What is a simulation tick? - simulation

I am trying to simulate thousands of actors in a parallel fashion in order to simulate the real world scenario of a distributed environment. I was reading up on how simulators are built and came across the concept of ticking. I think I am understanding it, but would like correction where I am wrong.
For the sake of simplicity, let's say I want to simulate 5 actors, so I spin up 5 threads. In each actor I have an infinite loop listening in on its message queue to process any messages and any change in state will be reflective on the GUI. The issue I suspect would be all 5 actors could be processing messages that require different amounts of time or have outdated messages that are invalid given a change in the environment. This is where the concept of ticking comes in. The current tick is only complete once all the modules have performed an action for that tick. So for example:
Simulator has a variable var tick = 0 and var num_actors = 5
Simulator will have a callback that is called when an actor has processed their message
Simulator will have a counter completed_ticks for tick = 0 and when completed_actors == num_actors then tick += 1 and call .tick() for each of the actors which will now perform the next action given the current environment
This now ensures that all actors are evaluating the same environment
Is this the correct understanding of ticks?


How to stop or suspend and restart “service delay" or the "delay" blocks from the agent based diagram?

By following your advice I’m constructing small models to learn how to use AnyLogic and build my simulation.
I need discrete events diagram interacting with agent based, where the agent based will represent a “service process” based in a previous recommendation it was straight forward to trigger the agent based activity, but I cannot stop or suspend or delay the “delay” block, I tryed to use the “until stopDelay is called” function but I could not make it work, I decided to test with and cyclic event inside the discrete event agent and but was not possible. I am considering that maybe my approach is not correct, and I need to use a different strategy to stop the discrete events process while the agent-based process is running, however since agent based is attempting to simulate some human behaviour, I’m interested in the time variations this could cause to the discrete events process. So my question is how to stop or suspend the “service delay or the delay blocks and restart them from the agent based diagram?
If you just need to store an entity somewhere until Agent process is done then I would recommend using using a 'wait' block instead of a 'delay'. The whole point of a delay is to have a timed exit so suspending it doesn't align with the intended use-case. You can read more about 'wait' block here.
I found the the Job Shop model example, some blocks using stopDelayForAll(), with a "if" code block, so I noticed that it was using a parameter, so I made some changes and the code I'm using and worked is this:
if ( Inqueue >= queCap )
"Inqueue" is a variable capturing data from the delay block and queCap is a parameter telling the queue block capacity.

Why doesn't my Azure Function scale up?

For a test, I created a new function app. I added two functions, one was an http trigger that when invoked, pushed 500 messages to a queue. The other, a queue trigger to read the messages. The queue trigger function code, was setup to read a message and randomly sleep from 1 to 30 seconds. This was intended to simulate longer running tasks.
I invoked the http trigger to create the messages, then watched the que fill up (messages were processed by the other trigger). I also wired up app insights to this function app, but I did not see is scale beyond 1 server.
Do Azure functions scale up soley on the # of messages in the que?
Also, I implemented these functions in Powershell.
If you're running in the Azure Functions consumption plan, we monitor both the length and the throughput of your queue to determine whether additional VM resources are needed.
Note that a single function app instance can process multiple queue messages concurrently without needing to scale across multiple VMs. So if all 500 messages can be consumed relatively quickly (again, in the consumption plan), then it's possible that you won't scale at all.
The exact algorithm for scaling isn't published (it's subject to lots of tweaking), but generally speaking you can expect the system to automatically scale you out if messages are getting added to the queue faster than your functions can process them. Your app will also scale out if the latency of the first message in the queue is continuously increasing (meaning, messages are sitting idle and not getting processed). The time between VMs getting added is usually in the tens of seconds.
There are some thresholds based on queue count as well. For example, the system tries to ensure that there is at least 1 VM for every 1K queue messages, but usually the scale decisions are based on message throughput as I described earlier.
I think #Chris Gillum put it well, it's hard for us to push the limits of the server to the point that things will start to scale.
Some other options available are:
Use durable functions and scale with Threading:
Another method could be to use Event Hubs which are designed for massive scale. Instead of queues, have Function #1 trigger an Event, and your Function #2 subscribed to that Event Hub trigger. Adding Streaming Analytics, could also be an option to more fully expand on capabilities if needed.

