Model perform badly on test data - classification

I am working on a anaomaly detection/classification problem.
I trained a model HistGradientBoostingClassifier in sklearn.
The dataset is imbalanced, so I used f1 score as the metric to validate the model performance.
The model seems to perform well during the fitting process with GridSearchCV, and it performed well too on the test set.
However, when I tested it with new dataset, the model performance is very bad
So I have a few questions:
In the first image, you can see train loss is much less than the validation loss. Is this an indication of overfitting ?
If it is overfitting, why does it perform well on the test data(f1 score is about 0.9) ?
Why does it perform so bad on new data ? (f1 score is about 0.06 in the 2nd image)
What should be my next step to tackle this problem ?

i think you must try SMOTE or SMOTETomek on your train data before fitting .
SMOTE and SMOTETomek algorithms available in imbalanced-learn : SMOTE


Improving classification model's poor accuracy

I am new to machine learning and have been working on a classification problem and my model after preprocessing is constantly showing poor accuracy even after hyper-parameter optimization. Can anyone help me with suggestions on where am i doing wrong?Thank you..
in preprocessing i filled the null values using mean, checked if the data was normally distributed and did feature scaling after train test split.

How to deal with the randomness of NN training process?

Consider the training process of deep FF neural network using mini-batch gradient descent. As far as I understand, at each epoch of the training we have different random set of mini-batches. Then iterating over all mini batches and computing the gradients of the NN parameters we will get random gradients at each iteration and, therefore, random directions for the model parameters to minimize the cost function. Let's imagine we fixed the hyperparameters of the training algorithm and started the training process again and again, then we would end up with models, which completely differs from each other, because in those trainings the changes of model parameters were different.
1) Is it always the case when we use such random based training algorithms?
2) If it is so, where is the guaranty that training the NN one more time with the best hyperparameters found during the previous trainings and validations will yield us the best model again?
3) Is it possible to find such hyperparameters, which will always yield the best models?
Neural Network are solving a optimization problem, As long as it is computing a gradient in right direction but can be random, it doesn't hurt its objective to generalize over data. It can stuck in some local optima. But there are many good methods like Adam, RMSProp, momentum based etc, by which it can accomplish its objective.
Another reason, when you say mini-batch, there is at least some sample by which it can generalize over those sample, there can be fluctuation in the error rate, and but at least it can give us a local solution.
Even, at each random sampling, these mini-batch have different-2 sample, which helps in generalize well over the complete distribution.
For hyperparameter selection, you need to do tuning and validate result on unseen data, there is no straight forward method to choose these.

How to calculate Training and testing accuracy in image classification using SVM in matlab

I am trying to classify the four groups of images using SVM method, by randomly selecting training and testing data each time. When T run the program the performance varies due to randomly selecting data. How to get accurate performance of my algorithm and also how to calculate training and testing accuracy?
The formula I am using for performance is
Performance = sum(PredictedLabels == test_labels) / numel(PredictedLabels)
I am using multisvm function for classification.
My suggestion:
Actually the performance measure is acceptable, though there are some other slightly better choices like #Dan has mentioned.
More importantly, you need to deal with randomness.
1) Everytime you select your training data, test the trained model with multiple randomized test data and average the accuracy. (e.g. 10 times or so)
2) Use multiple trained model and average the performance to get general performance.
1) You need to make sure the training data and test data do not overlap. Or it is no longer test data.
2) It is better to have the training data have the same number of samples from each class label. This means you can partition your dataset in advance.

