How to merge comment stream on Facebook events and my own website - facebook

I have a website that allows people to post events and it automatically posts their events to facebook if they so choose. I also integrated facebook comments on the event pages on my website.
Is it possible to merge the comments that people leave on my website's event pages with the comments that people leave on the facebook event page that was automatically made for them? I can't seem to find any documentation on this.
Edit: Just to clarify: The comments on my website are done via the facebook-comments API, they are not a module of my application.

Adding a separate answer, as after clarification it's significantly different.
If you want to basically have the wall of your event show up on your website, you can use the Event API to pull in wallposts and display them. To be able to post to that wall, you would have to do some custom coding to authenticate the user with publish_stream permission and then have a form on your site that would post to the event's wall, as noted in the post section of the above link.
Someone may have done this already and put code out there, but I doubt there is an easier way to get your ideal situation up and running. This use case isn't as automagic as the comments box, unfortunately.
If you're just looking to spread your events socially, however, the comments box will post to the commenters' walls with a link to your event page, which can then in turn point them to the Faecbook event. You might be able to use the Facebook event's URL as the URL for your comment box on the website, so it would just post a link directly to the Facebook event, but I'm not sure on that one.

I looked at this in my app, and we ended up deciding to just maintain separate streams. This is because it's only a one-way integration - you can get comments from Facebook via the Graph API and format them on your own website, in-line with your website comments, but there's no way to push comments from your website up to Facebook.
You could, if you wanted, just use the Facebook comment form for all comments - this has been done by big sites such as TechCrunch, and is effective, but it requires users to have a Facebook, AOL, Yahoo, or Hotmail account. Whether you want to do that or not depends on your preferences and userbase.

there a tool that combines comments form different pages or different sources
Check which works on pulling comments from different sources like YouTube videos, existing wordpress sites, facebook comments plugins and even DIsqus account and combine them all together and publish them on any of your webpages, and it all works automatically once you set them where to pull and where to publish.


Making comments/posts show both on my site and on a Facebook page

Is it possible for people who are visiting my website to leave comments/posts which are visible/posted both on my site and on my Facebook page?
So if a user types in my site a comment such as "your site sucks big time" I want that post to exist both in my site (in a comments page for example) and in my site's Facebook page.
The comments plugin seems just to add a comments functionality in my website.
The embedded posts plugin does the opposite. Is there some combined functionality?
It is not possible with the Comments Plugin, you could listen to the edge event for creating a new comment but it does not get you access to the contents of the comment:
There is only one way to do this: By creating your own commenting system and by authorizing every user who wants to comment. Since you probably want the comments to show up as posted by that user, you would need to authorize the user with the "publish_actions" permission. You need to get that permission approved too:
So, the steps are:
Create your own commenting system
Authorize users who want to comment (FB.login)
The user should be able to decide (with a checkbox, for example) if he wants his comment to show up on Facebook too
After posting in your custom commenting system, use the feed endpoint of your page for posting
...or use the comments endpoint of a specific page post

Integration of facebook to a CMS

I am currently creating a CMS for internal use. We currently have a situation where we post something on our Facebook page, and then have to copy and paste it on to our corporate website.
The thought process is now to try and use a in house built CMS to drive both the website and FB. My initial thought process is that there will need to be to way flow, i.e We need to be able to sync Facebook with our website database, but also our database with Facebook. This should not be a problem, with the Facebook-SDK I have successfully retrieved posts, links, statuses, photos we have posted to Facebook.
My problem comes in that it would be great if I could some how replicate the notification of Facebook, so that if someone likes a post on Facebook, we get a notification in the CMS also, is this possible? Can you pull notifications from Facebook?
Other points I need to consider is can I create a gallery of images on my website, and send those to Facebook to create a new gallery? Can I pull comments from facebook, show them on my site, and allow people to add to them through a comment form, but send those comments to facebook also?
Any body any experience of trying to drive facebook from an external source?
How about using iframes? It's easy to use, you only have to be logged in on facebook. I'd do something like this:
<iframe src="" class="cms_block"></iframe>
You just have to look into your global.css file, what kind of class is to your cms blocks associated with. Or define it manually:
<iframe src="" style="display: block; width=: inherit; height: inherit;"></iframe>
I don't think you are going to find the solution in the Facebook APIs so you'll probably need to code something yourself. You could poll the Facebook feed and send notifications when you detect them.
You might want to check out - not sure if they will be as granular as you want (to notify post 'likes') but there are various FB events you can monitor and act on. Check out some of their public recipes:
I've been working on a somewhat similar problem and decided to maintain FB as CMS and pull the feeds from FB into my site rather than try to keep the two systems in sync.
Good luck and post back how you solved if you get a chance!

