Can't change the default bindings for Vive tracker - unreal-engine4

I want to use a Vive tracker in my project with unreal engine.
I am following this documentation but my problem is that when I try to edit the default binding for Vive tracker, the Edit button doesn't work ( please check the picture below)
Image that shows when I press Edit button nothing happens


Unity InputField on HoloLens, keyboard disappears

I'm trying to add an input field on my HoloLens (1st gen) app and when I click on the field the keyboard appears but then disappears.
The problem
My input field is an Unity UI input field and when I click using a finger tap on the input field I can hear a click sound and the keyboard appears but disappears right after.
What I've tried
According to the documentation, using Unity UI input field or TextMeshPro input field should allow me to use the keyboard in order to fill the input.
Any solution on how to fix this behaviour ?
I have also had same problem. Not only on the Hololens 1 but also on the Hololens 2.
I was using Unity 2021 versions but then rolled back to Unity 2019 version. It seemed to solve the problem of keyboard disappearing suddenly. You can also get more related information about the unity versions and MRTK keyboard here Keyboard disappearing all of a sudden.According to the link , certain 2020 or 2019 Unity version seems to have this issue fixed,but for me, Unity 2020 versions did not solve the issue.
On other hand,there is also one other issue with keyboard; when typed on the keyboard the cursor position did not seem to properly move with text and sometimes the text would get jumbled up. However, it was only around 20% of the time, so i went ahead with it.
Hope this helps.
Using TextMeshPro Input Field solved the problem

When adding Text - TextMeshPro in the inspector some of the components overlap the others. if there a way to repair that?

I'm using unity editor version 2019.4.15f1 personal and i didn't try it yet on newer editor version.
In the TextMeshPro inspector i can't see the transform part i cant see other components and some components overlap other components.
Screenshot of the Canvas :
The textmeshpro :
I tried now with editor version 2020.3.28f1 personal the problem is now fixed but now i can't see the text anywhere there is written New Test but in the scene view and game view the text is empty.
Not sure if changing to new editor version fixed the first problem and how to fix the new problem that the text is not shown now.

Colors missing when building my project Unity

I recently started implementing a cellular automaton in unity and now I'm trying to build the project but the colors, which got displayed in the editor demo:
are not displayed properly after building:
I implemented the color with:
CubeMeshes[cubeMeshesIndex][gen].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = ColorsArr[color]
where ColorsArr[color] is e.g.
My always included shader list looks like this:
What exactly am I missing?
Edit: I was able to solve this by running the script and checking which shaders are added on the material during runtime when i click on the instantiated object in the Hierarchy. For me it was the "standard" shader which I then added to the "Always included Shaders" list as the 8th option.
i have this error with all of my projects, and it has nothing to do with shaders. you just click on the gear icon in the top right corner of your player settings, and press reset. then, you can add the title and other options again, and it will work. good luck!
EDIT: maybe try resetting the graphics settings as well.

MRTK V2 - Toggle-Dot moves outside of constraints

Description -
I have a settings panel in my scene which appears if I click the settings button on my toolbar. By repeating this, I noticed one bug → The dot of all toggled toggles moves further and further. The dot of an untoggled toggle stays in the right position. Did someone fix that bug in the script interactable or did a workaround?
How to reproduce -
I used the toggles that were given by the example package. Place one that is already toggled and one not toggled and start play mode. Activate and deactivate the script Interactable on your toggle and you should see this behavior
My specsUnity 2019.2.8fMRTK v2.0
-- Edit --
Confirmed that this issue has been fixed in Mrtk v2.1.
Thanks for the report! I will ask one of our UX developers to investigate.
This will be tracked on our GitHub site as issue #6241.
This seems to be a problem with the library.
Since it only happens when you enable and disable the script, it possibly gets the X position on start() and then uses that to change the position of the circle.
This should be fixed in the latest MRTK verison (2.1)
Please try out

How do I enable antialiasing in Unity?

I am interested in adding antialiasing to my project in Unity. I read that to achieve this you must import Post Processing Stack. I have downloaded it from the asset store but i cant figure out how to use it. There are also settings in: Menu -> Edit -> Project Settings -> Quality, but they seem to not work.
What exactly do i have to do?
To use the PostProcessing Stack add a PostProcessingBehaviour component to your camera. Then, in the project window, create a PostProcessingProfile using right click and context menu.
Then, drag the newly created profile into a slot in the Behaviour component.
The profile has its own editor and changes can be made interactively.
I have a feeling antialiasing only worked if the camera rendering mode was set to deferred but that might not be true.
Good luck