How can I succesfully connect to mongodb with DBC file? - mongodb

I´m trying to reach a DBC connection with my mongodb DB. I already have configured my mongodb C driver and I´m using SSL...
I tried to connect via .dbc file to my database using "m_db test" from my CLI (RHEL7) and i receive the following error log
ABINITIO(DB29001): Error while connecting to Mongo server
ABINITIO(DB29017): Error parsing connect string: mongodb://user:password#hostname:37017/database_name?ssl=true&authMechanism=MONGODB-X509&authSource=database_name&socketTimeoutMS=600000
ABINITIO(*): Database package version 4-0-2-2-e11-1


Error while connecting MongoDB ATLAS TO MONGO DB COMPASS

I am a beginer in mongoDB and learning Mongodb atlas.
In MongoDB Atlas, Under database access created username and password ( password is system generated and has no special character)
Under Network access added a public ip address (allow access from anywhere)
Under database deployment loaded sample database.
Now I wanted to see my cluster data, so wanted to connect it to vs code or MongoDB Compass. I clicked connect, selected connect using mongo db compass, copied the string.
now i opened Mongodb compass, and under New connection i.e connect to a MongoDB deployment, i entered my URL
clicked Connect
But i got error as : Unable to connect: connect ECONNREFUSED
How I can fix it, Looking for kind help. Thanks in advance

MongoDB ODBC configuration for MongoDB BI Connector

I’m trying to setup MongoDB BI Connector to use it for Tableau. I have already running mongosqld and it is connecting successfully from windows cmd to aws documentdb, but when I try to setup MongoDB ODBC Data Source it shows Connection failed [MongoDB][ODBC 1.4(w) Driver] can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘xxxxx’. The same error is when trying unicode or ansi. It is also not working connecting directly from Tableau Desktop using MongoDB BI Connector. Same error message. I'm using port 3307. Perhaps anyone has had the same issue and can advise how to solve it?

Mongo DB BI Connector locally with remote db

I'm trying to create an ODBC connection with a remote mongoDB in order to connect MS Power BI with this mongo via ODBC.
By reading the mongoDB Connector documentation here (,Tableau%2C%20MicroStrategy%2C%20and%20Qlik) - Hosted Database and On Premises BI Connector, i am trying to connect to the remote mongodb with the --mongo-uri option when you start the BI Connector's mongosqld process.
here is the response i am receiving on this connection attempt:
If you can't see the image, the error is "unable to load mongodb information: failed to create admin session for loading server cluster information... socket was unexpectedly closed: EOF"
Does anybody know what i am missing on this connection?

How to update Pentaho Spoon JDBC drivers

I'm trying to connect to a postgresql 13 DB hosted on my computer using spoon.
I get the following error when trying to connect
Error connecting to database [DW] :org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException:
Error occurred while trying to connect to the database
Error connecting to database: (using class org.postgresql.Driver)
The authentication type 10 is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client's IP address or subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver.
Error occurred while trying to connect to the database
Error connecting to database: (using class org.postgresql.Driver)
The authentication type 10 is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client's IP address or subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver.
I did some digging and that's due to an outdated JDBC driver. Can anyone help me update the driver? I have located the driver directory but the guide on the website
is just crap, they require you to have a distribute-files.bat file? Which I couldn't find anywhere.
You do not have to follow all the steps. Just pasting the JAR file in the directory is enough.

Mongodb connecting to a database with old data when connecting through mongo --host

I have a instance running mongodb. I have used a config file while starting the database using mongod -f mongod.conf. I can connect to this mongodb instance from my application server instance. Recently, due to a software upgrade I had to restart the system. After that, I have been facing the following issue:
When I connect to the mongodb instance using mongo from the database instance(locally), it connects me to the proper database with the latest data. But, when I try to connect it from application server instance using mongo --host "ip_address", it is connecting to the same database but it showing the data which is some days old. I needed to know what the issue is and how will I be able to fetch the latest data which is residing in the database from the application server instance.