STK MATLAB interface. Trying to access Range Rate data - matlab

I'm trying to get the Range Rate data between a satellite and ground site and everything works up until the last line. I've followed the online example but I get the error (below) when running this MATLAB script:
stk = stkApp.Personality2;
stkScenario = stk.CurrentScenario;
if isempty(stkScenario)
error('Please load a scenario');
facility = stk.GetObjectFromPath('Facility/RRFac');
satellite = stk.GetObjectFromPath('Satellite/P02S01');
access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(facility);
accessDP = access.DataProviders.Item('Access Data').Exec(stkScenario.StartTime,stkScenario.StopTime);
accessStartTimes = accessDP.DataSets.GetDataSetByName('Start Time').GetValues;
accessStopTimes = accessDP.DataSets.GetDataSetByName('Stop Time').GetValues;
accessIntervals = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;
accessDataProvider = access.DataProviders.Item('Access Data');
dataProviderElements = {'Start Time';'Stop Time'};
accessIntervals = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;
for i = 1:1:accessIntervals.Count
[start, stop] = accessIntervals.GetInterval(i-1);
satelliteDP = satellite.DataProviders.Item('DeckAccess Data').Group.Item('Start Time LocalHorizontal Geometry').ExecElements(accessStartTimes{1},accessStopTimes{1},{'Time';'Range Rate'});
satelliteAlt = satelliteDP.DataSets.GetDataSetByName('Range Rate').GetValues;
Error using Interface.AGI_STK_Objects_12_IAgDrDataSetCollection/GetDataSetByName Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: The parameter is incorrect.
Error in GenRRreport (line 37)
satelliteAlt = satelliteDP.DataSets.GetDataSetByName('Range Rate').GetValues
Why does it throw this error and how to avoid that?


Attempt to index nil to 'Takedamage'

the thing is that im making a combat system, and there is the situation with line 56 that says: enemyHumanoid:TakeDamage(Damage) and the error says: ServerScriptService.CombatSystem:56: attempt to index nil with 'TakeDamage' and i dont know what to do (also this is the entire code)
local rp = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Combat = rp:WaitForChild("Combat")
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local Animations = script:WaitForChild("Animations")
local Meshes = script:WaitForChild("Meshes")
local anims =
local limbs =
local Damage = 10
local Character = player.Character
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local attack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anims[count])
local Limb = Character:WaitForChild(limbs[count])
local folder ="Folder",Character)
folder.Name = player.Name.."Melee"
local Hitbox = Meshes:WaitForChild("Hitbox"):Clone()
Hitbox.CFrame = Limb.CFrame
Hitbox.Parent = folder
local weld ="ManualWeld")
weld.Part0 = Hitbox
weld.Part1 = Limb
weld.C0 = weld.Part0.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(weld.Part1.CFrame)
weld.Parent = weld.Part0
if Hit:IsA("BasePart") then
if not Hit:IsDescendantOf(Character) then
local enemyHumanoid = Hitbox.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if Humanoid then
i haven't try a lot but it keeps getting errors
Welcome to StackOverflow! :FindFirstChild("Humanoid") returns nil if the Humanoid doesn't exist, which is why enemyHumanoid:TakeDamage() isn't working. Try using this snippet in place of the current Hitbox.Touched function:
if Hit:IsA("BasePart") and not Hit:IsDescendantOf(Character) then
local enemyHumanoid = Hitbox.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if Humanoid then
if enemyHumanoid then -- Make sure enemyHumanoid exists and isn't nil

How to use timer.performWithDelay with a method call

I'm using a Lua class to create two objects, each of which must check where the other is to determine their movement. I'm attempting to use timer.performWithDelay to have them check every second, but for some reason when I try to do this, the line
o.moveCheckTimer = timer.performWithDelay(1000, o:moveCheck, 0)
in the class constructor throws an error stating that "Function arguments are expected near ','".
I have attempted to use an anonymous function like this:
o.moveCheckTimer = timer.performWithDelay(1000, function() o:moveCheck() end, 0)
but that causes the timer of both objects to only call the function for the most recent object that was created and not for itself (also very confusing behavior, and if anyone knows why this happens I would love to learn why).
I have dug through the API and info on method calls thoroughly, but I can't seem to find anything that uses them both together, and I feel like I'm missing something.
How can I use the method call as the listener for this timer?
Here is the full constructor:
Melee = {}
Melee.__index = Melee
function Melee:new(id, name, lane, side)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, Melee) = id = name
o.lane = lane
o.side = side
if name == "spearman" then
o.maxhp = 100
o.range = 1
o.damage = {10, 20}
o.imageName = "images/rebels/spearman.png"
error("Attempted to create melee unit with undefined name")
o.hp = o.maxhp
--Display self
o.image = display.newImageRect(mainGroup, "images/rebels/spearman.png", 80, 80)
o.image.x = 0
o.image.y = lanes[lane]
o.image.anchorY = 1
if side == 2 then
o.image.xScale = -1
o.image.x = display.contentWidth - 100
--Move and attack
local destination = display.contentWidth
if side == 2 then
destination = 0
o.moving = 1
o.movement =, {x = destination, time = 30000+math.random(-200,200)})
o.moveCheckTimer = timer.performWithDelay(1000, o:moveCheck, 0)
--o.attackTimer = timer.performWithDelay(1000, self:attack, 0)
return o

