How to measure distance between two Points in metres with NetTopologySuite / ProjNet (2022) - coordinates

This question has been posted multiple times before but the answers no longer appear to match the method signatures available in the latest NuGet packages.
After spending days trying to piece together an answer from other places (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, blogs and even Microsoft's official spiel et al...) this is as far as I've got, but it won't run:
#using NetTopologySuite
#using NetTopologySuite.Geometries
#using ProjNet
#using ProjNet.CoordinateSystems
#using MyApp.Helpers
var windsorCastle = Geography.CreatePoint(51.483884, -0.604455);
var buckinghamPalace = Geography.CreatePoint(51.501576, -0.141208);
var csWgs84 = ProjNet.CoordinateSystems.GeographicCoordinateSystem.WGS84;
const string epsg27700 = #"
PROJCS[""OSGB36 / British National Grid"",
SPHEROID[""Airy 1830"",6377563.396,299.3249646],
"; // see
var cs27700 = (CoordinateSystem) ProjNet.IO.CoordinateSystems.CoordinateSystemWktReader.Parse(epsg27700);
var ctFactory = new ProjNet.CoordinateSystems.Transformations.CoordinateTransformationFactory();
var ct = ctFactory.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(csWgs84, cs27700);
var mt = ct.MathTransform;
var gf = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(PrecisionModels.Floating), 27700);
Console.WriteLine(windsorCastle.Distance(buckinghamPalace)); // Need metres, not degrees...
It blows up with this:
ArgumentException: Expecting (',') but got a '[' at line 6 column 47.
ProjNet.IO.CoordinateSystems.WktStreamTokenizer.ReadToken(string expectedToken)
ProjNet.IO.CoordinateSystems.CoordinateSystemWktReader.ReadGeographicCoordinateSystem(WktStreamTokenizer tokenizer)
ProjNet.IO.CoordinateSystems.CoordinateSystemWktReader.ReadProjectedCoordinateSystem(WktStreamTokenizer tokenizer)
ProjNet.IO.CoordinateSystems.CoordinateSystemWktReader.ReadCoordinateSystem(string coordinateSystem, WktStreamTokenizer tokenizer)
ProjNet.IO.CoordinateSystems.CoordinateSystemWktReader.Parse(string wkt)
MyApp.Pages.Pages_DistanceTest.ExecuteAsync() in DistanceTest.cshtml
var cs27700 = (CoordinateSystem) ProjNet.IO.CoordinateSystems.CoordinateSystemWktReader.Parse(epsg27700);
Any pointers on a simpler/correct solution would be welcome. I am new to the coordinate system so please be patient. Previously I've done this using TSQL with geography::Point().STDistance but the goal is an EF Core-only end result.

The CoordinateSystem WKT contains an EXTENSION for the GEOGCS|DATUM|SPHEROID definition.
You have to remove that, as ProjNET can't handle the EXTENSION tag.
For the coordinate transformation you need the following instructions:
var cwc = mt.Transform(windsorCastle.X, windsorCastle.Y);
var cbp = mt.Transform(buckinghamPalace.X, buckinghamPalace.Y);
Console.WriteLine(new Coordinate(cwc.x, cwc.y).Distance(new Coordinate(cbp.x, cbp.y)))


apply FilterCriteria "whenDateEqualToAny(dates)" - What is the correct form of the date array (dates) to parse?

