Unknown namespace: "sap.ui.core.mvc" - UI5 Language Assistant - sapui5

Can someone help me with this error? What should I do?

The issue has been reported at https://github.com/SAP/ui5-language-assistant/issues/487 as well as same question asked at Warning "Unkown namespace: sap.ui.core.mvc" - how to fix it?
The UI5 Language Assistant extension from the VSCode marketplace should contain several important fixes and enhancements by now. Simply update the extension and restart VSCode.


Can't login into GitHub account from IntelliJ-like IDE

I don't understand what's wrong. On stable branch (not EAP) the same problem.
I encountered a problem: the wrong default browser is installed on the system
Please contact PhpStorm support via Help | Contact Support attaching your logs (Help > Show log in ..). Not much I can advise right now: no similar reports on our end.

Angular Language Service working in one project but not another

I have two angular projects, open in separate VS Code instances.
In one of the project, auto-completions and click-follows in templates works just fine.
In the other, it does not work at all.
I can't for the love of god figure out what the difference between these projects is. tsconfig.json is exactly the same in both. One is angular 8.1 the other is 8.0 (the 8.0 is the working one).
Any ideas what is going on here, and in general, how to debug this kind issue in general, would be highly appreciated!
i have de same problem and after check i see that:
the version of angular language service has a bug so, the solution at the moment is downgrade the #angular/language-service to version 8.0.3.
to do that execute: npm i --save-dev #angular/language-service#8.0.3

Why is my Google Cloud Platform for Eclipse resulting in Error Not Found?

I upgraded Eclipse and moved to Google Cloud Platform for Eclipse for my existing Standard App Engine project. I also moved to Java 8.
Now, when I deploy my app, the size shown in the console is only 7.1mb vs. 220mb prior to the upgrade. And when I try to go to the app after deployment I get an Error: Not Found message.
Is there something in the setup for my new configuration that would be causing this?
Your question is indeed somewhat broad; you'll need to provide all necessary detail. A correspondingly general information page might help here, though, namely Eclipse "How-to Guides".
Have you adapted and re-written your app for Java 8? If so, in which way? Have you edited your app.yaml configuration file accordingly?
Cloud Tools for Eclipse writes out the app-to-be-deployed to a directory in your workspace called <workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/com.google.cloud.tools.eclipse.appengine.deploy/tmp/<timestamp>/staging-work/exploded-war, where <timestamp> is the time of the last two deploys. Look at the exploded-war directory and see what files are missing. You may then get a better sense of what needs to be remediated.

WordPress CLI error: Callable "Queue_Command" does not exist, and cannot be registered as `wp queue`

I have a server that hosts several WordPress sites. I use wpcli to update plugins in all of the sites, both manually and with a bash script.
One site has just started throwing an error:
Error: Callable "Queue_Command" does not exist, and cannot be registered as `wp queue`.
I have searched and found nothing at all that matches this error. Can anyone here explain what is causing it?
The site in question is running Wordpress 4.9.5 and WooCommerce 3.3.5, in case that is relevant.
RESOLVED - the new Mailchimp for Woocommerce version 2.1.7 has this issue fixed
So far it seems like the issue is caused by Mailchimp for Woocommerce plugin. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/cron-error-10/
Check if you have that plugin installed and see if removing/disabling it resolves the issue. After that we should check with the plugin developers if they can fix the actual cause of this.

Unable to select the golang sdk in Intellij IDE

I am following the following blog to configure my golang environment (OS-X machine):
But, whenever I try to add go sdk (installed at /usr/local/go), it appear blank selection for the SDK.
Please suggest me, if I am missing something.
This page lists the SDKs which have already been configured in IntelliJ IDEA. You need to press the "Configure..." button and point the plugin to your SDK installation. Once you do this, it will become available in the SDK list for new project creation.
I would suggest to use the following for writing golang application:
If you want to use IDEA with golang, we've made a lot of progress in the past months. Please install the latest release from github releases and give it a try.
As the name suggests, there are a few issues here and there but it should work much better that the current release of the plugin.
You'll find it a class over the other offerings for writing go apps ;) (disclaimer I'm one of the contributors to the plugin, I'm very biased)