Kivy getting values from Popup Window and use it at a Screen

Hi i am new to kivy and just started programming. So what i want to do is,once a user key in a valid date/time in the popup window, popup will close and will goes to a screen and create buttons. May i know how to pass the values get from getDay() which is dayoutput,timeoutput from popupwindow and transfer use it in another other class? and be able to use in the VariesTimeScreen?
Thank your for taking your time to help :)
class SetDateTime(Popup):
def getDay(self):
set_day = (self.ids.dayofmonth).text
set_month = (self.ids.month).text
set_year = (self.ids.year).text
set_hour = (self.ids.houroftime).text
set_minutes = (self.ids.minuteoftime).text
wrongtime = self.ids.wronginput_time
#Calculate Date and Time only when user input a valid number
if set_day.isdigit() and set_month.isdigit() and
and set_minutes.isdigit():
set_date =,
set_time = datetime.time(int(set_hour), int(set_minutes))
if not (set_date >= counttime.todaydate()):
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Date is out of
if not (set_time >= counttime.todaytime()):
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Time is out of
dayoutput = counttime.calculatedate(set_date)
timeoutput = set_hour + set_minutes
return dayoutput,timeoutput
except ValueError:
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Please enter a valid
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Please enter a valid
class VariesTimeScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(VariesTimeScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs)
a = '_icons_/mcdonald.png'
b = '_icons_/kfc.png'
c = '_icons_/subway.png'
Outlet_Store = [a,b,c]
layout = GridLayout(rows=1, spacing=100, size_hint_y=None,
pos_hint ={"top":.6,"x":0.2})
#Before the for loop there will be an if statement which is
the Day and Time i get from getDay() values. This part i'm
unsure how to retrieve the values from the SetDateTime Class
for image in Outlet_Store:
food_image = ImageButton(size_hint=(None, None),size=
One problem with your design is that the VariesTimeScreen is created very early in the App run, like when the GUI is created. So, the day and time from the SetDateTime Popup is not yet available. One way to handle this is to add an on_enter() method to the VariesTimeScreen to make any adjustments to the Screen at that time. To do that, I added Properties to the VariesTimeScreen:
class VariesTimeScreen(Screen):
day = StringProperty('None')
time = NumericProperty(0)
And add the on_enter() method to the VariesTimeScreen class:
def on_enter(self, *args):
print('day:',, ', time:', self.time)
# make changes to the Screen
And then change the SetDateTime class slightly:
class SetDateTime(Popup):
def getDay(self):
set_day = (self.ids.dayofmonth).text
set_month = (self.ids.month).text
set_year = (self.ids.year).text
set_hour = (self.ids.houroftime).text
set_minutes = (self.ids.minuteoftime).text
wrongtime = self.ids.wronginput_time
# Calculate Date and Time only when user input a valid number
if set_day.isdigit() and set_month.isdigit() and set_year.isdigit() and set_hour.isdigit() and set_minutes.isdigit():
set_date =,
int(set_month), int(set_day))
set_time = datetime.time(int(set_hour), int(set_minutes))
if not (set_date >= counttime.todaydate()):
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Date is out of range[ / color]"
if not (set_time >= counttime.todaytime()):
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Time is out of range[ / color]"
dayoutput = counttime.calculatedate(set_date)
timeoutput = set_hour + set_minutes
# get the VariesTimeScreen
varies_time = App.get_running_app().root.ids.screen_manager.get_screen('variestime_screen')
# set the day and time for the VariesTimeScreen = dayoutput
varies_time.time = timeoutput
# switch to the VariesTimeScreen
# dismiss Popup
except ValueError:
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Please enter a valid datetime.[ / color]"
wrongtime.text = "[color=#FF0000]Please enter a valid date[ / color]"
The only changes are to set the day and time in the VariesTimeScreen, and to actually switch to the VariesTimeScreen. The switch to the VariesTimeScreen doesn't have to happen there, once the day and time are set, the on_enter() method will get called whenever it becomes the current Screen.

