I got this task in school to create some Exercises to the topic "Conversion of a domain model to a REST model using OpenAPI" and don't know where to start. Any useful tips or websites that we should read or get used to? Thank you
I'm looking into headless CMS's eg. Netlify, Strapi, Sanity. However none of them seem to have functionality to handle managing hierarchical data. Am I missing something? can people let me know how they handle hierarchical data in any of the above mentioned CMS's.
You are talking about a database model. Hierarchical model is achievable in every CMS's you mentioned.
For example you could declare Employee and Computer objects. Then you just need to add a relation between those two. In Strapi for example you just have to add a relation field in Employee that says Employee have one Computer
I'm developing a semi-automatic annotation tool for medical texts and I am completely lost in finding the RDF triplets for annotation.
I am currently trying to use an NLP based approach. I have already looked into Stanford NER and OpenNLP and they both do not have models for extracting disease names.
My question is:
* How can I create a new NER model for extracting disease names? and can I get any help from the OpenNLP or Standford NERs?
* Is there another approach all-together - other than NLP - to extracting the RDF triplets from a text?
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
I have done something similar to what you need both with OpenNLP and LingPipe.
I found the exact dictionary-based chunking of LingPipe good enough for my use case and used that. Documentation available here: http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/demos/tutorial/ne/read-me.html
You can find a small demo here:
If a gazetteer/dictionary approach isn't good enough for you, you can try creating your own model, OpenNLP has API for training models as well. Documentation is here: http://opennlp.apache.org/documentation/1.5.2-incubating/manual/opennlp.html#tools.namefind.training
Extracting RDF triples from natural language is a different problem than identify named entities. NER is a related and perhaps necessary step, but not enough. To extract an RDF statement from natural language not only you need to identify entities such as the subject and the object of a statement. But you also need to identify the verb and/or relationship of those entities and also you need to map those to URIs.
I'm starting to work with graph databases, and in my team we've started modeling a graph for our software. The problem comes when we try to "document" the model, to see the structure of our database. With SQL databases you only have to look at the SQL schema.
We've spent some time reading neo4j blogs and documentation, but we've seen that the usual way to show how a graph works is with a minimal graph showing some sample data (Random samples: sample1, sample2, etc). That's great for educational purposes, but we'd love to be able to do it in a little more formal way. We'd like to set what kind of node can relate with another one, and with what kind of relationship, that kind of stuff.
Using Spring you can wrap the graph with classes, but it's very specific to Java and OO model, and we're working with Erlang. We're looking for some kind of formal language (SQL Schema equivalent), or a E-R model equivalent, or something like that.
One way to do this is to put the "meta-model" of your graph (a type network) in the graph as well and then connect the instances (nodes) to their meta-model-type. So you can visualize the meta-model using the graph visualization and at the same time use the meta-model to enforce additional constraints (by storing constraint information in the meta-model and using that when the actual model is updated) and also use the type-nodes of the meta-model to quickly access all "instance"-nodes of this type.
What is the domain you want to model?
A quick idea - could you use a subset of UML? Graph modeling seems to be closer to the domain, so maybe that's reasonable.
What we do is a generalization of the "example data" approach, where we include cardinality on each side of a relationship, as well as type and direction. I also often include a node "type" in the diagram (or some other specification of it's role/relation to domain models) instead of example data, and of course note the expected properties, their types, and whether they are optional. It's less than formal, but has served well so far.
I was wondering, in assignments I have been using datasets. Now when I started working in this software company people are using something called DTO - data transfer object. Where does domain model come in ? What is it really ?
DTOs are simple data structure objects that serve only to transfer data out of a database (often via an ORM) and make those data available to higher layers of the application. If a DTO is used to feed into a proper domain model layer, this is architecturally valid (though perhaps redundant). If you treat your DTOs as a domain model layer (in other words, you have no domain logic separate from the user interface), then you are using your DTOs as an anemic domain model, which is a severe architectural anti-pattern.
DTO = Data Transfer Object are as it sounds. Object that transfer data between system layers. The purpose is often to adapt the request and response data so it suits the use case. Example can be that you request a CV through a HR system's CandidateService in application layer. The Candidate Service loads information than spans over different domain entities: WorkExperince, Education, Personal Letter etc. To avoid a complex and massive response object graph we can flatten the repsponse by building a DTO object that is exactly design for what the client (GUI) needs.
There are a lot to say about DTO. But I do not want to write a novel :) But DTO do not belong in the Domain Model, in the Core. DTO is mostly refered in DDD as tool for communication between application services to clients, especially if you use web services (WCF etc). Then DTO is a perfect way of serializing part of your domain into a web service message (serialized DTO).
Hopefully you can ask your collegue/co-workers as well what they intended to accomplish with DTO's. There are several drawback with DTO's, usually it gives you an extra layer and that means more to do during maintenance phase...
(almost a novel by now) I use DTO's only when there is a really benefit and thats when you can deliver a complex responses with DTO that matches the clients needs exactly. Otherwise the client usually need to call different services or methods to gather enough information.
I reluctantly adopted a data mapper approach for my current project but I've been left a little confused.
Business Model
A worker has a name, a set of working hours, and a cost.
Data Model
A worker is made up of a labour type and a working pattern (three different tables). The cost of the worker is calculated based on a combination of the labour type and the working pattern.
My problem...
I seem to have two different models, one that represents business logic and one that represents data structure. I was of the understanding that my model should represent the business logic, but what happens when I want to insert a new worker? This is done using a form with two drop downs, the working pattern & the cost, the id's of which are not needed by the business model.
Confused? I am.
There is no real support for data models with the zend framework. But weierophinney does a realy good job to show how they could be implemented. Another very good description is this one.
Usually a model represents the data and includes the logic. The data model is a backend independed way to write/get data. For the model and the application it doesn't matter from where the data comes. Thus the datastorage can be exchanged without having to touch anything else.
Default data modelling in Zend Framework (Zend_Db_Table) isn't probably the best choice for object oriented data modelling.
Try using ORM like Doctrine (http://www.doctrine-project.org/) it allows you to create domain object model and almost transparently store it in database. This way you can have business model and data model combined in single classes.