Why grafana graphic is not visible? - grafana

I have installed Node eporter full (1860) Grafana dashboard. It seems works, but CPU graphic is not visible:
As we can see, that values seems available. CPU Busy metric is working.
Why CPU percentage and CPU Basic graphs does not show graphic?

I've had the same problem. I solved it with the following steps:
By clicking on the title bar "CPU Basic" of the graph it will open a menu. Select "Edit".
At the top of the right sight you will see a drop down box showing the text "Time series". Click on that text.
Now you will see a list of possible graph types. Directly beyond the drop down box you will also see the button "Suggestions". Click on that button.
I've choosen the first suggestion.
After clicking on the blue button "Apply" you will the graph on the main page of the dashboard.
Hope that hepls.


Displaying the wiki content dynamically beside each image

I want to display images of 10 people on my dashboard, when i hover the image dynamically it needs to display a wiki page to the side of each image related to that person, how do i achieve this in tableau?
Here are the steps after you have a dashboard with your people on one of the charts. My example uses the pesticide list from the most recent #makeovermonday.
In your dashboard, drag the web page object in.
Click the option dropdown of that new object and click Add URL Action.
In the popup place the main portion of your wikipedia url in the box and select your people field which will become the dynamic portion of the URL. Mine is pesticides.
Change Run action on to Hover
Now when you hover on your main chart it will update the web page object with the person hovered on. I just hovered on Atrazine in this image
You will probably have to update your people names to make sure they match wikipedia's url.

How to hide drop-downs when clicking Tableau buttons using Tableau Reader

how do I hide the little drop-down menus on a Tableau worksheet used as a button....
See picture...
Everything is working perfectly in Tableau Desktop, but in Reader I get these drop-downs that I don't want the user to see or have to be bothered by?
The buttons don't show this if i a browsing through them in Desktop--only in Tableau Reader.
Are you able to see the picture? Let me know, if not.
Those controls should go away when the dashboard is put into presentation mode by clicking this icon.

Global filter in a single sheet

Recently, I saw a tableau workbook with all filters in one dashboard. Simply it acts as a master filter for all the dashboards. How to create such a dashboard with global filter alone in one place without any graphs?
On any of the worksheets you have on the dashboard, click the Options button. In the dropdown menu, one option will say Filter. That opens a submenu of all possible filter dimensions and measures. Choose one and it will create the filter on the dashboard itself. And as #Silva said, make sure to set it to Apply to All Worksheets.
Click on the sheet in the dashboard
In the upper right of the layout container, there is an arrow, a funnel, and a "x".
Select the arrow.
Hover over Filters.
Select which filter should be added to the dashboard.
Video from Tableau available at http://kb.tableau.com/articles/howto/adding-filters-to-dashboards.

Bluemix top menu bar disappears

Sometimes the menu bar (with menu items for DASHBOARD, SOLUTIONS, CATALOG, PRICING, etc.) at the top of the Bluemix masthead disappears when I re-size my browser window. How can I access these menu items when running with limited screen space and a narrow browser window?
The functions move to the "hamburger" menu selector in the upper left corner based on the responsive design
This is on purpose. The Bluemix console has a responsive design so features degrade as the browser window gets smaller. This is on par with what bootstrap does.
If you have any feature suggestions please leave it as a comment below and I can get it to our design team.
See this animated gif for how to access the collapsed menu items on mobile devices - http://i.stack.imgur.com/yeccF.gif

How does one unhide a lost hidden sheet?

I know how to navigate to a hidden sheet from a dashboard and select "Unhide Sheet" by right-clicking on the temporarily revealed sheet's tab. The online documentation from Tableau's website is clear enough.
However, how can I unhide the sheet if it isn't a part of a dashboard? Put another way, how can I navigate to a hidden sheet if it was hidden before it was added to a dashboard?
Tableau will not allow you to hide a sheet if it is not a part of at least one dashboard. Looking at your dashboard tabs, it may not be immediately clear where the sheet is, but it is there.
You may need to look at the list of sheets in the Dashboard Side Bar for each dashboard, one-by-one, until you find the sheet in question. If the Dashboard Sidebar is not showing, or if you're not certain what it looks like, click "Window" at the top of your Desktop Edition and see to it that "Show Side Bar" has a checkmark next to it.
It is not possible to remove a sheet from a dashboard without unhiding it, or deleting it:
And, the option to hide a sheet which is not part of a dashboard is not available.
By using the tabs in the top right of Tableau Desktop, it may be more easy to identify the sheet which is thought to be hidden