How to write test script in eclipse for appium using Appcenter & AWS as a device farm? - eclipse

I have used the followings.
- Eclipse for IDE
- Framework Appium
- Language Java
- Android SDK
- Maven for build
- Appium server
I have downloaded a sample project from Sample project configured all the things but getting error. error screenshot
I tried all the above mentioned steps but unable to execute. Can anybody help me out so that I can proceed further with appium.

It looks like the project is trying to use appium-adb package and it is not installed.
Can you try running npm install appium-adb and then run the tests again?
Please let me know if the same error happens again after install.


Error compiling MAUI project - missing MonoAOTCompiler.Task

I'm creating a MAUI application targeting iOS and Android. I have been using Visual Studio 2022 for Mac version 17.3. That version doesn't really support archiving the app, so I installed version 17.4 preview 2.1. When I try to compile my app I get the following error:
Unable to find Microsoft.NET.Runtime.MonoAOTCompiler.Task
I found a post that indicated I should run the command:
dotnet add package Microsoft.NET.Runtime.MonoAOTCompiler.Task --version 7.0.0-rc.2.22472.3
When I run that command in terminal I get the error:
error: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'version')
Everything I have found indicated that the problem should have been fixed in Preview 2.1 of Visual Studio 2022 for Mac, but it is still occurring.
Can anyone help me resolve this? I need to publish my app to the stores and can't get it to compile in release mode or create the archive because of that.
You need to add the package to your project.
First, you should right click your project name and choose the Manage Nuget packages button.
Second, you can search the package Microsoft.NET.Runtime.MonoAOTCompiler.Task and install it.
Then you successfully add the package to your project.

Flutter Integration testing failing when moving between tests

Currently in my project I am adding multiple integration tests separated in different files. When trying to run all tests running using flutter test integration test, it gives me this error when moving between tests
Error waiting for a debug connection: The log reader stopped unexpectedly, or never started.
TestDeviceException(Unable to start the app on the device.)
This error never occurs when running it on an iOS or Android emulator, but as this is a desktop application, I need to get the tests building on Linux which is where the error is occurring.
maybe this can help you:
sdk version . choose win 11 sdk(10.0.22000.0) in visual studio installer
windows 11 need choose win 11 sdk(10.0.22000.0)
I haven't been able to get my desktop integration tests to work with a single command but if I write each test out as its own command, it works:
flutter test integration_test/features/fast_booking/fast_booking_test.dart --dart-define=FLAVOR=staging --dart-define=FLUTTER_TEST=true;flutter test integration_test/features/appointments/book_appointment_test.dart --dart-define=FLAVOR=staging --dart-define=FLUTTER_TEST=true
It's not the prettiest solution and I'm hoping the Flutter team releases an official solution.
Related Issues
Most of these are Windows specific but they don't solve the problem on MacOS.

Can you please help me with my Eclipse build error

I have made a basic Android App for my studies in Eclipse 2020-12 (lines up with the study module).
Now I want to run my app in the emulator to test it, but when I click on Run (the green little arrow), I get the error below. How do I fix it?
I followed these steps to install and setup my Eclipse:
I have the following installed:
JRE 1.8.0,
Java 8,
Android SDK
Keep in mind, I am new to all of this so you will have to give me Android for Dummies step by step instructions, lol.
Extra Info

Why does my app flutter can't download the dependencies?

I can't debug my application.
First, the error happened when downloading the gradle, I managed to solve it, downloading manual and pointing to local file, but after that started to happen the error in other dependencies,
It's like I'm using proxy, but I'm not using proxy.
I've tried changing the version of gradle and all the other tips I've seen on the internet but nothing works.
I'm using the latest version of android studio on a macbook
the error message always relates to UnknownHostException.

Java.utils.cuncurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException:no server to serve request. Check log for details

How to fix this error. I am using android studio on my phone using Linux deploy and Ubuntu. Installed open jdk not oracle jdk. This error comes when building apk. Before that gradle build is successful. Log is too big i don't know where to start
Java.utils.cuncurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException:no server to serve request. Check log for detail
Edit: This error shown in gradle console
AAPT err(faced for 340422075): /root/android/sdk/build-tools/27.0.3/aapt2 :I : /root/android/sdk/build-tools/27.0.3/aapt2 :syntax error: "(" unexpected
First of all, OMG congrats on running android studio on your phone, first time I have ever heard of anyone getting this far! :)
This error from AAPT2 comes when you try to run it on 32 bit Linux - it is not a supported platform.
List of supported platforms: here
This error is due to using build tools which does not support on arm platforms. Currently there is no build tools available for arm officially from google. This doesn't provide solution but i need to port build tools for arm.