Display a parameter on icon level from calculation prior to simulation - modelica

I want to have a parameter lets say n = 1 that is not displayed in the UI, but another parameter n_add = n + 1 is displayed at the icon of the model.
parameter Integer n = 1 "not to be displayed";
parameter Integer n_add = n + 1 "Displayed on the model";
On the icon level I write as text " %n_add " the result is not the calculation of n + 1 = "2", but rather the calculation to be done (literally "n+1"). The parameter n_add should be visible prior to simulation/initialization during the parametrization of the model.
Is this even possible?

Seems to be very similar to this: Displaying parameter in annotation in DYMOLA but this question is actually more compact to read, therefore the code that should solve your problem:
model showN1
parameter Integer n = 1 "not to be displayed";
final parameter Integer n_add = n + 1 "Displayed on the model";
annotation (Icon(graphics={Text(
textString="n_add = " + DynamicSelect("?", String(n_add)))}));
end showN1;
Prior to simulation is possible for values which are known prior to the simulation (e.g. parameters). DynamicSelect can also show values that change during simulation which have to be computed first. These are then read from the result file which is only available after the simulation has started.


Libreoffice calc - how to write a same value into a range

I know how to 'select' a range in LO ( Calc BASIC ....
But how to write a value, e.g. "1", into that range using BASIC?
myRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByName("D1:H6")
myRange.Value = 1
Gives an "property or method not found" error. But I can't find any properties or values to go after Range to allow me to do what I want. Flailing around and trying
myRange.setValue = 1
myRange.writeValue = 1
myRange.setString = "1"
and numerous other variants don't work either.
Would really appreciate the solution. Thanks.
You can edit the value of an individual cell, but not the entire range. You will have to iterate over all the cells in the range one at a time, changing the value of each of them.
Sub Set1ToD1H6
myRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByName("D1:H6")
For i = 0 To myRange.getRows().getCount()-1
For j = 0 To myRange.getColumns().getCount()-1
myRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).setValue(1)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
But since the read-write operation to a cell is comparable in time to the read-write operation to a whole range, it is preferable to use another method - to prepare data in an array and write from it to a range in one operation:
Sub Set1ToRange
myRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByName("D1:H6")
dataOfRange = myRange.getData()
For i = LBound(dataOfRange) To UBound(dataOfRange)
For j = LBound(dataOfRange(i)) To UBound(dataOfRange(i))
dataOfRange(i)(j) = 1
Next j
Next i
End Sub
(For your example, this will be approximately 30 times faster, for a larger range the time winnings will be even more significant)
The .getData() and .setData() methods work on numeric range values. To work with text strings (and numbers), use .getDataArray() and .setDataArray(), for working with cell formulas use .getFormulaArray() and .setFormulaArray()

Export one dataset each replication from a Parameter Variations experiment

In a parameter variation experiment I am plotting data from a dataset located in Main. Like this:
I use the following code to display data in the plot:
if(root.p_X == 7) {
"X = " + root.p_X,
transparent(red, 0.5), true, Chart.INTERPOLATION_LINEAR,
1, Chart.POINT_NONE);
else if(root.p_X == 14) {
"X = " + root.p_X,
transparent(red, 0.5), true, Chart.INTERPOLATION_LINEAR,
1, Chart.POINT_NONE);
My question is related to exporting the underlying data. I am not sure what the best way is to export the data. For each simulation run, I want to export dataset root.ds_waitTime to a csv or excel file, annotated with the value of root.p_X == 14. I know you can add datasets to a 2d histogram dataset, but this also transforms the data, so that doesn't seem a good option. Also, I do not have set up an external database, and I'd prefer not to.
Is it possible to save root.ds_waitTime to column 1 and 2 for simulation run 1, to column 3 and 4 for simulation run 2, and so on?
In the Experiment window do the following:
Add a variable called i and assign 0 as its initial value
Add an Excel File element and link it to the file you want on your PC in its properties. Name the block "excelFile" which is the default name.
Then, in the Experiment window properties under "Java Actions" in the field "After Simulation Run", use the following code (where dataSet is the name of your dataset):
excelFile.writeDataSet(dataSet, 1, 2, 1 + i*2);
This way, after each simulation run, the dataset is written to the next 2 rows.
The syntax I used refers to the:
Sheet Number i.e. 1
Row Number i.e. 2; I use 2 to leave space for a top row in which you can add in your headers outside AnyLogic, to the file directly
Column Number i.e. 1 + i*2
For the header row, you can alternatively add the following code:
excelFile.setCellValue(dataset name, 1, 1, 1 + i*2);

