MongoDB installations - Failed to download resource "c-ares" - mongodb

I'm trying to install MongoDB on Mac using homebrew with the following steps:
1: brew tap mongodb/brew
2: brew install mongodb-community#5.0
This is the error that I'm getting after step 2.
Any suggestion on how to complete the installation?

This was my solution or, better to say, understanding after days of troubleshooting this problem.
Homebrew cannot handle internet connections problems; hence if your internet is not stable, Homebrew will crash while trying to download and install any library.
Homebrew will write that some library is missing during the installation.
I tried to install the needed library separately, but it didn't work for me.
In the end, I tried a different internet connection that eventually worked for me.


Unable to install MongoDB after following the instructions given in the document

I am trying to install MongoDB and followed the instructions given in the manual but it just stays like below and never completes the installation.
It just be like this for hours, when I don't install MongoDB Compass it completes installation faster but when I try to open the application it's not found in my Laptop.
Please help me installing this :)

Dreamhost Ubuntu Errors installing Postgresql

I have a dreamhost dedicated server and I'm getting a driver error when trying to use Postgresql. I followed the instructions here to update/install pgsql. I got the error in the screenshot below.
The text of the error is:
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
postgresql : Depends: postgresql-9.1 but it is not going to be installed
postgresql-contrib : Depends: postgresql-contrib-9.1 but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
If I run psql --version It says 9.1.23 is installed.
I'm not sure if everything is fine because of that or what. Also, the DB is on AWS and is version 10.5. Is that even going to be compatible?
The Ubuntu version on dreamhost is 12.04, which is no deprecated, so I doubt I'm going to be able to update the pgsql driver there. I don't have any experience with this stuff, and I've read some stuff, but don't want to just go running things as this is a production server that will be in use first thing Monday AM and I don't want to screw anything up.
Locally I'm using the pdo driver with pgsql.

Install MongoDB on centos without YUM

I am trying to install mongodb on cent os. As mentioned in the question, I need to install it without YUM command. I downloaded the .rpm file from mongodb site. I have used rpm -ivh mongo-10gen-2.4.8-mongodb_1.x86_64.rpm command to install the .rpm. It successfully installed the mongodb. You can check the status here. I am not getting how to move forward after this ? The files mongod.conf and mongod also not getting on the system. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The mongo-10gen-2.4.8-mongodb_1.x86_64.rpm is only MongoDB client. If you need a server, install a server package (mongo-10gen-server-X.X.X-mongodb_1.x86_64.rpm) or compile from a source.

Bigbluebutton installation guide for ubuntu 12.04

I am getting error like "E: Unable to locate package bigbluebutton
".I need proper guide for installing bigbluebutton on ubuntu 12.04.And also I followed many links.which shows same error like. So,please help me.
I am the product manager for BigBlueButton.
You can expect full support for Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit as part of the next release of BigBlueButton (after 0.81).
We faced similar issue couple of day back
after doing "sudo apt-get update" we are able to proceed with installation.
hope this works.

Installing postgis in mac

I am trying to install postgis in mac. But I am not sure if I should compile it from the source code or install the binary. When I tried to install the binary it says that I need to install postgresql 9.1 which I already have. What should I do? Are there any clear instructions for installing in mac
When I run into trouble I usually install from source. This gives the configuration and compilers a better chance to tailor everything to your computer. You must have the development libraries for postgresql installed however to make this work with postgis.