Accents incoherences in utf-8 [duplicate] - encoding

This question already has answers here:
When to use Unicode Normalization Forms NFC and NFD?
(2 answers)
Normalizing Unicode
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What is the best way to remove accents (normalize) in a Python unicode string?
(13 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
I was looking into Matt Parker's problem of finding 5 5-letters words that have in total 25 distinct letters (link if you are interested, not really relevant to the issue), but I wanted to do it using french words (and so I had to use the french alphabet).
So I downloaded the following file from github, containing 1 french word per line, encoded in utf-8, with the accents. But something I never seen before occured : There seems to be two ways (maybe more) to encode accents in utf-8.
When I opened the file in VSCode (also works with Windows' Notepad), every accent displayed as they should, but :
when I select a letter with an accent, it shows that 2 letters are selected
when I write a letter with an accent using a french keyboard, and then select it, it shows that only 1 letter is selected (so the two appear to be distinct, though they display exactly identically)
I then tried the following code in python :
# first is typed from keyboard, second is typed from keyboard, returns true
print("é" == "é")
# first is copied from downloaded text file, second is typed from keyboard, returns false
print("é" == "é")
It displays identically, but is not identical !?
I then tried to change the encoding of the file, but it either changed nothing, or removed the accents : the word "abaissé" might for example show as "abaisse�".
After testing, it seems like the file is encoding accented letters as a special accent character adjacent to the letter character it wants to put the accent on. But when I then read the file character by character (it does it in rust for example, but I'm pretty sure it does the same in other languages), they come as two characters : I first get the accent and then the letter. And rust chars are by default valid unicode units, so if they where 1 single unicode char, rust should read them as 1 single unicode char. It's not the case.
I'm honestly stuck, so if you know, I would be really grateful for your help.
Why are these combos of characters showing as 1 character when they should display as 2 distinct ?
I know this is not a bug from utf-8, but it makes handling the data very hard. So how do I recombine them together, as the accent shouldn't be decoupled from the letter in the first place ?


Chinese in Japanese encoding

This may sound like a stupid question. I typed some Chinese characters into an empty text file in VS code text editor (default utf8). Then I saved the file in an encoding for Japanese: shift JIS, which apparently doesn't cover all the characters I have typed in.
However, before I close the file, all Chinese characters are displayed properly in VS code. Now after I closed the file and reopened it using shift JIS encoding, several characters are displayed as a question mark ?. I guess these are the Chinese characters not covered by the Japanese encoding?
What happened in the process? Is there anyway I can 'get back' the Chinese characters that are now shown in ?? I don't really understand how encoding works in this scenario...
Not all encodings cover all characters. (Unicode encodings, in principle, do, but even they don't have quite everything yet.) If you save some text in an encoding which does not include all characters in that text, something has to give.
you get an error message,
nothing saves at all,
the characters which cannot be included are silently dropped,
the characters which cannot be included are converted to some other character (such as the question mark).
Once that conversion is done, the data is lost, and cannot be recovered. Why not use UTF-8 or another Unicode encoding? (GB 18030 might be the best for large amounts of Chinese text.)

What is this character: 🔖 ? Where can I see the similar characters?

I am not sure whether everyone can see the above character, but I can see it. I got it when I input "booknote" in Chinese on my iPhone. To my surprise, this character seems "platform-insensative", it can be seen on my phones, chrome on laptop, and even in MacOS terminal.
Is it an ASCII character? I've never seen colorful characters like this before. Since when these have been around? And where I can get a list of similar characters?
You put the character on an HTML page. All characters on an HTML page are from the Unicode character set. Characters that are not in the Unicode character set either soon will be or are too specialized to be of general use.
The Unicode Consortium occasionally publishes a new version of the character set. Since you ask about the kind of character, the common partitions of the character set are blocks, categories, and—stretching a bit—which version the character was added in. Some characters are in a script (for a language writing system), some are not. You see the block and category of 🔖 at
The Unicode character set is published in text files called the Unicode Character Database (UCD), as well as many supplementary documents and webpages. The data includes important information about usage and relationships. For example, for applicable characters, which character is considered the uppercase form of another in a particular language.
To see any character, you have to use a font that presents it. This can be a problem for some characters. There is probably no one font that presents every Unicode character as it was meant to be.
You mentioned ASCII. Although it used every day in HTTP headers and other specialized and historical applications, ASCII is such a limited character set that it hasn't generally been used in decades.