Moderate and delete facebook comments via external application

I would like to integrate facebook comments on our web site (many articles, many authors). By experience, these comments have to be moderated and I would like to achieve two things:
Apply own filtering techniques to identify spam and hold back publishing.
Have granular control about who can moderate (eg. authors on comments on their own article)
Can you please advise me on how to achieve this?
My knowledge so far: if I use the comments box, everything gets submitted to Facebook directly. I would be able to access the comments via Graph API, but not to modify them programatically (eg. delete them in facebook?).
a) Is there a way to delete a comment via an API, when I have the comment id from Graph-API?
b) Alternatively, can comments be submitted indirectly (visitor enters a comment, moderator approves, comment is sent to FB)

Get Facebook referral URL in Google Analytics

In my Google Analytics reports I get " / referral" as the source. Is it possible to get the exact URL?
I don't think it's possible. as #yahelc pointed on a previous comment most traffic from facebook goes through a facebook controlled redirect on page .So if you want to have campaigns on facebook you can use urls with campaign query parameters to keep track of it.
eg: link to
Now they will show up in GA as a separate campaign and you can tell how many visitors come from that specific link. You probably want to minify that link using or
Create multiple campaigns on facebook and change the utm_campaign parameter as much as you want. You can also create different utm_content parameter to separate your marketing efforts on facebook. Keep the utm_medium and utm_source as static as on the example above.
This is how social marketing analytics measures marketing efforts on social networks. Anything that comes from facebook is not tagged you know comes from people posting links to your site other than you.
At the same time it really makes no sense to have the referral url at all. If you think about it most of the times it will be from private posts that you don't even have access to see, even if you had a url for it. That's just not the way facebook works. It doesn't have pages, it has streams and posts.
More about url tagging:
The answer is yes and no. You can drill down to referral path for facebook source in the report Traffic Sources -> Sources -> Refferals by simply pressing at the Source coloumn, just like for all other visits from the referring site.
But that would be not much of a use, because for facebook you'll always see /l.php. And that's how facebook works, it doesn't allow visitors to visit the link immedeately, instead it redirects user to the page with url<> with a redirect or maybe with some text like "if you're sure you want to leave", so technically, the referring page would be this /l.php that GA shows.
So if you need to track the efficency of your Facebook activities - use utm tags, like #Eduardo Cereto mentioned. Here's a very nice video tutorial on link tagging for GA: (starts from p. 17, you can skip all that goes before).
Hope it helps!
i just know this settings here:

Programmatically posting Facebook comments

My application has obtained publish_stream permissions for a Facebook user.
I'd like to allow the user to post comments for a target URL directly from my mobile application, rather than opening up an embedded browser that then shows the Comment Box plugin. That is, the user doesn't necessarily want to post the link to their feed -- rather they want to participate in any Facebook comment discussion that surrounds that URL.
Naturally, I can read the comments for any URL via the Graph API (eg: a techcrunch article) but I do not know how, or if I can add comments to an arbitrary URL programmatically.
Would love to hear any other suggestions or workarounds as well. My hope is to piggy back on Facebook comments to allow my users to have a conversation surrounding URLs of interest to them. If at all possible, I'd also prefer to use Facebook, though I can see using Disqus or similar services would be another possibility.
Use graph api, demo comments here
make POST to
with field message and value "yourmessage"
I genuine Facebook API bug.
Cannot comment via Graph API on Comments Plugin (Probably try Legacy API)
Graph API