Best way to call GlobalActor function from NotificationCenter Publisher - swift

I have a GlobalActor with some methods on it that I'm using throughout my app. I'd like to be able to call a function from the actor when I receive a Notification from NotificationCenter, but can't call async functions from sink.
This is what I'm doing now:
class MyClass {
private var cancellables: [AnyCancellable] = []
init() {
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: NotificationName)
.receive(on: .utility))
.compactMap { $0 as? SomeType }
.sink { [weak self] val in
Task { [weak self] in
await self?.someCallToActor(val)
}.store(in: &cancellables)
func someCallToActor(_ val: String) async {
await SomeGlobalActor.shared.actorMethod(val)
actor SomeGlobalActor {
static var shared = SomeGlobalActor()
func actorMethod(_ val: String) async {
Calling Task within a closure here feels wrong and potentially race-condition-y. Is this the best way to accomplish what I'm trying to? I've tried receiving the notifications inside of the actor itself but it doesn't change much. The issue is the closure provided to sink is meant to be synchronous so I can't await inside of it.

The only way to get the Actor to do something is to put a message in its mail queue. The actor handles messages one at a time, in the order received. Every message that goes into the queue gets a response. Code can only put a message in the queue if it's willing, and able, to wait around for the response. The sink function can't wait around, it has other things to do (i.e. handle the next incoming messages from a Publisher). It needs an intermediary to do the waiting for it. The Task is that intermediary.
Note that the actor only prevents race conditions on the actor's state. As your intuition suggests, you could still have the "high-level" race condition of two messengers (two Tasks) racing to see who puts their item in Actor's mail queue first. But within the actor, there will be a strict ordering to the changes made by the two messages. (preventing low-level data races on the Actor's state)
Unfortunately the order of execution of independent Tasks, like the individual tasks created by your sink, is arbitrary. Your code could process notifications out-of-order.
To solve the problems you need to serialize the order in which the notifications are received and then delivered to the actor. To do that you need one Task, one messenger, doing both jobs – receiving the notifications and passing them on to the actor.
NotificationCenter allows you to receive the notifications as an AsyncSequence. So instead of getting messages as a publisher, you could get them from a sequence. Something like this:
class MyClass {
let notificationTask: Task<Void, Never>
init() {
notificationTask = Task {
for await notification in NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: interestingNotification) {
guard !Task.isCancelled else { return }
if let value = notification.userInfo?[0] as? String {
await someActor.actorMethod(value)
Here the Task waits to receive a message from the notification center. When it gets one, it does some transformations on it (pulling values out of userInfo in this case) then it hands the transformed message over to the actor. The notifications arrival is serialized by the async sequence and the task makes sure that they arrive to the actor in the same order.


Publish `operationCount` from operationQueue inside actor?

I have an actor:
actor MyActor {
let theQueue = OperationQueue()
init() {
_ = theQueue.observe(\OperationQueue.operationCount, options: .new) { oq, change in
print("OperationQueue.operationCount changed: \(self.theQueue.operationCount)")
I was trying to get a KVO going to then trigger some type of publisher call that other models in the app could subscribe to and react as needed when the operationCount changes.
I was going to have a function that maybe would set that up, but, as of now, using self in that initializer gives me this warning, which according this this:
it will turn into an error soon.
The warning I get is this:
Actor 'self' can only be captured by a closure from an async initializer
So, how could I trigger a publisher other models can then react to that would publish the operation queue's operationCount as it changes?
You don't need to capture self here. observe sends you the new value (for basically exactly this reason):
_ = theQueue.observe(\OperationQueue.operationCount, options: .new) { oq, change in
print("OperationQueue.operationCount changed: \(change.newValue!)")
Also, oq is theQueue if you need that. If you need self, the typical way to do that is:
observation = observe(\.theQueue.operationCount, options: .new) { object, change in
// object is `self` here.
Just remember that you're outside the actor inside this closure, so calls may need to be async inside a Task.

