Visual Studio Code—Bulk Import of Files into a Project - visual-studio-code

I have an existing Web site with over 65,000 static HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MIDI, OGG, JPEG & PDF files. I’ve been managing the site with Front Page, and now Expression Web 4 (EW4), for many years, but Microsoft has dropped support for EW4, so I’m shopping around for software to take its place.
I’m currently looking at Visual Studio Code (VSC). The tutorials/videos I’ve seen show how to add files to a VSC project one at a time, but that’s obviously unrealistic with a very large Web site.
So my question is this: Can I import all my Web site files into a VSC project in a single operation?
Ideally, I'd like to do something like drag the top level Web site folder into the VSC workspace, then let VSC import all 65K+ files in one fell swoop. I don’t see a way to do that, though it’s entirely possible I’ve missed it. With the current state of my knowledge, reading through all the VSC material online feels like sipping from a fire hose!


Is open source? What is different between monaco-editor and

I wanna create a website similar to, as I see (thru google chrome dev tools) it used internally monaco-editor, but also it has files structure navigation, tabs and so on, so its more similar to, I have tried found source code of this site, but I cannot, does it private? Does codesandbox write its own separate code for managing tabs and file structure?
P.S. I talking mostly about frontend related part of it, not the backend.

Deploying .lib file in the Salesforce org

I am using this code: to compile on my org.
I have got one components as eventLib.lib and interactive.js in eventLib folder. I have put this folder in c:MyDevOrg\force-app\main\default\aura folder in the local machine and tried to deploy in the org using VSCode but it didn't work.
I tried creating folder in the Files tab and added the interactive.js in the folder but that is also not seeming to work with the Aura components.
How can I deploy this lib into the org as it is being used in some Aura components.
We don't know what you're trying to achieve. You asked a very technical question to which the answer is "you're probably doing it wrong". Instead try to write what business functionality you are trying to achieve and you might get better answers.
You shouldn't have to import ui:eventLib. It's supposed to be part of core Salesforce's Aura components framework. But.
You've referenced a repo that wasn't updated in a while, no promises this still compiles / is best way to do X.
This repo seems to rely on open source Aura framework which is well... dead in the water.
You might be able to reuse something from this repo in your app using SF's built-in tags - but whole ui: library has been deprecated. Announced in Winter'20 = almost 2 years ago, finally dead in May 2021.
I don't think eventLib was ever exposed, might be something needed just in open source version which complicates the matter more. The answer would be to not work with the really "decompiled" tags but with their higher abstracted versions like ui:inputDate.
So, back to my question. What exactly are you trying to achieve.
You want to build something on pure SF platform (use pure Aura/LWC).
Want to have an app written in Angular, React etc, pure JS, connecting to SF data via API? (build it, upload as static resourcethen import using lightning:container)
want to prettify an existing Java/PHP/.NET app, make it look more Lightning-ish and embed it as iframe? (look into and connected apps + "canvas")
want to expose piece of SF as reusable element that can be embedded in another website but could even be an Outlook plugin? (search for "lightning out")
want to look at modern equivalent of that old open source Aura repo and decide what to do next? Check out.

Storing Reference Files that Are Not a Part of the Program

I am working on a Firefox extension it is a context menu for automating bbCode, HTML, MarkDown, etc.
It is functional now, but I have a file which is the size of the rest of the code combined, an Excel spreadsheet. (Yes, I know, lame)
I use it as a database for organizing the menu IDs, arguments, internationalization, etc.
It's useful, for me at least, and I want to make it available, but it is not properly a part of the application, it should be a part of the background documentation.
Is there a way in Github/Git to separate documentary files from those that a part of execution of the code?
I've looked through Github, and I haven't found a spot (with revision control) to put this.

Is TFS Source Control really feasible for Dynamics CRM?

I'd really like to get a CRM solution under source control but there are a lot of issues. I was excited to see the SolutionPackager tool - thinking MS finally gave us a way to do this. However the tools to export the solution, extract it to files and check it into source control are not integrated. I'm working on a C# project that ties everything together because it's easier to work with the APIs in a single C# solution than deal with a combination of command line utilities such as tf.exe, PowerShell commandlets and plain old .cmd files.
Source files for plugins and Silverlight pages are easy to deal with but I'm looking to get all of the customizations under source control. SolutionPackager works well for tracking customizations made in the CRM interface, but fails in a lot of other areas. I want to create VS solutions for my web resources and reports but I have issues with the VS project and solution structures. SolutionPackager expects to find things where it puts them for repackaging and I'm sure it would not like to see a bunch of .sln, .csproj and .vspscc files interspersed with them.
I figured putting the VS solutions in a separate folder would be the answer but it's not easy. If I create a project for my web resources and try to put my existing .html, .css and .js files into it it wants to copy those into the project folder. I have to remember to use "Add As Link" each time. Worse yet, if I try to do the same with SSRS reports, the "Add As Link" feature isn't even available.
Has anyone done this successfully? I'm open to any suggestions.
I have seen below link but i have not get chance to implement it.when i have try it will post information.

What tool can be used to create plugin/addon for bookmark requirement

I've to create plugin or add-on for my official community site.
There should be a button at browser, which should extend a form, which can add the current url as a bookmark with interaction from user with some more inputs, in turn that should be recorded into excel sheet in local drive. I've VBA code to extract data from the community url to excel sheet. Now, I've to create browser control to enable user direct url to fetch the data.
My control should be activated (i.e. toolbar button) based on url, so what should i create, a plugin or add-on ? i want my control not to affect browser performance or user experience.
Based on reply for 2, what tool should i use to create plugin/add-on which should be compatible across browsers ?
I've gone thro' Fire-breath demo, code capability with Visual studio, which was nice, but still missing some knowledge about visual studio, what to package of visual studio install and what language to use, it would be better if it is Visual basic ?
At last, is it possible to place control (i.e. button) inside the webpage to activate my code, if so, which one is capable of doing it, add-on or plugin ? workflow in nutshell to achieve that...
Thanks a lot
First, a few things to understand:
A browser plugin is something that is instantiated in one of two ways:
Injected into the DOM in an object or embed tag
Instantiated by the browser to open a page with a specific mimetype
Browser plugins don't know anything about the browser, the URL bar, the bookmarks, the context menus, browser dialogs, browser chrome, browser events, etc. Browser plugins only know anything about the current page. Browser plugins cannot change browser settings
Browser plugins are DLLs; they can't easily be written in Visual Basic. While it might be possible, I've never seen one, and you'd have to learn a lot about NPAPI plugins before you could do that. You'd also probably have to write one for IE, one for IE, etc.
In other words, what you need is not a plugin. Firebreath is not going to help you much, if at all. Some extensions (also called add-ons) use a npapi plugin to provide functionality that they cannot do on their own. For more information see
With that information, I recommend you think about it and create a new, more specific question for what you need to know next. I don't know extensions, I do plugins. Actually, once you break down what you need to do into some smaller questions you'll probably find others who have ask most of them and you can find the answers with simple searches. Your main problem is that you don't yet understand the technologies you need to use. Hopefully this has helped.