Echarts - Don't draw line on 0 values - echarts

Is it possible to make it so that Echarts doesn't draw line on 0 values, but making it seem smooth?
Like so
Couldn't find anything in the docs to help me.
My current implementation
Not the same example of data as above but I've tried to do some conditionals to change the data to '-' if previous and next data point is 0 to get it to be more smooth, but is misleading between 27-37 where it looks like it will rain.


Which color-key to use in a heat-map with a small range of values?

My data covers a small range, but I still like to make the small differences between the data points visible in a heat-map. What color-key is best to maximize color intensity (and not generating a greyish map) and how to set the range in pheatmap?
You didn't give enough information to give you an exact code example for your sample data, but something like the below is a way to get at the problem. In terms of what actual colours you want to use, I recommend you play around with it to see what looks best, I have just subbed in red and blue as a proxy.
pheatmap(yourdata, color = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(length(-12:12)),breaks=c(-12:12))
The length() is setting the range while the breaks=c(x:x) tells it where to make breaks. So let's say you wanted breaks every 0.2 from 0 to 1, you would modify it to be:
You can play around with the break gradients to get something that works for your dataset.
This is my first attempt at answering a question on here, please let me know if something above does't work for you, or if you are confused by what I've written.

Can't Remove y = 0 Line in Matlab

edit: I figured it out and don't see a place to mark this as answered. Thanks for the suggestions though everyone!
A couple of weeks ago I was trying to force MATLAB to display a y = 0 line for a plot I was making. It was easy enough to search for, but apparently I made it automatic. Now I can't find anything even remotely similar to this new problem. When I run this code:
legend('Simulated','This stupid line right here','Known')
I get the following:
Notice the line at y = 0, it is not in the code. I wouldn't really care, but it is the second line in the figure and it messes up my ability to create a legend. i.e., if the legend entry was just:
then the legend would say that the known value was green, which is certainly not the case.
I don't really want to create a handle for every single line I plot in the future, and would much rather just get rid of this line. Can anyone provide some help, or at least point me in the right direction?
edit: The y = 0 line also changes its line properties based on whatever is supplied to the first plot entry. So plot(x,y1,'--',x,y2); makes both y1 and y = 0 dashed, but plot(x,y1,x,y2,'--'); would just render the second line dashed
As an absolute last resort (after failing to find how the line actually gets there), what you can do is access the Children property of your axes and delete the child which is the line you don't want.
Something along the lines of:
ch = get(gca,'Children');
delete(ch(2)); %// Where 2 should be replaced by the child index you're trying to delete.
There was an errant two much earlier in the code, giving a variable 2 columns instead of one. I didn't realize Matlab would be helpful be helpful and plot both columns (I've always explicitly told it to plot both). Just another case of someone not thinking in vector mode when using Matlab!

