Titanium and using your own databases - mongodb

I have been recently using Titanium javascript SDK for native app development and it is fun as it is powerful. However I cannot find any examples on using databases like Mongodb or PostgresSQL. Appcelerator encourages you to use their Arrow DB service which is not ideal. I know how to set up my own databases locally and on my own dedicated hardware and want to use them instead. The closest Mongo library I found for Titanium was back in 2012 and only had support for MongoHub and MongoLab.
How can I connect to and use Mongo in Titanium apps?


Can Electron apps bundle VueJS, MongoDB, etc. or do they need to be installed on users PCs for the app to run?

I've been looking for over an hour and can't find an answer on this, not even on docs and the ones I have found are just too confusing. I want to know before starting to use Electron if the built apps with electron-bundler or any other bundlers can bundle Vue & MongoDB, so that when a user installs the Electron app - he doesn't need those libraries installed on his computer, but can use the app straight ahead.
I know it's a noob question, sorry, but I'm just too confused about all of this.
Vue, like all other Client SPA frameworks, is designed to build static assets that can run "standalone" in a browser. So it is straightforward bundling those assets in an electron app.
MongoDB, like most Server databases, is totally the opposite: it is designed to be installed once, run as a service, and Clients (including your electron app) connect to it (usually through a network). So it is very difficult bundling it in a standalone installer, not even talking about a portable app. The repo linked by Andrei Gheorghiu is an example of such architecture: it does not bundle the Mongo service, but connects to it.
If you look for "electron database" keywords, you will find plenty resources about this subject. The key is to look for self-contained / embedded databases, like SQLite. There are also some NoSQL alternatives, e.g. NeDB.

google app engine with mongodb and python

I'm using Python and MongoDB on google app engine but I cant find any reference on how to connect to MongoDB in development server that runs in a local machine with app engine.
Does anyone have a good reference on how to do this?

How do I set-up Rest API to the Mongodb installation on my Mac Pro

I'm developing a Google Apps Script application and I want to have a MongoDB backend to the application. Currently I am using a Mongolab sandbox account and successfully interacting with the collection on the Mongolabs servers. The performance is very good and the support at Mongolabs has been excellent.
That said, long-term I've decided to host my own Mongodb on my Mac Pro that is currently running Yosemite. I already have Mongodb installed and its working fine.
My Question: How do I use (install/configure/establish) a Rest API (or other means) to connect with my locally installed Mongodb database. I have spent a couple hours on 10gen's site and on Google trying to figure it out, but I have not quite gotten there. Does anyone have experience doing this or something similar that might be able to share your experience or at least refer me to a good resource.
Thanks in advance for you help.

View TouchDB mobile database in desktop

I launch TouchDB database from my iOS application. It works as http server via TouchDB framework class - TDListener and it provide REST API for external access.
How can I view database from my desktop?
Are there some frontend applications which can be adopted for viewing my mobile database?
I've considered couchdb-futon but I don't know how tune it for my issue.
There are a few options mentioned here:
Your best best is probably TouchDB Viewer:
"TouchDB Viewer — "Official" GUI app for viewing TouchDB databases. Runs on Mac OS. Can view local database files (including ones in the iOS Simulator) or remote ones given their URL (useful if you enable the listener in your iOS app.)"
-- https://github.com/couchbaselabs/TouchDBViewer
I'm sure you could get futon talking to TouchDB, but it'd probably involve delving into the futon codebase.
TouchDB is the legacy 1.0 version of the project now named Couchbase Lite. So, the "TouchDB Viewer" has been converted to support Couchbase Lite databases (which has '.cblite' extension) and also it has been renamed to "CouchbaseLiteViewer - Mac app for viewing/modifying Couchbase Lite databases".

Preferred database management system for Objective-C (iPhone apps)

What would you say is the best candidate for a DBMS for use in iPhone apps? The database would be online, not on the device, so a back-end updating administration interface would be most beneficial (like phpMyAdmin is for MySQL).
I only know of MySQL (not sure if it can be used for iPhone with satisfactory results), and SQL Lite, are there any other managements systems that would be great for performance as well be reliable.
Thanks in advance.
the choice of the DBMS has nothing to do with the iphone .. likely the iphone will connect to a web service (weither SOAP or REST). the web service will be the one using the database not the device.
If the database is online, I wouldn't recommend any kind of management system on the device. I would probably recommend implementing some kind of web service and communicate to the database server and its own DBMS via the web service.
Anriëtte, I seem to have bumped into two common scenarios
For my corporate clients, they use SQL server as their database and .Net as their server API.
For my non-corporate clients, we usually use MySQL with a PHP or a Ruby on Rails server.
In both cases, I use JSON on the iPhone to talk to REST services on their servers. This works great.
Both DBMS above have good management tools. I usually use the MySQL GUI tools or SQL Server GUI tools to administer the database. Lots of people (not me) like the PHP MySQL admin tools because they are web based. Please do not use a personal database on the server like SQLite, Access of FileMaker, they do not scale.
I did once write an Objective-C program that accessed MySQL using its C++ libraries, not a good idea.
My advice: Ruby on Rails REST using JSON on top of a MySQL database on the server side.