Is there a way to search for comments in a pull request reviewed by a given user on Github? - github

Is there a way to search for comments in a pull request reviewed by a given user on Github? On Github, I remember some insightful comments made by a previous developer on some issue with mutations, but I can't find it. Is there a way to search for comments made by a given user?


github - Is it possible to track visitors of my repo?

I just found Traffic section in Graphs at github repo.
And I also found that there is Visitor section.
I wonder if it is possible to get the information of visitors of the repo.
(i.e. who visited my repo)
Is it possible?
Since Github introduced visitors tracking you are only able to see unique visits, but not who exactly visited your repo.

FB Comments. Missed old comments. Wrong comment counter number

I have a blog on Wordpress with installed "Simple Facebook comments" plugin. It working couple of years but some time ago i found out that for some posts Facebook API showing me "N" comments but display none.
I tried to add comment to this kind of post and comments counter showing "N+1" but i was able to see only one most recent comment. I was trying to receive all of existing comment via Open Graph API (example: but it returning only one comment after that i was requested comments number for the same post (REST API: , GRAPH API: and it told me that i have 2 comments.
I tried to clear OpenGraph cache, request comment number with another resources and it wasn't help.
Do you have any idea why it happening? I would be a very grateful if somebody will told me the possible way to solve that problem.
Based on the url you posted, that plugin seems to be using the Facebook Rest Server API which has been deprecated as noted below...
We announced the Graph API at f8 2010. Since that event, we have been working hard to ensure that the most important functionality that developers were using with the REST API is available via the Graph API. For the past several months we have been slowly launching new features in the Graph API to bring it up to parity with the REST API
This article is 3 years old so I wouldn't be surprised to find out that there are bugs in the existing deprecated API since they have dropped support for it. That said, be sure to read the documentation of the plugin you're using, they might have updated the plugin.
Also, if you wish to do this job manually, rather than depending on a third-party, be sure to read the documentation regarding this endpoint because permissions and default filters can affect the output...

find latest comment using facebook graph api

I need to sync the Facebook comments with my own database, but downloading the full list via Graph API and syncing it on every page view is extremely inefficient.
Is it possible to grab just the most recent comment or nested comment from a URL? That way I could compare entry dates and decide whether a full merge should be done.

FB comments merged with my website´s comments

At the moment my website has its own comments in articles. I decided to merge it with FB comments but of course I don´t want to lose my old comments.
Is there a way to merge my old comments with those in FB social plugin? That means: can I somehow insert my old comments in FB Comments plugin?
In general, how would you solve this problem? What way of integration would you choose?

How to merge comment stream on Facebook events and my own website

I have a website that allows people to post events and it automatically posts their events to facebook if they so choose. I also integrated facebook comments on the event pages on my website.
Is it possible to merge the comments that people leave on my website's event pages with the comments that people leave on the facebook event page that was automatically made for them? I can't seem to find any documentation on this.
Edit: Just to clarify: The comments on my website are done via the facebook-comments API, they are not a module of my application.
Adding a separate answer, as after clarification it's significantly different.
If you want to basically have the wall of your event show up on your website, you can use the Event API to pull in wallposts and display them. To be able to post to that wall, you would have to do some custom coding to authenticate the user with publish_stream permission and then have a form on your site that would post to the event's wall, as noted in the post section of the above link.
Someone may have done this already and put code out there, but I doubt there is an easier way to get your ideal situation up and running. This use case isn't as automagic as the comments box, unfortunately.
If you're just looking to spread your events socially, however, the comments box will post to the commenters' walls with a link to your event page, which can then in turn point them to the Faecbook event. You might be able to use the Facebook event's URL as the URL for your comment box on the website, so it would just post a link directly to the Facebook event, but I'm not sure on that one.
I looked at this in my app, and we ended up deciding to just maintain separate streams. This is because it's only a one-way integration - you can get comments from Facebook via the Graph API and format them on your own website, in-line with your website comments, but there's no way to push comments from your website up to Facebook.
You could, if you wanted, just use the Facebook comment form for all comments - this has been done by big sites such as TechCrunch, and is effective, but it requires users to have a Facebook, AOL, Yahoo, or Hotmail account. Whether you want to do that or not depends on your preferences and userbase.
there a tool that combines comments form different pages or different sources
Check which works on pulling comments from different sources like YouTube videos, existing wordpress sites, facebook comments plugins and even DIsqus account and combine them all together and publish them on any of your webpages, and it all works automatically once you set them where to pull and where to publish.