partial Distance Based RDA - Centroids vanished from Plot

I am trying to fir a partial db-RDA with field.ID to correct for the repeated measurements character of the samples. However including Condition(field.ID) leads to Disappearance of the centroids of the main factor of interest from the plot (left plot below).
The Design: 12 fields have been sampled for species data in two consecutive years, repeatedly. Additionally every year 3 samples from reference fields have been sampled. These three fields have been changed in the second year, due to unavailability of the former fields.
Additionally some environmental variables have been sampled (Nitrogen, Soil moisture, Temperature). Every field has an identifier (field.ID).
Using field.ID as Condition seem to erroneously remove the F1 factor. However using Sampling campaign (SC) as Condition does not. Is the latter the rigth way to correct for repeated measurments in partial db-RDA??
df.exp <- data.frame(field.ID = factor(c(1:12,13,14,15,1:12,16,17,18)),
SC = factor(rep(c(1,2), each=15)),
F1 = factor(rep(rep(c("A","B","C","D","E"),each=3),2)),
Nitrogen = rnorm(30,mean=0.16, sd=0.07),
Temp = rnorm(30,mean=13.5, sd=3.9),
Moist = rnorm(30,mean=19.4, sd=5.8))
df.rsp <- data.frame(Spec1 = rpois(30, 5),
Spec2 = rpois(30,1),
Spec3 = rpois(30,4.5),
Spec4 = rpois(30,3),
Spec5 = rpois(30,7),
Spec6 = rpois(30,7),
Spec7 = rpois(30,5))
data=cbind(df.exp, df.rsp)
dbRDA <- capscale(df.rsp ~ F1 + Nitrogen + Temp + Moist + Condition(SC), df.exp); ordiplot(dbRDA)
dbRDA <- capscale(df.rsp ~ F1 + Nitrogen + Temp + Moist + Condition(field.ID), df.exp); ordiplot(dbRDA)
You partial out variation due to ID and then you try to explain variable aliased to this ID, but it was already partialled out. The key line in the printed output was this:
Some constraints were aliased because they were collinear (redundant)
And indeed, when you ask for details, you get
> alias(dbRDA, names=TRUE)
[1] "F1B" "F1C" "F1D" "F1E"
The F1? variables were constant within ID which already was partialled out, and nothing was left to explain.

sum two values from different datasets using lookups in report builder

I have a report that should read values from 2 dataset by Currency:
Dataset1: Production Total
Dataset2: Net Total
Ive tried to use:
This returns only the first amount from dataset 2.
I've tried Lookupset function as well but it didn't SUM the retrieved values.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Jamie for the reply.
THis is what i have done and it worked perfect:
From Report Properties--> Code , write the below function:
Function SumLookup(ByVal items As Object()) As Decimal
If items Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim suma As Decimal = New Decimal()
Dim ct as Integer = New Integer()
suma = 0
ct = 0
For Each item As Object In items
suma += Convert.ToDecimal(item)
If (ct = 0) Then return 0 else return suma
End Function
Then you can call the function:
code.SumLookup(LookupSet(Fields!Currency_Type.Value, Fields!Currency_Type1.Value,Fields!Gross_Premium_Amount.Value, "DataSet2"))
Yes, Lookup will only return the first matching value. Three options come to mind:
Change your query, so that you only need to get one value: use a GROUP BY and SUM(...) to combine your two rows in the query. If you are using this query other places, then make a copy and change that.
Is there some difference in the rows? Such as one is for last year and one is for this year? If so, create an artificial lookup key and lookup the two values separately:
=Lookup(Fields!Currency_Type.Value & ","
& YEAR(DATEADD(DateInterval.Year,-1,today())),
Fields!Currency_Type1.Value & ","
& Fields!Year.Value,
Lookup(Fields!Currency_Type.Value & ","
& YEAR(today()),
Fields!Currency_Type1.Value & ","
& Fields!Year.Value,
Use the LookupSet function as mentioned. With this you'll get a collection of the values back, and then need to add those together. The easiest way to do this is with embedded code in the report. Add this function to the report's code:
Function AddList(ByVal items As Object()) As Double
If items Is Nothing Then
Return 0
End If
Dim Total as Double
Total = 0
For Each item As Object In items
Total = Total + CDbl(item)
Return Total
End Function
Now call that with:
(Note: this code was not tested. I just composed it in the Stack Overflow edit window & I'm no fan of VB. But it should give you a good idea of what to do.)

