How to open keyboard in VR when clicking on an InputField in Unity for a WebGL app - unity3d

I'm trying to open up the oculus keyboard when the user presses into the input field. I tried using TouchScreenKeyboard.Open() but sadly it didn't work. The Oculus integration OVRCameraRig "Requires System Keyboard" solution doesn't work either since the platform is WebGL and not Android.
The input field interaction does work since I'm getting the blinking line when clicking the input field, there's just no keyboard showing.
Last resort would be to make an actual keyboard that would pop up on the canvas after the user presses the input but that would require reworking of the UI and having the system keyboard pop up simply sounds like a better and cleaner solution.


When the app is turned off or switched, the keyboard becomes stuck or disappears

When I open a keyboard and then move my app to recent apps or switch, when I return, there is no keyboard on my screen but it occupies the area of the keyboard and appears a white area, and then the keyboard does not open and neither that portion goes until I remove that app and then reopen it. It is especially noticeable on iOS; the same project works perfectly on Android.
My project is in Flutter, and I am using GetX for state management.
The link to the video of the error is given below.
I try adding "life cycle" and then adding these lines, but nothing happens.

Opening microphone on keyboard directly in a Flutter app

I want to open the microphone on keyboard directly when the user taps a button. I looked up many packages but couldn't find anything helpful.
Is this achievable?

Mobile keyboard not selecting when opening input filed in unity

I am trying to select the text of my input field in unity, when clicking on it. It works in the editor, but none of selecting methods work on android devices.
The keyboard on android will only open itself by default on the following GUI elements: GUI.TextField GUI.TextArea and GUI.PasswordField. Make sure you are using one of these types for your inputfield. Also make sure "hide mobile input" is unchecked.
Alternatively you can make a call to open the onscreen keyboard yourself using TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(). Mind that if you open the touchscreen keyboard yourself it will not automatically populate the field field and you'll have to call to TouchScreenKeyboard.text to acces what the user is typing. Eg. myInputfield.text = myTouchScreenKeyboard.text to the set the text in myInputField
for all touchscreenkeyboard functionality see the docs here and here

how to use spanish ,french ,chinese ,german keyboard in app

i want to have different language (spanish,german,french,chinese and so on) keyboard in my app.
How can i use different language keyboard in my app.
thank you
Unfortunately, you cannot control the language of the keyboard. The user chooses which keyboards they would like available via the settings application and can toggle between them using the globe icon on the keyboard(PFA Image).When the keyboard is opened it will open to the most recently used keyboard.
It‘s up to your settings's keyboard.If you want to use so many keyboard,your iphone should add those keyboard first.

How to Stop "Auto Input Suggestion" in Android Emulator in Android 2.1 "permanently"

When I am running my app in Android Emulator and then on providing input through keyboard it displays the auto text in japanese or english and also the fullstop '.' doesn't work.
I made a solution by going through settings->Language&Keyboard option and then disabled the japanese as well as auto keyboard suggestion. But it is only temporary because when running my application another time would auto checked the emulator settings->Language&Keyboard->auto suggestion.
Can anyone give me permanent solution for that.
Thanks in Advance..
I am running my App through Eclipse.
One Thing we can do in our Activity that on selecting Edit Text press Escape Button to avoid Android KeyBoard and then long press the mouse left button on that Edit Text. So it will show the Context Menu to Select the input Type, then select Android Text input will solve our problem...