integer n = 1 "not to be displayed";
parameter Integer n_add = n + 1 "Displayed on the model";
On the icon level I write as text " %n_add " the result is not the calculation of n + 1 = "2", but rather the calculation to be done (literally "n+1"). The parameter n_add should be visible prior to simulation/initialization during the parametrization of the model.
Is this even possible?
Seems to be very similar to this: Displaying parameter in annotation in DYMOLA but this question is actually more compact to read, therefore the code that should solve your problem:
model showN1
parameter Integer n = 1 "not to be displayed";
final parameter Integer n_add = n + 1 "Displayed on the model";
annotation (Icon(graphics={Text(
textString="n_add = " + DynamicSelect("?", String(n_add)))}));
end showN1;
Prior to simulation is possible for values which are known prior to the simulation (e.g. parameters). DynamicSelect can also show values that change during simulation which have to be computed first. These are then read from the result file which is only available after the simulation has started.

partial Distance Based RDA - Centroids vanished from Plot

I am trying to fir a partial db-RDA with field.ID to correct for the repeated measurements character of the samples. However including Condition(field.ID) leads to Disappearance of the centroids of the main factor of interest from the plot (left plot below).
The Design: 12 fields have been sampled for species data in two consecutive years, repeatedly. Additionally every year 3 samples from reference fields have been sampled. These three fields have been changed in the second year, due to unavailability of the former fields.
Additionally some environmental variables have been sampled (Nitrogen, Soil moisture, Temperature). Every field has an identifier (field.ID).
Using field.ID as Condition seem to erroneously remove the F1 factor. However using Sampling campaign (SC) as Condition does not. Is the latter the rigth way to correct for repeated measurments in partial db-RDA??
df.exp <- data.frame(field.ID = factor(c(1:12,13,14,15,1:12,16,17,18)),
SC = factor(rep(c(1,2), each=15)),
F1 = factor(rep(rep(c("A","B","C","D","E"),each=3),2)),
Nitrogen = rnorm(30,mean=0.16, sd=0.07),
Temp = rnorm(30,mean=13.5, sd=3.9),
Moist = rnorm(30,mean=19.4, sd=5.8))
df.rsp <- data.frame(Spec1 = rpois(30, 5),
Spec2 = rpois(30,1),
Spec3 = rpois(30,4.5),
Spec4 = rpois(30,3),
Spec5 = rpois(30,7),
Spec6 = rpois(30,7),
Spec7 = rpois(30,5))
data=cbind(df.exp, df.rsp)
dbRDA <- capscale(df.rsp ~ F1 + Nitrogen + Temp + Moist + Condition(SC), df.exp); ordiplot(dbRDA)
dbRDA <- capscale(df.rsp ~ F1 + Nitrogen + Temp + Moist + Condition(field.ID), df.exp); ordiplot(dbRDA)
You partial out variation due to ID and then you try to explain variable aliased to this ID, but it was already partialled out. The key line in the printed output was this:
Some constraints were aliased because they were collinear (redundant)
And indeed, when you ask for details, you get
> alias(dbRDA, names=TRUE)
[1] "F1B" "F1C" "F1D" "F1E"
The F1? variables were constant within ID which already was partialled out, and nothing was left to explain.

Consolidating a data table in Scala

I am working on a small data analysis tool, and practicing/learning Scala in the process. However I got stuck at a small problem.
Assume data of type:
X Gr1 x_11 ... x_1n
X Gr2 x_21 ... x_2n
X GrK x_k1 ... x_kn
Y Gr1 y_11 ... y_1n
Y Gr3 y_31 ... y_3n
Y Gr(K-1) ...
Here I have entries (X,Y...) that may or may not exist in up to K groups, with a series of values for each group. What I want to do is pretty simple (in theory), I would like to consolidate the rows that belong to the same "entity" in different groups. so instead of multiple lines that start with X, I want to have one row with all values from x_11 to x_kn in columns.
What makes things complicated however is that not all entities exist in all groups. So wherever there's "missing data" I would like to pad with for instance zeroes, or some string that denotes a missing value. So if I have (X,Y,Z) in up to 3 groups, the type I table I want to have is as follows:
X x_11 x_12 x_21 x_22 x_31 x_32
Y y_11 y_12 N/A N/A y_31 y_32
Z N/A N/A z_21 z_22 N/A N/A
I have been stuck trying to figure this out, is there a smart way to use List functions to solve this?
I wrote this simple loop:
for {
(id, hitlist) <- hits.groupBy(_.acc)
h <- hitlist
} println(id + "\t" + h.sampleId + "\t" + h.ratios.mkString("\t"))
to able to generate the tables that look like the example above. Note that, my original data is of a different format and layout,but that has little to do with the problem at hand, thus I have skipped all steps regarding parsing. I should be able to use groupBy in a better way that actually solves this for me, but I can't seem to get there.
Then I modified my loop mapping the hits to ratios and appending them to one another:
for ((id, hitlist) <- hits.groupBy(_.acc)){
val l =[Double]()){
(l1: List[Double], l2: List[Double]) => l1 ::: l2
println(id + "\t" + l.mkString("\t"))
//println(id + "\t" + h.sampleId + "\t" + h.ratios.mkString("\t"))
That gets me one step closer but still no cigar! Instead of a fully padded "matrix" I get a jagged table. Taking the example above:
X x_11 x_12 x_21 x_22 x_31 x_32
Y y_11 y_12 y_31 y_32
Z z_21 z_22
Any ideas as to how I can pad the table so that values from respective groups are aligned with one another? I should be able to use _.sampleId, which holds the "group membersip" for each "hit", but I am not sure how exactly. ´hits´ is a List of type Hit which is practically a wrapper for each row, giving convenience methods for getting individual values, so essentially a tuple which have "named indices" (such as .acc, .sampleId..)
(I would like to solve this problem without hardcoding the number of groups, as it might change from case to case)
This is a bit of a contrived example, but I think you can see where this is going:
case class Hit(acc:String, subAcc:String, value:Int)
val hits = List(Hit("X", "x_11", 1), Hit("X", "x_21", 2), Hit("X", "x_31", 3))
val kMax = 4
val nMax = 2
for {
(id, hitlist) <- hits.groupBy(_.acc)
k <- 1 to kMax
n <- 1 to nMax
} yield {
val subId = "x_%s%s".format(k, n)
val row = hitlist.find(h => h.subAcc == subId).getOrElse(Hit(id, subId, 0))
If you provide more information on your hits lists then we could probably come with something a little more accurate.
I have managed to solve this problem with the following code, I am putting it here as an answer in case someone else runs into a similar problem and requires some help. The use of find() from Noah's answer was definitely very useful, so do give him a +1 in case this code snippet helps you out.
val samples = hits.groupBy(_.sampleId).keys.toList.sorted
for ((id, hitlist) <- hits.groupBy(_.acc)) {
val ratios =
for (sample <- samples)
yield hitlist.find(h => h.sampleId == sample).map(_.ratios)
.getOrElse(List(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN))
println(id + "\t" + ratios.flatten.mkString("\t"))
I figure it's not a very elegant or efficient solution, as I have two calls to groupBy and I would be interested to see better solutions to this problem.