I want to add some quick filters using the ui of google sheets. Currently I want to allow the user to click "show last month" to only see the data of the last month. The dates are written in the first column.
Now I prefer to use the filter of google sheets before just printing the values into the sheet, to allow the user to further modify that filter.
Thus I am trying to build filterCriteria using SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().whenDateEqualToAny(dates) and I am parsing an array of valid dates. In the documentation it says I have to put a "Date[]" - doesn't that mean an array of dates?
Below the error message and my code:
Error message (linked to the line "var filterCriteria..."):
"Exception: The boolean condition can not have multiple values for equality checks for non-data source objects"
My code:
function showLastMonth() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('evaluation')
var now = new Date()
var thisYear = now.getFullYear()
var thisMonth = now.getMonth()
if(thisMonth == 0){var startMonth = 11; var startYear = thisYear - 1}
else{var startMonth = thisMonth - 1; var startYear = thisYear}
var startDate = new Date(startYear, startMonth, 1)
var endDate = new Date(thisYear, thisMonth, 0)
var dates = getDateArray(startDate, endDate)
var filter = sheet.getFilter()
if(filter == null ){
var range = sheet.getDataRange()
var filter = range.createFilter()
var filterCriteria = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().whenDateEqualToAny(dates)
filter.setColumnFilterCriteria(1, filterCriteria)
getDateArray = function(startDate, endDate){
var startYear = startDate.getFullYear()
var startMonth = startDate.getMonth()
var dateArray = []; dateArray.push(startDate)
var date = startDate; var day = date.getDay()-1
date = new Date(startYear, startMonth, day)
return dateArray;
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to hide the rows of the values except for dates using the basic filter.
You want to achieve this using Google Apps Script.
Issue and workaround:
In the current stage, it seems that array of whenDateEqualToAny(array) is required to be the length of 1. I think that this is the reason of your issue. So for example, when var filterCriteria = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().whenDateEqualToAny([dates[0]]) is used, no error occurs. This situation is the same with the setBasicFilter request of Sheets API. Unfortunately, it seems that this is the current specification. But, the official document says The acceptable values. which uses the plural form. Ref So I also think that this is not correct for the actual situation as mentioned by TheMaster's comment.
In order to achieve your goal, in this case, I would like to propose the following 2 patterns.
Pattern 1:
In this pattern, using setHiddenValues(), the values except for the values of dates in your script are set as the hidden values.
Modified script:
When your script is modified, please modify as follows.
var filterCriteria = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().whenDateEqualToAny(dates)
var obj = dates.reduce((o, e) => Object.assign(o, {[`${e.getFullYear()}\/${e.getMonth() + 1}\/${e.getDate()}`]: true}), {});
var range = sheet.getRange("A1:A");
var dispValues = range.getDisplayValues();
var hiddenValues = range.getValues().reduce((ar, [a], i) => {
if (a instanceof Date && !obj[`${a.getFullYear()}\/${a.getMonth() + 1}\/${a.getDate()}`]) {
return ar;
}, []);
var filterCriteria = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().setHiddenValues(hiddenValues).build();
Pattern 2:
In this pattern, using whenNumberBetween(), the values of dates in your script are shown. In this case, it is required to convert the date object to the serial number.
Modified script:
When your script is modified, please modify as follows.
var filterCriteria = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().whenDateEqualToAny(dates)
var filterCriteria = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().whenNumberBetween(
(dates[0].getTime() / 1000 / 86400) + 25569,
(dates.pop().getTime() / 1000 / 86400) + 25569
The conversion from the date object to the serial number was referred from this thread.
whenNumberBetween(start, end)

How to return all entries from specific date in log.nsf

I need to return all entries (collection) from a specific date from the miscellaneus view in log.nsf using SSJS.
The views first category is "text" and the second category is a "date".
I tried to use the methods getAllEntriesByKey(vector) or createViewNavFromCategory(vector) but I got kind of stuck as the categorized columns contain different data types.
how can I do that?
Here is one thing I tried
var logdb = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase("domino01/....","log.nsf");
var logView = logdb.getView("MiscEvents")
var v = new java.util.Vector()
var nav = logView.createViewNavFromCategory("domino01/...\\2019-02-15")
return nav.getCount()
and here is another
var logdb = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase("domino01/...","log.nsf");
var logView = logdb.getView("MiscEvents")
var v = new java.util.Vector()
var nav = logView.getAllEntriesByKey(v)
return nav.getCount()
Just remove the getDateOnly call from your 2nd example code.

EPPlus chart(pie,barchart) selected(B2,B36,B38) .. etc excel cells

I have similar to the link below problem.
EPPlus chart from list of single excel cells. How?
I tried the code but it shows it twice in the chart. For example:
This code show excel chart -> select data-> horizontal(category) axis labels tab you show 100,100,300,600 write. What is the reason for this? The chart is written twice the first data I did not find a solution to the problem.
I think you just discovered a bug with EPPlus. Shame on me for not noticing that with that post you reference. It seems that when using the Excel union range selector (the cell names separated by commas) the iterator for the ExcelRange class returns a double reference to the first cell, in this case B2.
A work around would be to use the other overload for Series.Add which will take two string ranges. Here is a unit test that show the problem and the workaround:
public void Chart_From_Cell_Union_Selector_Bug_Test()
var existingFile = new FileInfo(#"c:\temp\Chart_From_Cell_Union_Selector_Bug_Test.xlsx");
if (existingFile.Exists)
using (var pck = new ExcelPackage(existingFile))
var myWorkSheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Content");
var ExcelWorksheet = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Chart");
//Some data
myWorkSheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "A";
myWorkSheet.Cells["A2"].Value = 100; myWorkSheet.Cells["A3"].Value = 400; myWorkSheet.Cells["A4"].Value = 200; myWorkSheet.Cells["A5"].Value = 300; myWorkSheet.Cells["A6"].Value = 600; myWorkSheet.Cells["A7"].Value = 500;
myWorkSheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "B";
myWorkSheet.Cells["B2"].Value = 300; myWorkSheet.Cells["B3"].Value = 200; myWorkSheet.Cells["B4"].Value = 1000; myWorkSheet.Cells["B5"].Value = 600; myWorkSheet.Cells["B6"].Value = 500; myWorkSheet.Cells["B7"].Value = 200;
//Pie chart shows with EXTRA B2 entry due to problem with ExcelRange Enumerator
ExcelRange values = myWorkSheet.Cells["B2,B4,B6"]; //when the iterator is evaluated it will return the first cell twice: "B2,B2,B4,B6"
ExcelRange xvalues = myWorkSheet.Cells["A2,A4,A6"]; //when the iterator is evaluated it will return the first cell twice: "A2,A2,A4,A6"
var chartBug = ExcelWorksheet.Drawings.AddChart("Chart BAD", eChartType.Pie);
chartBug.Series.Add(values, xvalues);
chartBug.Title.Text = "Using ExcelRange";
//Pie chart shows correctly when using string addresses and avoiding ExcelRange
var chartGood = ExcelWorksheet.Drawings.AddChart("Chart GOOD", eChartType.Pie);
chartGood.SetPosition(10, 0, 0, 0);
chartGood.Series.Add("Content!B2,Content!B4,Content!B6", "Content!A2,Content!A4,Content!A6");
chartGood.Title.Text = "Using String References";
Here is the output:
I will post it as an issue on their codeplex page to see if they can get it fixed for the next release.

