Unable to download Katalon studio to my pc - katalon-studio

I am beginer and unable to install Katalon. It is redirecting to katalon testops. But I need to install in my PC. Can anyone please help me to install Katalon.


Trying to download and install Visual Studio Code. Instead of extracting files it's detecting that Visual Studio code applications (3 of it) is open

I do not understand what is wrong, I uninstalled it, restart and install again but failed.
I uninstalled it, restart and install again but failed.

! Unable to locate a Windows 10 SDK. If building fails, install the Windows 10 SDK in Visual Studio

I'm experiencing below error in my Wondows 10 PC during flutter installation.
I'm attaching pictures as well. I retried removal and reinstallation below versions as well as version 11 SDK.
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.20348.0)
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.0)
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.18362.0)
"! Unable to locate a Windows 10 SDK. If building fails, install the Windows 10 SDK in Visual Studio."
As I'm using office PC I can not reinstall windows in any way. Can anyone suggest me solution please?
I tried reinstallation as well as tried some forum solutions. Nothing worked for me!
I had the same issue and resolved it by installing Visual Studio Build Tools.
The Flutter documentation at https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/windows#windows-setup advises to install either Visual Studio or Visual Studio Build Tools. Be sure to include the "Desktop development with C++" component when installing (you'll see it as an option during the installation process).

VsCode does not recognized android sdk tools

iam trying to connect my android device via wifi in VsCode.
I installed the extension "Android ADB WLAN" and when i push the connection button it shows the following error: "ADB does not exist, please install manually and configure the environment".
I have searched the ethernet and installed the android sdk tools via brew and in android studio but it still shows the error and i don`t know how to make the configuration for the environment.
Let me know if you need more information,

How to write test script in eclipse for appium using Appcenter & AWS as a device farm?

I have used the followings.
- Eclipse for IDE
- Framework Appium
- Language Java
- Android SDK
- Maven for build
- Appium server
I have downloaded a sample project from Sample project configured all the things but getting error. error screenshot
I tried all the above mentioned steps but unable to execute. Can anybody help me out so that I can proceed further with appium.
It looks like the project is trying to use appium-adb package and it is not installed.
Can you try running npm install appium-adb and then run the tests again?
Please let me know if the same error happens again after install.

how to debug nativescript with visual studio code IDE?

I am developing a app with nativescript.
I am using Visual Studio as IDE.
But I cannot debug in the IDE.
When I press F5 key...
[NativeScript-Debug-Adapter] NativeScript CLI not found. Use 'nativescript.tnsPath' workspace setting to explicitly set the absolute path to the NativeScript CLI.
I don't solve the problem.
Please help me.
Thanks for your attention.
The error tells you, that you haven't installed the Nativescript Cli. You can simply install it via npm install -g nativescript.
You can check the docs, how to install here
How the VisualStudio code integration works is described here