VSCode exits while debugging a flutter app - flutter

It seems like vscode is trying to present data in the Locals and/or Watch for a large object but after about 10 seconds, it will kill the app and give the message "Exited (sigterm)" in the debug console. I can pinpoint it to one example where I break on a line immediately after this line:
Uint8List inputBytes = Uint8List.fromList(List.filled(100000000, 0));
I can see "Locals" spinning around but nothing happens and then the app terminates. Is there a setting that can prevent this somehow? Maybe it can cap the represented data at a certain length instead of trying to print it all out?
(I believe this is a vscode specific problem because when I repeat these steps in Android Studio, it doesn't have this issue)

This is a bug in the debug adapter. It should know this is a list and fetch a paged view of the elements, but it's currently fetching them all. For me it doesn't crash, but it also doesn't respond within several minutes.
I'm working on a fix that will let VS Code page through the data:
This will ship in an upcoming Dart/Flutter SDK release.


Flutter app keeps printing [ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]

Hello my app keeps printing this line even though there is no error in the app and it works fine
[ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
it prints more than 50 each minute . and only in two screens that it starts to print this .
that's the Huawei/Honor Issue. if you change the device this message will disappear.
same thing is happening with me but after some digging I found that Huawei added something, so that's why you are seeing this.
Now the new Update of VSCode is grouping all the messages that are the same and put them in one line and increase the number of these messages
that is helping much while doing debugging
If you are using Android Studio, you can try to fold the same logs as following:
right click on the log saying [ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
then click on Fold lines like this as the following image
see image
I had the same. I discovered I was falling in an endless loop creating HttpServers. Solved the loop, solved the problem. Hope, that helps.

Osascript in Yosemite broken/slow - anyone can confirm?

During 10.8 times I created macro in Keyboard Maestro for adding web pages to Reminders list to read them later.
In Mountain Lion and Maverics it worked fine but in Yosemite something wrong is going on resulting very slow executions.
Previously execution time was about 1-2 seconds now its over 40 seconds or even one minute!
Apple team provided me with wrong solution ordered to "code sign" my script, but there is no "file" to codesign and applescripts can be executed in command line. So IMO they messed up something in osascript and still couldn't fix it till 10.10.4. But I need someone to confirm or to advice me how to debug problem, because I cannot find in system console log lines relevant to problem.
On El Capitan 10.11.1 problem still persist.
Could anyone test and confirm this? I provided link to macro.
It is bind currently to F1 - change as you like. Before execution create "2Read" list in Reminders on OSX.
I've tried it and it's done in about 1-2 seconds on my machine. So I do not experience the same problem as you.
I'm running OS X 10.10.4 on a late 2013 MBP Retina.
Maybe your "2Read" list is too long?
Another tip:
I used to have a problem with long lists in Applescript, too. Sometimes it would take minutes to run through a list, but after using some if these tips the time for the lists was brought back to only seconds.
From your pastebin link (yeah, I did warn you it'd look like mince):
Keyboard Maestro event logs
(1) KM sends an 'open' event ('aevt/odoc') to Growl, telling it to open a temp file (presumably to make Growl display a message)
(2) Bartender sends a 'get scripting terminology' event ('ascr/gdut') to KM
(3) Bartender sends a 'BTDR/Load' event to KM, which looks like Bt telling KM to load a plugin named "BartenderHelperNinetyOne.bbundle"
(4) KM send a 'KeyC/KeyB' event to something (it doesn't give the name of the process, only its Process Serial Number, which is the classic MacOS equivalent to a Unix process ID). Probably easiest just to ask the KM devs about that one.
(5,6,7) KM then sends three 'application died' events ('aevt/obit') to Keyboard Maestro Engine (I'm guessing that's a faceless helper app that runs constantly in the background), informing it that three osascript processes (PSNs 312312, 315315, 316316) have terminated. This doesn't necessarily mean that osascript has crashed as those events contain an error number ('errn') parameter with value 0, and command-line processes normally return error code 0 to indicate they've completed successfully. It's quite likely these are normal internal notifications sent between KM and KME to indicate when a task is completed. The first of those osascript processes (PSN 312312) is related to the Reminders activity below; the other two I'm guessing are you running other AppleScript macros and probably not relevant here.
Reminders event logs
(1,2,3) The 'osascript' process with PSN 312312 sends Reminders a 'make' ('core/crel') event and two 'set' ('core/setd') events, which is obviously your AppleScript being run.
(4) The Dock sends it a 'reopen' ('aevt/rapp') event, which is probably just you clicking on Reminders' dock icon to bring it to the front.
The main problem, of course, is that without timestamps I can't tell you where your 40-second delay is occurring. You'd really need to do it again, this time manually noting the time at which each message is logged. And if you see a single 40-second delay somewhere in the middle, it should easy enough to determine which events it's occurring inbetween, which should start to point towards a cause. At which point, you're probably best contacting the KM vendor to discuss it with them.

