Customize my logo using Yoctoproject psplash utility - yocto

Using psplash it's possible to build a customize image for boot up phase in a embedded Linux system.
There's also the possibility to customize the progress bar, modifying psplash-colors.h: progress bar color, internal bar background etc.
The only thing I'm not able to modify is the bar external border: it appears in light grey, but no possible to change its color inside this header file.
How to change this border color?


How can I adjust Flutter such that Fleksy recognizes colors and changes accordingly?

I'm making an app and I can't figure out what I need to change in order to make Fleksy recognize colors and change accordingly.
Fleksy is a keyboard app on devices that has a chameleon theme which changes according to the apps' color.
For instance, my app's main colors are white and red. Thus, in order to match general theme, I want Fleksy to change it's color to red whenever keyboard appears on the screen.
Is there something that I have to do within Flutter or there's a specific way to make this work?

How do I get the default color of Button text?

I am designing a UI in SwiftUI. There are a few buttons that I have customised with a rounded rectangle. I want the color of that rectangle to be the same as the color of the text - blue by default, and light grey in disabled mode.
At present I am hardcoding the colors. Is there some variable or function available to match the system settings for either of those colors?
The default color of a button is .accentColor. This works for both light & dark mode too:
I can't seem to find out how to get the disabled button color yet, but I'll update this if I find out.

Color Picker for specific Colors in touch UI AEM

I am using the colorPicker for a widget:
Now i dont want to show the shades of the color and want to add custom colors.
Displays the freestyle mode without palette shades.
this property is not working and the colors-name under colors node is also not working.
Please help.
Here's a starting point for implementing a color picker in AEM.
There's also a color palette picker example here that could provide inspiration.

How can I remove the blue highlight in a tab bar for iOS?

I've already been able to customize the gray shape that indicates what tab is selected, but how do I change the blue highlight to a different color or remove it completely? I'm building a tab bar with a very specific custom design, and this blue gloss has to go.
The UITabBar itself, won't allow you to modify it like this. My opinion would be to create your own custom TabBar. Look at this question for further informations: Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?

How to use customized tool bar in tiny mce?

I'm using tiny mce in one of my projects and client do not want to use the Horizontal tool bar of tiny mce. He wants a centralized custom tool bar from where user can control all the properties like text color, type of text, size, back grounds and every thing that is needed to do while designing a web page using templates. I configured the mce instance with out its default tool bar and controlled the properties from the customized tool bar. And the properties are applied to the tiny mce instance as a whole. But now, the requirement has come up that, the text editing should be in MS office style.That means, if user has placed cursor at one place and changes color, nothing will be affected, but if he starts typing from the cursor position the text should have the color which was set recently. I tried to use the external tool bar option. But, my work area and customized tool bar are at different z index levels. So, positioning the tool bar fails. If I append the tool bar to my customized tool bar, it is not click-able. So, how to invoke tiny mce's core functionality using customized tool bar?
Or, Kindly suggest, should I change editor ? Then, which one should I go for ?
As per the suggestion, I'm writing the function save the property styles and insert the span at caret position. But I'm facing some problems and could not do it after spending whole day. I could add span at caret position by using following code.
marker = ed.selection.getBookmark();
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent',false,'<span id="mytitle"></span>');
But still, I failed to type inside the new span. Also, I could not figure out how to set styles to this span.
If your aim is to have your tinymce behave like MS Office you should write an own plugin which will take care of this.
I suggest if a user has placed the cursor at one place and changes color you save this color as a setting to your tinymce instance like: ed.color = 'choosencolor';
When the user start typing now you can insert a span on the first keystroke and set the color as css class or style property to this span.