Swift Combine erase array of publishers into AnyCancellable

Is it possible to fire multiple requests which return a Publisher and be able to cancel them without sink?
I would like to combine the requests into a single cancellable reference or store each one if possible without sink (code below). Is this possible?
func fetchDetails(for contract: String) -> AnyPublisher<String, Error>
Fire Multiple requests and store
#State var cancellable: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
let promises = {
self.fetchFeed.fetchDetails(for: $0.contract)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { _ in }) // ** is this required?
.store(in: &cancellable)
It really depends on what fetchDetails does to create the publisher. Almost every publisher provided by Apple has no side effects until you subscribe to it. For example, the following publishers have no side effects until you subscribe to them:
NSObject.KeyValueObservingPublisher (returned by NSObject.publisher(for:options:)
NotificationCenter.Publisher (returned by NotificationCenter.publisher(for:object:)
Timer.TimerPublisher (returned by Timer.publishe(every:tolerance:on:in:options:)
URLSession.DataTaskPublisher (returned by URLSession.dataTaskPublisher(for:)
The synchronous publishers like Just, Empty, Fail, and Sequence.Publisher.
In fact, the only publisher that has side effects on creation, as far as I know, is Future, which runs its closure immediately on creation. This is why you'll often see the Deferred { Future { ... } } construction: to avoid immediate side effects.
So, if the publisher returned by fetchDetails behaves like most publishers, you must subscribe to it to make any side effects happen (like actually sending a request over the network).

In a Combine Publisher chain, how to keep inner objects alive until cancel or complete?

I've created a Combine publisher chain that looks something like this:
let pub = getSomeAsyncData()
.mapError { ... }
.map { ... }
.flatMap { data in
let wsi = WebSocketInteraction(data, ...)
return wsi.subject
It's a flow of different possible network requests and data transformations. The calling code wants to subscribe to pub to find out when the whole asynchronous process has succeeded or failed.
I'm confused about the design of the flatMap step with the WebSocketInteraction. That's a helper class that I wrote. I don't think its internal details are important, but its purpose is to provide its subject property (a PassthroughSubject) as the next Publisher in the chain. Internally the WebSocketInteraction uses URLSessionWebSocketTask, talks to a server, and publishes to the subject. I like flatMap, but how do you keep this piece alive for the lifetime of the Publisher chain?
If I store it in the outer object (no problem), then I need to clean it up. I could do that when the subject completes, but if the caller cancels the entire publisher chain then I won't receive a completion event. Do I need to use Publisher.handleEvents and listen for cancellation as well? This seems a bit ugly. But maybe there is no other way...
.flatMap { data in
let wsi = WebSocketInteraction(data, ...)
self.currentWsi = wsi // store in containing object to keep it alive.
wsi.subject.sink(receiveCompletion: { self.currentWsi = nil })
wsi.subject.handleEvents(receiveCancel: {
self.currentWsi = nil
Anyone have any good "design patterns" here?
One design I've considered is making my own Publisher. For example, instead of having WebSocketInteraction vend a PassthroughSubject, it could conform to Publisher. I may end up going this way, but making a custom Combine Publisher is more work, and the documentation steers people toward using a subject instead. To make a custom Publisher you have to implement some of things that the PassthroughSubject does for you, like respond to demand and cancellation, and keep state to ensure you complete at most once and don't send events after that.
[Edit: to clarify that WebSocketInteraction is my own class.]
It's not exactly clear what problems you are facing with keeping an inner object alive. The object should be alive so long as something has a strong reference to it.
It's either an external object that will start some async process, or an internal closure that keeps a strong reference to self via self.subject.send(...).
class WebSocketInteraction {
private let subject = PassthroughSubject<String, Error>()
private var isCancelled: Bool = false
init() {
// start some async work
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
if !isCancelled { self.subject.send("Done") } // <-- ref
// return a publisher that can cancel the operation when
var pub: AnyPublisher<String, Error> {
.handleEvents(receiveCancel: {
print("cancel handler")
self.isCancelled = true // <-- ref
You should be able to use it as you wanted with flatMap, since the pub property returned publisher, and the inner closure hold a reference to self
let pub = getSomeAsyncData()
.flatMap { data in
let wsi = WebSocketInteraction(data, ...)