GWT Selenium Tests sometimes fails

we currently have a nice problem with our selenium tests in a gwt powered gui.
The application contains two sections (filter and grid). Our tests sometimes fails with a NoSuchElementException.
Crazy is the following: I stop the test in eclipse with a breakpoint and inspect the page with firefox firebug or any other addon. And okay - I cannot find the desired element. But (without restarting the application or any other changes in eclipse), if i try again and search the element it is there and a resume in eclipse the test goes green. For me it seems like a synchronize problem in firefox.
A explicitly wait command
new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), 10).until(condition);
has the only effect, that the timeout (10 seconds) happens.
As I said - sometimes the test is green and sometimes it fails.
Has anybody an idea?
Sounds like you load some data asynchronous (RPC) from the server? The data and thus the element which presents the data in the UI is not there yet, when Selenium is looking for it. Depending on how long your queries take on the database or what latency you have on the network the wait time may vary from test-run to test-run.
I have a workaround for this problem and would share this.
The following piece of code is executed before the explicit wait command is running.
Window window = getDriver().manage().window();
Dimension dimension = window.getSize();
Dimension tmp = new Dimension(dimension.getWidth() - 1, dimension.getHeight());
I figured out, that the DOM is in "synchronized" state after the browser window is resized. So I decrement the width and than set it back to the old value.
If anybody has a better suggestion - let us know ;-)

Will NSLog effect app's speed? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Do I need to disable NSLog before release Application?
In my iPhone app there are more than 20 classes.Every where I am printing so many values using NSLog.When I run my app on simulator it is bit low because of some NSLogs(specially printing NSData etc)
Will it be slow if I finished the app and run it on device after making the ipa file ?
Or should I comment all the NSLogs from classes ?
yes it does. and if u wanna check it by urself, do profiling with allocations, and see what is taking much of your memory. It will show NSLogs also.
instead of NSLog use DLog everywhere. When testing and debugging, you'll get debug messages. When you're ready to release a beta or final release, all those DLog lines automatically become empty and nothing gets emitted. This way there's no manual setting of variables or commenting of NSLogs required. Picking your build target takes care of it.
NSLog will affect speed as it blocks and causes IO. It runs synchronously in the current thread.
better is something async! -- like cocoalumberjack's DDLog which is a drop in replacement that doesnt block. [still can cause IO, see next info about levels]
ALSO DDLog knows about log levels. E.G. info, Warning & Error:
in release mode you set it to error by default (but it can be changed via a UserDefault value!)
warnings and infos are not logged then which makes it cause only VERY little overhead
DDLog is similar to log4j but for objC!

XCode debugger not helping find device-only issue

So, I have an iOS tabbed app (live and free in the store [http://itunes.com/apps/iphoundyou]). One tab is a grouped tableview, with the number of groups (1 or 2) dependent on some JSON that a web service returns. The JSON is valid and straightforward. Handling it seems to be easy, and, when run in the simulator, behaves as expected. However, I just found that when run on the device, if the two section reaction is needed...it crashes.
"ok" I thought "I'll just hook up my device, launch the debugger, replicate the crash, and figure out where I have a bug"
However, when I did that, I get the most unhelpful response I could expect:
So, given that it works in the simulator, is there any suggestions as to how else to track down the flaw? The code for the tableview is nothing special, along the lines of "if this JSON key exists, number of sections=2...with the number of rows of that section equal to the number of items in another array within the JSON"
Another note: I recently started seeing a dozen or so of these when launching an app:
unable to read unknown load command 0x25
unable to read unknown load command 0x26
Thanks so much.
In my case it turned out that it was just my own error: I'd updated my device OS but didn't have that SDK (I was behind in updating XCode)