upgrading jsserv giving this error: Could not install packages due to an OSError - jaseci

This is what I am getting when upgrading jaseci to the lastest version. Can anyone help?

It looks like you might be running a jsserv server while trying to upgrade. You would have to kill that process first. Also try doing a pip uninstall jaseci_serv first.


message "no module named compose" in docker-compose

I tried already pip install docker-compose
But it didn't help...
Didn't find any other solution for this question, any clue greatly appreciated
(Running docker 20.10.18 on raspbian bullseye, can't provide compose version, same error)
Well, it's due to a bad installation of multiple versions of python unfortunately.
Trying to uninstall 3.10 which has been installed manually above the standard 3.9 package and screws up everything...

MongoDB installations - Failed to download resource "c-ares"

I'm trying to install MongoDB on Mac using homebrew with the following steps:
1: brew tap mongodb/brew
2: brew install mongodb-community#5.0
This is the error that I'm getting after step 2.
Any suggestion on how to complete the installation?
This was my solution or, better to say, understanding after days of troubleshooting this problem.
Homebrew cannot handle internet connections problems; hence if your internet is not stable, Homebrew will crash while trying to download and install any library.
Homebrew will write that some library is missing during the installation.
I tried to install the needed library separately, but it didn't work for me.
In the end, I tried a different internet connection that eventually worked for me.

Upgrading sqlite3 on Centos 7

Does anyone know how to upgrade sqlite3 on Centos7. The repos only have up to version 3.7.
I downloaded the source code and compiled. Replaced binaries. If I type sqlite/sqlite3 --version then it's 3.31.
If I run rails then it's stuck at 3.7.
DNF is stuck on 3.7 too.
I read that Centos7 stays at this version. There's no easy upgrade path to Centos8 without reinstall so trying to avoid that.
Uninstall the package from Centos. Then, do a normal source install of sqlite afterwards.

sudo yum install gitlab-ce "Nothing to Do" when trying to Upgrade to latest version of gitlab

I am trying to update to the latest version of gitlab on my CentOS server. I am currently running Omnibus version 8.3.2, which has a security issue. I am using the instructions from the update page:
sudo yum install gitlab-ce
Whenever I run this command I get a "Nothing to Do" from the Yum command.
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, security, ulninfo
Setting up Install Process
Nothing to do
I have also tried a manual update with a .rpm file and I get conflict errors because it isn't removing the older version. What am I missing in order to upgrade my version? I am new to this so I apologize if I am over complicating things. I really don't want to uninstall and re-install the latest version.
Thanks in advace

Zend mongo undefined Collection::setSlaveOkay()

I've been attempting to implement mongo in zend using doctrine. I've been gradually working my way through the various issues, before being stumped by this:
Call to undefined method Doctrine\MongoDB\Collection::setSlaveOkay() in [project]/vendor/doctrine/mongodb-odm/lib/Doctrine/ODM/MongoDB/DocumentManager.php on line 349
When searching for a fix, I came across "upgrade mongo to at least 1.1.0". So I ran:
sudo pecl install mongo
I got the response:
pecl/mongo is already installed and is the same as the released version 1.3.1
install failed
Leading me to believe I am already upgraded to higher than 1.1.0 (correct me if I'm wrong).
Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix the issue?
Yes had the same issue... upgraded my local install of
from branch "master" to "readprefs"