flutter/firebase/dart: get data from firestore - flutter

How to get docs id from some matching condition?
I was able to get this to work:
Future getChat({required String userIdsArr}) async {
var docId = '';
await chat.where('User ids', isEqualTo: userIdsArr).get().then((value) {
value.docs.forEach((element) {
docId = element.id;
return docId
this returns the correct record, however, I think this is a terrible way of quering the database because I have to fetch all the records everytime.
Is there a way to write this so that I get the doc Id of the matching condition?

Unfortunately, there is not a better way to accomplish this. When you use the where clause though, it won't fetch everything like you suspect, only records that contain the value you are querying for. I don't believe it's as expensive of a call as you might think.


flutter firestore: how to get a query of documents

Im trying to get a list of user objects from firestore through a query. My current attempt looks like this:
List<User> getDiscoveryUsers(
String userId,
) async {
Query<Object?> query =
userCollection.where('finishedOnboarding', isEqualTo: true).limit(10);
var collection = await query.get();
//get the users list from query snapshot
var users = collection.docs.map((doc) => User.fromSnapshot(doc)).toList();
return users;
However I am getting the error:
Functions marked 'async' must have a return type assignable to 'Future'.
Try fixing the return type of the function, or removing the modifier 'async' from the function body.
I know there are a few similar questions on stack overflow, but i just cant seem to get this to work. Anyone know whats going on?
Just change the return type of your function from List<User> to Future<List<User>>.
Happy coding:)
your return type should be Future and must wait with await when running query on firestore.
Future<List<User>> getDiscoveryUsers(
String userId,
) async {
Query<Object?> query =
userCollection.where('finishedOnboarding', isEqualTo: true).limit(10);
var collection = await query.get();
//get the users list from query snapshot
var users = collection.docs.map((doc) => User.fromSnapshot(doc)).toList();
return users;

Flutter - print querysnapshot on firebase document does not work

In the function below, I want to get all the records in a collection named 'contexts'.
But, when I ask to print each record, I get nothing, not even an empty field or a null.
On the console, it is like if I have never ask for print.
I do not understand why.
Future getAllContextInFirebaseV1() async {
CollectionReference ref = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Users')
QuerySnapshot contextsQuery = await ref
contextsQuery.docs.forEach((document) {
contextsQuery.docs is a list of snapshots. You actually need to call .data() on each document to access the data ('context_Name').
So instead of
you should have
print((document.data() as Map<String, dynamic>)['context_Name']);
Note that the document has other properties on it like exists, id, reference, ...
But wait, are you sure that there are documents inside the contexts subcollection on the current user? Because chances are contextsQuery.size could be zero, so forEach doesn't get called.
If yes, are you sure that the collection names are correct?

How to retrive all the documents of firestore at once using flutter?

I am building an Appointment Booking application want to retrieve all my documents from firestore at once on a button click. I used this:
Future<void> userAppointmentHistory() async {
String collectionName =
FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.displayName as String;
String doc_id = "YyWqd9VlB1IdmYoIIFTq";
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
(event) {
From the above code, I am getting only the specified document id details. So please help me modify the above code so that I get all the document details as I want to display these details on cards as my booked appointment history.
Here you are passing the doc id String doc_id = "YyWqd9VlB1IdmYoIIFTq";
You don't want to pass that if you want the full documents.
just pass the collection reference.
Follow the below code
fetchData() {
CollectionReference collectionReference =
collectionReference.snapshots().listen((snapshot) {
setState(() {
document = snapshot.docs;
Rudransh Singh Mahra,
It's as easy as putting text widget in our application.
You did it in right way but by mistake you have passed a specific id of documents in doc() as doc('YyWqd9VlB1IdmYoIIFTq'). you just need to remove that id from there and you may get your desired output.
What actually happens :
In your query you pass specific docId. So that it will returns that specified id document from your collection. To get all the documents from that collection you just need to do as follows,
Future<void> userAppointmentHistory() async {
String collectionName =
FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.displayName as String;
// String doc_id = "YyWqd9VlB1IdmYoIIFTq";
await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection(collectionName).doc().get()
And you will get your desired output if collectionName is valid and exist in firestorm database.

DocumentID search in Firestore with a List

Can i search a Firestore DocumentID with a List<String>?
I am trying to search through my collection with some selection of documentID in a List. The List will consist of few String. Can I search through the Firestore collection using this?
This is the List:
List<String> _selectedBusStop = List<String>();
This is the code I used in finding the DocumentID based on the list that is in here.
Future <void> saveRoute(_selectedBusStop) async{
Firestore.instance.collection('markers').where('BusstopName', isEqualTo: _selectedBusStop)
.snapshots().listen((location) {
for (int i = 0; i < location.documents.length; i++){
initRoute(location.documents[i].data, location.documents[i]);
setState(() {
I am using where and isEqualTo or is this approach wrong? Any idea how to make it work for this part? Thank you in advance for your help.
This is how my Firestore looks like:
The List have some of the BusstopName but not all of it. I do not want to retrieve all the data from the Firestore just the one that is in the List. Sorry for causing so many misunderstanding.
Use the whereIn operator, like this:
Future <void> saveRoute(_selectedBusStop) async{
Firestore.instance.collection('markers').where('BusstopName', whereIn: _selectedBusStop)
.snapshots().listen((location) {
for (int i = 0; i < location.documents.length; i++){
initRoute(location.documents[i].data, location.documents[i]);
setState(() {
Assuming your documents have a unique id stored in the field BusstopName and also the documents actual id matches the content of this field, you have 2 possibilities.
(1) .where query
query data with collection("markers").where("BusstopName", "=", "yourBuststopId").
this returns a querySnapshot Object, on which you can call .size to check if there were any documents with that Id found (could be more than 1 if you have an inconsistent database).
(2) .doc query
query data with collection("markers").doc("yourBuststopId")
this returns a documentSnapshot Object, on which you can call .exist to check if the document actually exsists.
In both cases you need to do 1 query per Id, because Firestore queries only support equality and range operations. See this similar SO question. I would suggest to do the queries asynchronously, otherwise the time to execute will increase with the size of the array.
If you are concerned about costs, you only get billed for the results that actually return documents that exist.
you might also try this:
.where('BusstopName', arrayContainsAny: ['Utar Bus Stop', 'Garden Bus Stop'])
Taken from the examples documentation

I am trying to use a field from the collection 'profile' say 'username' to filter the records from the main collection 'orders'

Is there a way to achieve this?
i have tried to assign the entry to a local variable but it doesn't work with crudmethods.
getData() async {
String userId = 'userId';
var snapshot;
var userDocument = snapshot.data;
String _myAddress = userDocument["address"];
return Firestore.instance
.where("source Box", isEqualTo: _myAddress)
Yes, you should be able to use a document in the query of another document.
For this, you need to create a reference for one collection and use it in another one.
The below code is an example that you can give it a try adapting further for your case, but that I believe should help you.
// Create references to the profile and orders collections
var profilesRef = db.collection("profile");
var ordersRef = db.collection("orders");
// Create a query against the collection.
var query = ordersRef.where("username", "==", ).doc("username").get();
In the documentation Perform simple and compound queries in Cloud Firestore, there is more information and example of queries that should help you.
In addition to that, this below post from the Community can provide you some insights on how to achieve this type of query as well.
How can I get specific document data from firestore querysnapshot?
Let me know if the information helped you!