Continious stream of data via socket gets progressively more delayed

I am working on an application which, through a Java program, links two different robot simulation environments. One simulation environment (let's call it A) sends the current state of the robot to the Java application, which does some calculations and then sends data about this current state, as well as some other information, on to the other simulation environment (let's call it B). Simulation B then updates the state of the robot to match Simulation A's version.
The problem is that as the program continues to run, simulation B begins to lag behind what simulation A is doing. This lag increases continuously, so that after a minute or so simulation B is several seconds behind.
I am using TCP sockets to send data between these environments and the Java program. From background reading on socket programming, I found out it is bad practice to continuously open and close sockets rapidly, so what I am doing currently is just keeping both sockets open. I have a loop running which grabs data from Sim A, does some calculations, and then sends the position data to Sim B and then I have the thread wait for 100ms and then the loop repeats. To be clear, the position data sent to B is unaltered from what is received from A.
Upon researching the lag issue, someone suggested to me that for streams of data it is actually a good idea to open and close sockets, because if you keep the socket open, if one simulation takes a longer time to process things than the other, you end up with the position data stacking up in the buffer and being read sequentially, instead of reading the most recent data. Is this true? Would rewriting my code to open and close sockets every 100ms potentially get rid of the delay? Or is this not how sockets actually work?
Edit for clarification: It is more critical that the simulations stay in sync than that all position data is sent, in other words it is acceptable to not pass along all data points for the sake of staying in sync.
Besides keeping the socket open causing problems, does anyone have any ideas of what might be causing the lag issue?
Thanks in advance for any insight/suggestions/hints!
You are correct about using a single connection. Data can indeed back up, but using multiple connections doesn't change that.
The basic question here is whether the Java program can calculate as fast as the robot can send data. If it can't, it will get behind. You can do various things to the networking to speed it up but if the computations can't keep up they are futile. So you need to investigate your timings.

Mutli Player Game synchronization

The Situation:
I would like to ask what's the best logic for synchronizing objects in a multiplayer 1:1 game using BT or a web server. The game has two players, each of them has multiple guns & bullets, the bullets are created dynamically and disappear after a while, the players my move objects around simultaneously.
The Problem:
I have a real issue with synchronization, since the bullets on one device may be faster than other, also they may have already gone or hit an object on one device while on the other its still in the air.
What is the best way of handling synchonization in this case? Should all the objects be controlled by one device acting as the server, while th other just gets the values, positions and does very little thinking. Or should control be distributed where each device creates, destroys and moves its own objects and then through synchronization tells the other device.
What is the best to handle transmission delay in this, since BT might be faster than playing over the web?
The best would be a working sample - thanks very much!
You seem to have started on some good ideas about synchronization, but it's possible there are two problems you are running into that are getting overlapped: the synchronization of game clocks and the sychronization of gamestate.
(1) synchronizing game clocks
you need some representation of 'game time' for your game. for a 2 player game it is very reasonable to simply declare one the authority.
so on the authoritative client:
gameTime = GetClockTime();
msg.gameTime = gameTime
on the other client might be something like:
lastGameTimeFromNetwork = msg.gameTime;
lastClockTimeOfGameTimeMessage = GetClockTime();
gameTime = lastGameTimeFromNetwork + GetClockTime() - lastClockTimeOfGameTimeMessage;
there are complications like skipping/slipping (ie getting times from over the network that go forward/backward too much) that require further work, but hopefully you get the idea. follow up with another question if you need.
note: this example doesn't differentiate 'ticks' vs 'seconds' nor does is it tied to your network protocol nor the type of device your game is running on (save the requirement 'the device has a local clock').
(2) synchronizing gamestate
after you have a consistent game clock, you still need to work out how to consistently simulate and propagate your gamestate. for synchronizing gamestate you have a few choices:
each unit of gamestate is 'owned' by one process. only that process is allowed to change that gamestate. those changes are propagated to all other processes.
if everything is owned by a single process, this is often called a 'client/server' game.
note, with this model each client has a different view of the game world at any time.
example games: quake, world of warcraft
to optimize bandwidth and hide latency, you can often do some local simulation for fields with a high update frequency. example:
drawPosition = lastSyncPostion + (currentTime - lastSyncTime) * lastSyncVelocity
of course you to having to reconcile new information with your simulated version in this case.
each unit of gamestate is identical in all processes.
commands from each process are propagated to each other with their desired initiation time (sometime in the future).
in its simplest form, one process (often called the host) sends special messages indicating when to advance the game time. when everyone recieves that message they are allowed to simulate the game up to that point.
the 'in the future' requirement leads to high latency between input command and gamestate change.
in non-real time games like civilization, this is fine. in a game like starcraft, normally the sound acknowledging the input comes immediately, but the actually gamestate affecting action is delayed. this style is not appropriate for games like shooters that require time-sensitive actions (on the ~100ms scale).
synchronous with resimulation
each unit of gamestate is identical in all processes.
each process sends all other processes its input with its current timestamp. additionally a 'nothing happened' message is periodically sent.
each process has 2 copies of the gamestate.
copy 1 of the gamestate is propagated to the 'last earliest message' it has receive from all other clients. this is equivalent to the synchronous model, but has the weakness that it represents a gamestate from 'a little bit ago'
copy 2 of the gamestate is copy 1 plus all the remaining messages. it is a prediction of what is gamestate at the current time on the client, assuming nothing new happens.
the player interacts with some combination of the two gamestate (ideally 100% copy 2, but some consideration must be taken to avoid pops as new messages come in)
example games: street fighter 4 (internet play)
from your description, options (1) and (3) seem to fit your problem. again if you have further questions or require more detail, ask a follow up.
since the bullets on one device may be faster than other
This should not happen if the game has been architected properly.
Most games these days (particularly multiplayer ones) work on ticks - small timeslices. Each system should get the exact same result when it computes what happened during a tick - no "bullets moving faster on one machine than they do on another".
Then it's a much simpler matter of making sure each system gets the same inputs for each player (you'll need to broadcast each player's input to each other player, along with the tick the input was registered during), and making sure that each system calculates ticks at the same rate.