Matlab neural network testing

I have created a neural network and the performance is good. By using nprtool, we are allow to test the network with an input data and target data. Here is my question, what is the purpose of testing a neural network with target data provided? Isn't it testing should not hav e target data so that we can know how well can the trained neural network perform without target data is given? Hope someone will respond to this, thanks =)
I'm not familiar with nprtool, but I suspect it would give the input data to your neural network, and then compare your NN's output data with the target data (and compute some kind of success rate based on that).
So your NN will never see the target data, it's just used to measure the performance.
It's like the "teacher's edition" of the exercise books in school. The student (i.e. the NN) doesn't have the solutions, but her/his answers will be compared against them by the teacher (i.e. nprtool). (Okay, the teacher probably/hopefully knows the subject, but you get the idea.)
The "target" data t is the desired y of y=net(x) used as example to train the network.
What nprtool do is to divide the training set into three groups: the training set, the validation set and the test set.
The first one is used to actually update the network.
The second one is used to determine the performances of the net (note: this set is NOT used in any way to update the network): as the NN "learns" the error (as difference between the t and net(x)) over the validation set decreases. The trend will eventually stop or even reverse: this phenomena is called "overfitting", which means the NN is now chasing the training set, "memorizing" it at the cost of the ability to generalize (meaning: to perform well with unseen data). So the purpose of this validation set is to determine when to stop the training before the NN starts overfitting. This should answer your question.
Finally third set is for external testing, to leave you a set of data untouched by the training procedure.
Even though the total data set [training, validation and testing] are inputs to the training algorithm, the testing data is in no way used to design (i.e., train and validate) the net
total = design + test
design = train + validate
The training data is used to estimate weights and biases
The validation data is used to monitor the design performance on nontraining data. REGARDLESS OF THE PERFORMANCE ON TRAINING DATA, if validation performance degrades continuously for 6 (default) epochs, training is terminated (VALIDATION STOPPING).
This mitigates the dreaded phenomenon of OVERTRAINING AN OVERFIT NET where performance on nontraining data degrades even if the training set performance is improving.
An overfit net has more unknown weights and biases than training equations, thereby allowing an infinite number of solutions. A simple example of overfitting with two unknowns but only one equation:
KNOWN: a, b, c
FIND: unique x1 and x2
USING: a * x1 + b * x2 = c
Hope this helps.

Genetic algorithm for classification

I am trying to solve classification problem using Matlab GPTIPS framework.
I managed to build reasonable data representation and fitness function so far and got an average accuracy per class near 65%.
What I need now is some help with two difficulties:
My data is biased. Basically I am solving binary classification problem and only 20% of data belongs to class 1, while other 80% belong to class 0. I used accuracy of prediction as my fitness function at first, but it was really bad. The best I have now is
Fitness = 0.5*(PositivePredictiveValue + NegativePredictiveValue) - const*ComplexityOfSolution
Please, advize, how can I improve my function to make correction for data bias.
Second problem is overfitting. I divided my data into three parts: training (70%), testing (20%), validation (10%). I train each chromosome on training set, then evaluate it's fitness function on testing set. This routine allows me to reach fitness of 0.82 on my test data for the best individual in population. But same individual's result on validation data is only 60%.
I added validation check for best individual each time before new population is generated. Then I compare fitness on validation set with fitness on test set. If difference is more then 5%, then I increase penalty for solution complexity in my fitness function. But it didn't help.
I could also try to evaluate all individuals with validation set during each generation, and simply remove overfitted ones. But then I don't see any difference between my test and validation data. What else can be done here?
For my second question I've found great article "Experiments on Controlling Overtting
in Genetic Programming" Along with some article authors' ideas on dealing with overfitting in GP it has impressive review with a lot of references to many different approaches to the issue. Now I have a lot of new ideas I can try for my problem.
Unfortunately, still cant' find anything on selecting a proper fitness function which will take into account unbalanced class proportions in my data.
65% accuracy is very bad when the baseline (classify everything as the class with most samples) would be 80%. You need to achieve at least baseline classification in order to have a better model than the naive one.
I would not penalize complexity. Rather limit the tree size (if possible). You could identify simpler models during the run, like storing a pareto front of models with quality and complexity as its two fitness values.
In HeuristicLab we have integrated GP based classification that can do these things. There are several options: You can choose to use MSE for classification or R2. In the latest trunk build there is also an evaluator to optimize accuracy directly (exactly speaking it optimizes the classification penalties). Optimizing MSE means it assigns each class a value (1, 2, 3,...) and tries to minimize mean squared error from that value. This may not seem optimal at first, but works. Optimizing accuracy directly may lead to faster overfitting. There is also a formula simplifier which allows you to prune and shrink your formula (and view the effects of that).
Also, does it need to be GP? Have you tried Random Forest Classification or Support Vector Machines as well? RF are pretty fast and work pretty well usually.