Swift Combine publishers vs completion handler and when to cancel

I know in general a publisher is more powerful than a closure, however I want to ask and discuss a specific example:
func getNotificationSettingsPublisher() -> AnyPublisher<UNNotificationSettings, Never> {
let notificationSettingsFuture = Future<UNNotificationSettings, Never> { (promise) in
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings { (settings) in
return notificationSettingsFuture.eraseToAnyPublisher()
I think this is a valid example of a Future publisher and it could be used here instead of using a completion handler. Let's do something with it:
func test() {
getNotificationSettingsPublisher().sink { (notificationSettings) in
// Do something here
This works, however it will tell me that the result of sink (AnyCancellable) is unused. So whenever I try to get a value, I need to either store the cancellable or assign it until I get a value.
Is there something like sinkOnce or an auto destroy of cancellables? Sometimes I don't need tasks to the cancelled. I could however do this:
func test() {
self.cancellable = getNotificationSettingsPublisher().sink { [weak self] (notificationSettings) in
self?.cancellable = nil
So once I receive a value, I cancel the subscription. (I could do the same in the completion closure of sink I guess).
What's the correct way of doing so? Because if I use a closure, it will be called as many times as the function is called, and if it is called only once, then I don't need to cancel anything.
Would you say normal completion handlers could be replaced by Combine and if so, how would you handle receiving one value and then cancelling?
Last but not least, the completion is called, do I still need to cancel the subscription? I at least need to update the cancellable and set it to nil right? I assume storing subscriptions in a set is for long running subscriptions, but what about single value subscriptions?
Instead of using the .sink operator, you can use the Sink subscriber directly. That way you don't receive an AnyCancellable that you need to save. When the publisher completes the subscription, Combine cleans everything up.
func test() {
receiveCompletion: { _ in },
receiveValue: ({
print("value: \($0)")

proper use of Alamofire queue

Here is the scenario, everything works but I get hanged up on the main queue. I have:
singleton class to manage API connection. Everything works (execution time aside....)
a number of view controllers calling GET API via the above singleton class to get the data
I normally call the above from either viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear
they all work BUT ....
if I call a couple of API methods implemented with Alamofire.request() with a closure (well, I need to know when it is
time to reload!), one of the two gets hung waiting for the default
(main) queue to give it a thread and it can take up to 20 seconds
if I call only one, do my thing and then call a POST API, this
latter one ends up in the same situation as (5), it takes a long
time to grab a slot in the default queue.
I am not specifying a queue in Alamofiore.request() and it sounds to me like I should so I tried it. I added a custom concurrent queue to my singleton API class and I tried adding that to my Alamofiore.request() .....and that did absolutely nothing. Help please, I must be missing something obvious?!
Here is my singleton API manager (excerpt) class:
class APIManager {
// bunch of stuff here
static let sharedInstance = APIController()
// more stuff here
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.teammate.response-queue", qos: .utility, attributes: [.concurrent])
// more stuff
func loadSports(completion: #escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let parameters: [String: Any?] = [:]
let headers = getAuthenticationHeaders()
let url = api_server+api_sport_list
Alamofire.request(url, method: .get, parameters: parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseString (queue: queue) { response in
if let json = response.result.value {
if let r = JSONDeserializer<Response<[Sport]>>.deserializeFrom(json: json) {
if r.status == 200 {
switch r.content{
case let content as [Sport]:
self.sports = content
NSLog("sports loaded")
NSLog("could not read the sport list payload!")
completion(GenericError.reportError("could not read sports payload"))
else {
NSLog("sports not obtained, error %d %#",r.status, r.error)
// more stuff
And this is how I call the methods from APIManager once I get the sigleton:
api.loadSports(){ error in
if error != nil {
// something bad happened, more code here to handle the error
else {
Again, it all works it is just that if I make multiple Alamofire calls from the same UIViewController, the first is fast, every other call sits for ever to get a spot in the queue an run.
UI updates must happen on the main queue, so by moving this stuff to a concurrent queue is only going to introduce problems. In fact, if you change the completion handler queue to your concurrent queue and neglect to dispatch UI updates back to the main queue, it's going to just make it look much slower than it really is.
I actually suspect you misunderstand the purpose of the queue parameter of responseString. It isn't how the requests are processed (they already happen concurrently with respect to the main queue), but merely on which queue the completion handler will be run.
So, a couple of thoughts:
If you're going to use your own queue, make sure to dispatch UI updates to the main queue.
If you're going to use your own queue and you're going to update your model, make sure to synchronize those updates with any interaction you might be doing on the main queue. Either create a synchronization queue for that or, easier, dispatch all model updates back to the main queue.
I see nothing here that justifies the overhead and hassle of running the completion handler on anything other than the main queue. If you don't supply a queue to responseString, it will use the main queue for the completion handlers (but won't block anything, either), and it solves the prior two issues.