Stair plot to vertical bar plot in Matlab

I want to create a vertical bar plot. This is my code:
bar (x, sensiv);
title ('Promedio X')
The problem is it looks like a stair plot. I've tried to add (x,sensiv, 'stacked') but it doesn't work. It looks grouped, as you can see in the next image:
I think it's because of x-axis but I couldn't change it. How can I do it? Does somebody knows how can I do it?
Thanks Colin! I've tried to zoom and I understand what you mean and I've tried with different values, as slayton and you said.
I think that maybe it's the way I've code the plot, it is possible?
for p=(61:201)
for p=(151:301)
for p=(231:380)
for p=(381:596)
for p=(1152:1531)
for p=(1651:2051)
for p=(2052:2151)
abc(p)= 0;
The default value for the width of the bars in a bar plot is 0.8, so given that you're not currently specifying the width, you should have gaps in between each bar. This is going to sound really obvious, but have you tried zooming in on the bar plot that is created? For some datasets, the bar function will return a plot that looks like a stair plot, but in fact has gaps if you zoom in far enough. If this is the case, then you should be able to get the gaps you want by tinkering with the width parameter as suggested by slayton.
Okay. First things first. If you want to post additional information, you should add it to your question, NOT post it as a new answer! You can do this by clicking the edit button just below where your question is on the page. To make things more readable, you might preface your edit with a capitalized bold-face heading "EDIT" as I have done here. If you are able, try now to move the additional information you've given back into your question, and then delete the answer.
Second, I have to be honest, the additional information you posted was somewhat confusing. However, I think I understand what you want now. You want 7 bars coming up to the heights out1_c, out2_c, ..., out7_c (variable names taken from your additional information) with a small gap between each bar, and the x-axis to reflect (approximately) the intervals 450-550, 550-650, etc.
Well, if you want 7 bars, then you want your input to only have seven elements. Set:
y = [out1_c; out2_c; out3_c; out4_c; out5_c; out6_c; out7_c];
y now gives you the heights your bars will come up to on the y-axis. To locate the bars on the x-axis, define a vector x that also has seven elements, where each element gives the midpoint of where you want the bar to be on the x-axis. For example:
x = [100; 200; 300; 400; 500; 600; 700];
Then just use bar(x, y). This should get you started.
A final point on the code you posted, you can actually completely avoid the loops: read up on vectorization. But if you are going to insist on loops, the first and most important rule is to preallocate your vectors/matrices. In your code abc starts out as a scalar (a 1 by 1 matrix), but then for every p, you are adding an element at index p. What is actually happening in the background is for every p, matlab is scrapping the current abc you have in memory, and building it again from scratch with the additional element. As you might expect, this will slow down your code by many orders of magnitude.
You can set the width of the individual bars by passing a value between 0 and 1 to bar. Passing 1 indicates that there should be no space between the bars
Passing anything less than 1 will reduce the bar sizes and introduce spacing between the individual bars

Where did the drawBackground hook go? Or why is my last point the wrong color

To try and solve this problem, I started looking into writing a plugin for flot to do what I needed. It looked surprisingly straight-forward, but I have run into a minor snag. I First used the draw hook to draw my axis (note: I'm aware this code needs some error checking to make sure the origin isn't off the chart)
function draw(plot, ctx) {
var offset = plot.getPlotOffset();
var origin = plot.pointOffset({ x: 0, y: 0 });
ctx.lineTo(plot.width() + offset.left,;
ctx.lineTo(origin.left, plot.height() +;
And this works, with 2 small snags. The first and most important is that for some reason it makes the very last point of my data series change color! See here:
The point in the upper right-hand corner has turned black. By stepping through the code I can observe that this only happens when the axes are drawn. Before my draw code is called, the point is the correct color. So I think it has something to do with the drawing on the first "stroke". For some reason it seems to then apply the black color to the last point. Any idea on how to fix this?
The second problem is that this code is called only after flot has draw everything else (including the data points) which means that my lines appear on top of points instead of underneath them. This is only a problem for those two points that are very close to the vertical axis. Looking at the flot documentation, it mentions a drawBackground hook, but this doesn't seem to actually exist. I tried using it and it complained the drawBackground was null. So what happened? And is there a better place to hook into and draw my axes? I want to draw after flot has worked out the size of the plot area and before it draws the first series of data points.
What's currently on the website API documentation does not match the newest released version (0.7). In order to use the backgroundDraw hook, you'll need a newer version of flot, directly from their github repository. The newest version is fine, but anything after this commit would be workable.

Sigmaplot: How to scale x-axis for correctly displaying boxplots

I want to display overlapping boxplots using Sigmaplot 12. When I choose the scale for the x-axis as linear then the boxes do indeed overlap but are much too thin. See figure below. Of course they should be much wider.
When I choose the scale of the x-axis to be "category", then the boxes have the right width, but are arranged along each single x-value.
I want the position as in figure 1 and the width as in figure 2. I tried to resize the box in figure 1 but when I choose 100% in "bar width" than it still looks like Figure 1.
many thanks!
okay, I found the answer myself. In Sigmaplot, there is often the need to prepare "style"-columns, for example if you want to color your barcharts, you need a column that holds the specific color names.
For my boxplot example I needed a column that has the values for "width". These had to be quite large (2000) in order to have an effect. Why ? I have no idea. First I thought it would be because of the latitude values and that the program interprets the point as "1.000"s, but when I changed to values without decimals, it didnĀ“t get better.
Well, here is the result in color.
Have fun !