This unique character is rendered as two characters in Sublime. Why?

This single character :
gives two characters when copied/pasted into Sublime Text 2 (Windows 7 here), in a document saved with UTF-8. Why?
I can imagine it's an encoding problem, but which one?

Weird characters in a Microsoft Word document won't export/can't be searched

I have a document which has been sloppily authored. It's a dictionary that contains cyrillic characters. Most of the dictionary is manageable, but I'm stuck with one thing I need help with. Words have accented letters in them and they're mostly formatted properly as a letter with a unicode accent (thus forming a single letter). However there are some very peculiar letters that look similar for example to: a;´ (where "a" is any arbitrary cyrillic letter). You'd expect á in its place. However it wouldn't be a problem per se if only this thing could be exported to, say HTML and manipulated in a text editor. The problem is that Word treats this "thing" as a single character/entity and
when exporting it is COMPLETELY omitted
when copied it can only be pasted into Notepad (which translates it into three separate characters), when being pasted into WordPad it just won't appear at all.
when a search is run in Word it won't find the letter, neither the actual character nor the exactly copied/pasted combination.
the letter will disappear when the document is opened in any other software, such as Libre Office
At this point I'm trying to:
understand what this combination is exactly
run a search/replace operation to find and weed out all of those errors
Here's a sample Word file.
Here's a screenshot of the word/letter in question:
which when typed correctly should appear like "скре́пка".
The 'character' appears to be a Word field of type 'eq' (equation). Here is the field with toggled field codes:
If it is a large document you could try to create a VBA routine that removes the fields and replaces them with corresponding characters.
Assuming that #Anonimista’s analysis is correct, as I think it is, you could fix the file by running some search and replace operations in Word, replacing e.g. ^19eq \o(е;´)^21 by е́ (the latter is Cyrillic letter е followed by combining acute accent U+0301). This is dull because you would need to do this for each vowel separately (and for uppercase vowels too). But I cannot find a way to use wildcards in this context; the codes ^19 and ^21 for start and end of field work only when wildcards are not enabled.

What are the unicode ranges for Hindi accented characters?

I'm trying to gather a Unicode list of all the 'o' like shapes in the Hindi character-set. In fact, a list of any characters (in any language) that makes uses of separate characters to indicate an accent would be better.
I intend to use this unicode-list in a RegExp.
I been trying to edit a list of character-ranges by outputting them in an Input TextField, but editing this text causes weird issues (the keyboard-cursor isn't place on the correct character, selections suddenly dissappear / incorrectly warps... in other words... HINDI HELL!)
I've tried this with Notepad++ too, but although it was more responsive, it eventually crapped out on me like it did in the Flash Player textfield. This seems to occur especially while removing the [] block (nulls?) characters. Some of them trigger odd behaviors.
Anyways, all I want is a list of the accents.
An example of a few are in the image below (but I would need ALL accents):
You can find pdf's containing lists of unicode ranges, grouped by language, here:
For Hindi, you probably want Devanagari or Devanagari Extended.
Here is the character class for Devanagari combining marks:
This is only the basic Devanagari block (not Devanagari Extended).
If you want the complete set (for all languages), you can do it problematically.
You start from the Unicode date file at, described by TR-44 (
You can use the Canonical_Combining_Class field (see at to filter the exact characters you want.
Can't be more precise, because "accent" a bit vague :-)
You might even have to also look at General_Category to get the filter right (and exclude certain marks, or symbols, or punctuation).
And a script doing this would definitely be better than trying to mess with text editors.
One of the characteristics of combining characters is that they combine :-)
So you might get all kind of puzzling results (like this: :-)