While publishing page we are getting this error in AEM :: failed to retrieve references for the selected page in aem - aem

We have 3 pages checkout, review-order and order-confirmation page. When we quick publish checkout and review-order page, publishing is happening but when we are doing quick publish for order-confirmation page we are getting below error.
ERROR : failed to retrieve references for the selected page in aem
Quick publish is not working for order-confirmation page.
Using Manage publication we are able to publish order-confirmation page.
can some one help me to understand why this Quick publish is giving an error but Manage Publication is working fine.
I have removed all the component from the page and try to publish.
I have added jcr:lastModified and jcr:lasModifiedBy under jcr:content of order-confirmation page

One More underline point is thatĀ If cq:lastReplicationAction is present, then cq:lastReplicated (date value) is must in 6.5 of any JCR node property of that page while publishing from author to liveĀ 


ALL products are redirecting to 404 error in magento 2.0

When I click on products in home page of my website, it is redirecting to some error page i.e u have typed wrong url. I am using magento 2.0. I am getting same error for all products. How to resolve it?????
but all products are displayed in categories as well as home page
Please follow the following step to solve this problem.
step 1:- Please login and open a category.
Step 2:- Please assign a product.
step 3:- Then save that category.
Now all product will be working fine.

How to create url in AEM once i created page in author view?

I am reading thru AEM WCM and had a question that once after creating page in lower environments and publish where to check that look and feel? Is there any url to check? or will check in AEM only?
can anyone give example format url?
Have a look at the Adobe Authroing documentation, understand the concept and architecture of the AEM. As AEM is on the REST based concept implementation your page content path will be the page url (if you don't have any sling internal redirects or Dispatcher level url hiding implementations).
Just to explain you taking an geometrixx website OOTB example.
Working at author end in local instance at port 4502:
Example if you have created a test page under /content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/
the test page url will be http://localhost:4502/cf#/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/testpage.html
preview mode can be tested appending wcmmode=disabled at the end of your url as shown below
from side kick preview option
If you have published the page (assuming your publish instance is
running at 4503 on local)
your page path will be http://localhost:4503/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/testpage.html
If you are using touch UI then you can see the preview mode by:
Edit link: http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/testpage.html
Preview Link:
You should have a Replication Agent and configuration setup there to publish the pages. There is a default agent comes with AEM where you can publish the changes from author to publish environment.

Unable to login through social login in AEM 6.2

I have configured social login in AEM as given in https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/communities/social-login.html. I'm using Geometrix-outdoor component to login. The page is http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx-outdoors/en.html [on top right corner we have login].
All the configurations are good. When I click login, the pop up for facebook login comes (OAuth login succeeds). When the call back happens, the OAuth Handler is not able to find the class com/day/cq/personalization/ProfileUtil in 6.2. In 6.1 this functionality works fine.
Below is the log:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/day/cq/personalization/ProfileUtil
at com.adobe.cq.social.connect.oauth.impl.FacebookProviderImpl.getCurrentUser(FacebookProviderImpl.java:368)
at com.adobe.granite.auth.oauth.impl.servlet.OAuthProfileImportServlet.updateUserDataAndRedirect(OAuthProfileImportServlet.java:130)
at com.adobe.granite.auth.oauth.impl.servlet.OAuthProfileImportServlet.requestAccessToken(OAuthProfileImportServlet.java:115)
at com.adobe.granite.auth.oauth.impl.servlet.OAuthProfileImportServlet.doGet(OAuthProfileImportServlet.java:82)
at org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingSafeMethodsServlet.mayService(SlingSafeMethodsServlet.java:269)
at org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingAllMethodsServlet.mayService(SlingAllMethodsServlet.java:140)
at org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingSafeMethodsServlet.service(SlingSafeMethodsServlet.java:345)
at org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingSafeMethodsServlet.service(SlingSafeMethodsServlet.java:376)
at org.apache.sling.engine.impl.request.RequestData.service(RequestData.java:546)
at org.apache.sling.engine.impl.filter.SlingComponentFilterChain.render(SlingComponentFilterChain.java:44)
at org.apache.sling.engine.impl.filter.AbstractSlingFilterChain.doFilter(AbstractSlingFilterChain.java:77)
It is helpful to identify the root cause and rectify. Thank you
In AEM 6.2, com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.profile.ProfileUtil is deprecated. Please
Use com.day.cq.personalization.ProfileUtil instead.
Social login cannot be used on author nodes. It is only valid on publish nodes because it creates community users. Community users do not exist on author nodes.
I wish the error message were more clear...

Joomla plugin user group restriction or article unpublish restriction

I have an issue with ALL facebook comment plugins out there... We use Joomla 3.
While having such a plugin enabled, facebook fetch the article BEFORE publishing date (which always is set in the future on the site), with the result of a 404 error.
Upon publishing facebook doesn't refetch the article when our reader tries to share it on facebook, resulting in 404 error message on facebook, even though the article is live and published.
If I go to the facebook debugger, and refetch, it works alright - but we can't do that with all articles every day.
Is there a way to restrict a plugin to be executed either if the article isn't published, or to a certain user group?
My suspicion is that this occurs if an editor checks his article before it is published, so if I can restrict the plugin for special user groups it could maybe work..?
Appreciate any ideas...
With kind regards,
- Johan.
Open the main PHP file in the plugin, and then, in the beginning of the function onContentBeforeDisplay add the following code:
if ($article->state != 1)
return '';
Do the same thing for the function onContentAfterDisplay.

OLD Page name exists in URL : Adobe CQ5

I am using CQ5 for one of my projects. I recently had an interesting problem. We had following page in our siteadmin -
The the corrosponding URL was
In my siteadmin I changed the name of page example to mydata and following URL is working fine
But the problem is the old URL MY-PORTAL-NAME/en/example.html still exists. How can we solve this ?
The page was moved only in the author instance . The page is intact in publish instance , usually when you move an activated page the application prompts for moving the page in publish too. To fix this you can log into publish and delete the page or move the page back to old URL , deactivate it and then move it back to the new URL.