Prisma Ionic & Sqlite - prisma

I am working on a mobile app with ionic that requires a localdb
I am trying to use an ORM If possible.
Can I use Prisma or any ORM with Ionic sqlite localdb, if no, can I use any other ORM?


how to encrypt on sqlite database in flutter application

I am using flutter mobile framework .Need to encrypt files in database using sqflite_sqlcipher package. can anyone help me out with a sample program?

How to combine CosmosDB, Entity Framework and OData in .Net Core 6.0?

I have an application that uses Entity Framework, OData and SqlServer in a .Net core 3.1 scenario and it works great. Ultimately I want to use Cosmos DB on Azure in lieu of SQL Server.
While I can get the app to connect to Cosmos the application fails in calls to FromSqlRaw which the 3.1 compatible libraries do not support.
I've tried upgrading the project entirely to .Net core 6.0 and while this compiles without error I get problems loading assemblies using a package called MediatR (for injection) when the application starts.
My question is twofold: Do the .Net 6.0 compatible libraries for Cosmos DB correctly handle FromSqlRaw and/or is there a workaround for the problem if they do not.
If you are asking if you can send T-SQL or ANSI-SQL to FromRawSQL in EF with the Cosmos DB provider the answer is no.
Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database. The FromRawSQL is intended to allow users to send Cosmos DB's own dialect of SQL and was put in as a way to make the Cosmos provider higher compatible where the provider maybe lacked specific capabilities exposed by Cosmos DB itself.

NativeScript : I have to develop an offline app for Android + iOS + Web app. Offline data will be stored in SQLite DB

Using native script, it is possible to access SQLite DB. But is it possible to use SQLite DB from NativeScript + Angular web app?
Anthing you can do in NativeScript Core, you can also do with NativeScript Angular, so yes you can access a SQLite database with NativeScript Angular as all you need is access to the local file system to store the SQLite database.
On the other hand, you mentioned "web app" so not sure if you meant to ask, "Can you access a SQLite database from a shared mobile/web app, using NativeScript Angular for the mobile app, and regular Angular for the web browser app?" If that is what you meant, then no, you wouldn't be able to access a SQLite database from the web app becuase SQLite databases are stored locally as a regular file, so there would be no way for an Angular web app in a web browser to access the same SQLite database file as a mobile app. For this situtation, you would need a traditional database server setup like MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgreSQL, hosted on an external server, where both the mobile app, and the web browser app can access that same database over a network connection. You could easily have the Angular web app, and the database cluster, hosted from the same server.
I personally use a PostgreSQL database server with a shared NativeScript Angular mobile app/Angular web app in production and it works really well. It is really nice to be able to share a lot of the Angular code (mostly core services) between the mobile and web app.

Titanium and using your own databases

I have been recently using Titanium javascript SDK for native app development and it is fun as it is powerful. However I cannot find any examples on using databases like Mongodb or PostgresSQL. Appcelerator encourages you to use their Arrow DB service which is not ideal. I know how to set up my own databases locally and on my own dedicated hardware and want to use them instead. The closest Mongo library I found for Titanium was back in 2012 and only had support for MongoHub and MongoLab.
How can I connect to and use Mongo in Titanium apps?

Migrate from to Heroku?

I'm trying to figure out the steps involved to migrate an app from to Heroku I found this:
I'm new to Cordova and parse so I have some questions:
Can Heroku host a MongoDB instance as well as a Parse server, or do I have to get MongoDB somewhere else (mLab, MongoDB Atlas, etc)
This for a Cordova app. Is that valid to migrate to Heroku? I just need a replacement for Thanks.