"consecutive SC failures" on gem5 simple config script

I am new to gem5 and I ran into a problem while trying to write a simple multi-core system configuration script. my script is based on the example scripts given on:
When i try to add more than one dcache to the system (for each different core) im getting an infinite loop of this warning message:
warn: 186707000: context 0: 10000 consecutive SC failures.
incremented by 10000 each time.
I tried looking in gem5's given configuration scripts and but I still cant understand what im missing here. I know that I can just simulate this configuration using but I tried to do this by myself as practice and to get a deeper understanding of the gem5 simulator.
some additional info: im running gem5 in se mode and trying to simulate a simple multicore system using riscv cores.
this is my code:
import m5
from m5.objects import *
from Caches import *
#system config
system = System(cpu = [TimingSimpleCPU(cpu_id=i) for i in xrange(4)])
system.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain()
system.clk_domain.clock = '1GHz'
system.clk_domain.voltage_domain = VoltageDomain()
system.mem_mode = 'timing'
system.mem_ranges = [AddrRange('512MB')]
system.cpu_voltage_domain = VoltageDomain()
system.cpu_clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock = '1GHz',voltage_domain= system.cpu_voltage_domain)
system.membus = SystemXBar()
system.l2bus = L2XBar()
multiprocess =[Process(cmd = 'tests/test-progs/hello/bin/riscv/linux/hello', pid = 100 + i) for i in xrange(4)]
#cpu config
for i in xrange(4):
system.cpu[i].icache = L1ICache()
system.cpu[i].dcache = L1DCache()
system.cpu[i].icache_port = system.cpu[i].icache.cpu_side
system.cpu[i].dcache_port = system.cpu[i].dcache.cpu_side
system.cpu[i].icache.mem_side = system.l2bus.slave
system.cpu[i].dcache.mem_side = system.l2bus.slave
system.cpu[i].workload = multiprocess[i]
system.l2cache = L2Cache()
system.l2cache.cpu_side = system.l2bus.master
system.l2cache.mem_side = system.membus.slave
system.system_port = system.membus.slave
system.mem_ctrl = DDR3_1600_8x8()
system.mem_ctrl.range = system.mem_ranges[0]
system.mem_ctrl.port = system.membus.master
root = Root(full_system = False , system = system)
print ("Begining Simulation!")
exit_event = m5.simulate()
print ('Exiting # tick {} because {}' .format(m5.curTick() , exit_event.getCause()))

Combination of Map Container and Structure in matlab

i would like to visualize what i will get after concatenation of map and struct in matlab , for instance let us consider following Map Container
ticketMap = containers.Map(...
{'2R175', 'B7398', 'A479GY', 'NZ1452'}, ...
{'James Enright', 'Carl Haynes', 'Sarah Latham', ...
'Bradley Reid'});
key/value structure of this map is clear for me, now let us suppose we have following structure
s1.ticketNum = '2S185'; s1.destination = 'Barbados';
s1.reserved = '06-May-2008'; s1.origin = 'La Guardia';
s2.ticketNum = '947F4'; s2.destination = 'St. John';
s2.reserved = '14-Apr-2008'; s2.origin = 'Oakland';
s3.ticketNum = 'A479GY'; s3.destination = 'St. Lucia';
s3.reserved = '28-Mar-2008'; s3.origin = 'JFK';
s4.ticketNum = 'B7398'; s4.destination = 'Granada';
s4.reserved = '30-Apr-2008'; s4.origin = 'JFK';
s5.ticketNum = 'NZ1452'; s5.destination = 'Aruba';
s5.reserved = '01-May-2008'; s5.origin = 'Denver';
we have 5 structure with different fields, now following commands
seatingMap = containers.Map( ...
{'23F', '15C', '15B', '09C', '12D'}, ...
{s5, s1, s3, s4, s2});
make sense for me because for instance using key 23F i can access fields of s1 structure, for instance
>> seatingMap('23F').origin
ans =
all those parts are clear for me, now Using ticketMap and seatingMap together, you can find the name of the person who has reserved seat 15B
ticket = seatingMap('15B').ticketNum;
passenger = ticketMap(ticket)
but is that optimal way?thanks in advance