Why are products called minterms and sums called maxterms?

Do they have a reason for doing so? I mean, in the sum of minterms, you look for the terms with the output 1; I don't get why they call it "minterms." Why not maxterms because 1 is well bigger than 0?
Is there a reason behind this that I don't know? Or should I just accept it without asking why?
The convention for calling these terms "minterms" and "maxterms" does not correspond to 1 being greater than 0. I think the best way to answer is with an example:
Say that you have a circuit and it is described by X̄YZ̄ + XȲZ.
"This form is composed of two groups of three. Each group of three is a 'minterm'. What the expression minterm is intended to imply it that each of the groups of three in the expression takes on a value of 1 only for one of the eight possible combinations of X, Y and Z and their inverses." http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mastascu/elessonshtml/Logic/Logic2.html
So what the "min" refers to is the fact that these terms are the "minimal" terms you need in order to build a certain function. If you would like more information, the example above is explained in more context in the link provided.
Edit: The "reason they used MIN for ANDs, and MAX for ORs" is that:
In Sum of Products (what you call ANDs) only one of the minterms must be true for the expression to be true.
In Product of Sums (what you call ORs) all the maxterms must be true for the expression to be true.
min(0,0) = 0
min(0,1) = 0
min(1,0) = 0
min(1,1) = 1
So minimum is pretty much like logical AND.
max(0,0) = 0
max(0,1) = 1
max(1,0) = 1
max(1,1) = 1
So maximum is pretty much like logical OR.
In Sum Of Products (SOP), each term of the SOP expression is called a "minterm" because,
say, an SOP expression is given as:
F(X,Y,Z) = X'.Y'.Z + X.Y'.Z' + X.Y'.Z + X.Y.Z
for this SOP expression to be "1" or true (being a positive logic),
ANY of the term of the expression should be 1.
thus the word "minterm".
i.e, any of the term (X'Y'Z) , (XY'Z') , (XY'Z) or (XYZ) being 1, results in F(X,Y,Z) to be 1!!
Thus they are called "minterms".
On the other hand,
In Product Of Sum (POS), each term of the POS expression is called a "maxterm" because,
say an POS expression is given as: F(X,Y,Z) = (X+Y+Z).(X+Y'+Z).(X+Y'+Z').(X'+Y'+Z)
for this POS expression to be "0" (because POS is considered as a negative logic and we consider 0 terms), ALL of the terms of the expression should be 0. thus the word "max term"!!
i.e for F(X,Y,Z) to be 0,
each of the terms (X+Y+Z), (X+Y'+Z), (X+Y'+Z') and (X'+Y'+Z) should be equal to "0", otherwise F won't be zero!!
Thus each of the terms in POS expression is called a MAXTERM (maximum all the terms!) because all terms should be zero for F to
be zero, whereas any of the terms in POS being one results in F to be
one. Thus it is known as MINTERM (minimum one term!)
I believe that AB is called a minterm is because it occupies the minimum area on a Venn diagram; while A+B is called a MAXTERM because it occupies a maximum area in a Venn diagram. Draw the two diagrams and the meanings will become obvious
Ed Brumgnach
Here is another way to think about it.
A product is called a minterm because it has minimum-satisfiability where as a sum is called a maxterm because it has maximum-satisfiability among all practically interesting boolean functions.
They are called terms because they are used as the building-blocks of various canonical representations of arbitrary boolean functions.
Note that '0' and '1' are the trivial boolean functions.
Assume a set of boolean variables x1,x2,...,xk and a non-trivial boolean function f(x1,x2,...,xk).
Conventionally, an input is said to satisfy the boolean function f, whenever f holds a value of 1 for that input.
Note that there are exactly 2^k inputs possible, and any non-trivial boolean-function can satisfy a minimum of 1 input to a maximum of 2^k -1 inputs.
Now consider the two simple boolean functions of interest: sum of all variables S, and product of all variables P (variables may/may-not appear as complements). S is one boolean function that has maximum-satisfiability hence called as maxterm, where as P is the one having minimum-satisfiability hence called a minterm.