Howto design a clock driven multi-agent simulation

I want to create a multi-agent simulation model for a real word manufacturing process to evaluate some dispatching rules. The simulation needs to produce event logs to evaluate time effect of the dispatching rules compared to the real manufacturing event logs.
How can I incorporate the 'current simulation time' into this kind of multi-agent, message passing intensive simulation?
The classical discrete event simulation (which handles the time-advancement nicely) cannot be applied here, as the agents in the system represent relatively complex behavior and routing requirements plus the dispatching rules require them to communicate frequently. This and other process complexities rule out a centralized scheduling approach as well.
In the manufacturing science, there are thousands of papers using a multi-agent simulation for their solution of some manufacturing related problem. However, I haven't found a paper yet which describes the inner workings or implementation details of these simulations in the required detail.
Unfortunately, using the shortest process time for discrete time stepping in a system might be infeasible as the range of process time is between 0.1s and 24 hours. There is a possibility my simulation will be used for what-if evaluations in a project later on so the simulation needs to run as fast as possible - no option for overnight simulation runs.
The problem size is about 500 resources and 1000 - 10000 product agents, most of them is finished and not participating in any further communication or resource occupation.
Consequently, in result to the communication new events can trigger an agent to do something before its original 'next time' event would arrive. For example, an agent is currently blocked on a resource lasting an hour. However, another higher priority agent needs that resource right away and asks the fist agent to release that resource.
In some sense, I need a way to create a hybrid of classical message passing agent-simulation and the discrete event simulation.
I considered a mediator agent that is involved in every message - a message router and time enforcer which sends around the messages and the timer tick events. Also the mediator agent keeps a list of next event times for various agents. However, I feel there should be a better way to solve my problem as the concept puts an enormous pressure at the mediator agent.
It took a while, but it seems I managed to create a mini-framework and combined the DES and Agent concept into one. I'm sure its nothing new but at least unique: http://code.google.com/p/tidra-framework/ if you are interested.
This problem sounds as if it should be tackled by using parallel discrete-event simulation - the mediator agent you are planning to implement ('is involved in every message', 'sends around messages and timer tick events') seems to be doing the job of a discrete-event simulator right now. You can make this scale to the desired problem size by using more of such simulators in parallel and then use a synchronization algorithm to maintain causality etc. (see, e.g., this book for details). Of course, this requires some considerable effort, and you might be better off by really trying out the sequential algorithms first.
A nice way of augmenting the classical DES-view of logical processes (= agents) that communicate with each other via events could be to blend in some ideas from other formalisms used to describe discrete-event systems, such as DEVS. In DEVS, each entity can specify the duration it will be in a certain state (e.g., the agent blocking a resource), and will only be interrupted by incoming messages (and then change its state accordingly, e.g. the agent freeing the resource).
BTW In which sense do you think that the agents are too complex to be handled with discrete-event simulation? If you regard each agent as a logical process, it doesn't really matter how complex it is from a simulation point of view - or am I getting something wrong here?