nDepend - how to modify "JustMyCode" queries using nDepend API?

My goal is to modify "JustMyCode" queries using nDepend API. I am using code like:
var justMyCodeGroup = prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.ChildGroups.Single(x => x.Name.Contains("JustMyCode"));
var originalQuery = justMyCodeGroup.ChildQueries
.Single(x => x.QueryString.Contains("Discard generated Types from JustMyCode"));
var changedQuery = originalQuery.Controller.CreateQuery(originalQuery.IsActive,
var justMyCodeGroupWithModifiedQuery = justMyCodeGroup.ReplaceQuery(originalQuery, changedQuery);
prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.ReplaceGroup(justMyCodeGroup, justMyCodeGroupWithModifiedQuery);
However, when I run the code above I get ArgumentException with message:
newGroup.Controller is different than this groupOfGroups.Controller
Any help ?
Update 1:
I also tried code:
var justMyCodeGroup = prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.ChildGroups.Single(x => x.Name.Contains("JustMyCode"));
var originalQuery = justMyCodeGroup.ChildQueries
.Single(x => x.QueryString.Contains("Discard generated Types from JustMyCode"));
var changedQuery = originalQuery.Controller.CreateQuery(originalQuery.IsActive,
var justMyCodeGroupWithModifiedQuery = justMyCodeGroup.ReplaceQuery(originalQuery, changedQuery);
var newQueries = new List<IQuery>();
foreach (var q in justMyCodeGroup.ChildQueries)
if (q.QueryString.Contains("Discard generated Types from JustMyCode"))
newQueries.Add(prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.Controller.CreateQuery(q.IsActive, q.QueryString,
q.DisplayStatInReport, q.DisplayListInReport, q.DisplaySelectionViewInReport, q.IsCriticalRule));
newQueries.Add(prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.Controller.CreateQuery(originalQuery.IsActive, query, originalQuery.DisplayStatInReport, originalQuery.DisplayListInReport, originalQuery.DisplaySelectionViewInReport, originalQuery.IsCriticalRule));
var newGroup = prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.Controller.CreateGroup(justMyCodeGroup.Name,
justMyCodeGroup.IsActive, justMyCodeGroup.ShownInReport, newQueries, new List<IGroup>());
Right now, RemoveGroup throws exception:
this group of groups doesn't contain groupToRemove.
Update 2:
And I also wonder, why does this code return false ?
var justMyCodeGroup = prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.ChildGroups.Single(x => x.Name.Contains("JustMyCode"));
Refer to the PowerTools source file:
This PowerTools convert code queries written with old CQL syntax into code queries written with new CQLinq syntax, hence it loads the queries set from a project, update CQL queries, and then save the new queries set in the project.
The queriesController is gathered this way...
var queriesSet = project.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet;
var queriesController = queriesSet.Controller;
... and then used this way to modify the queries set:
queriesController.DoUpdateQueryObject(query, newQuery);

Referencing other documents' content

We need to create a matrix from 2 other documents' contents. For example:
doc has fields like:
4.2 Requirements A
doc has fields like:
2.1 Analysis A
Blah Blah
and we want to create another document (called Traceability Matrix) which is like:
Col1 Col2 Col3
4.2 2.1 Blah Blah Blah
4.2 and 2.1 should be dynamically updated in doc3.
We checked using hyperlink, cross referencing but nothing seems to be useful for combining different documents. Is there anyway to do this?
Here is an example:
Technical Specification Num Requirement Num Requirement
4.2 2.1 A sentence that explains the relationship btw 2 cols: Technical Specification and Requirement Num
I have now created a working example of how this can be implemented using MS Word Interop and C#.
The code contains comments that should explain the most interesting parts.
The sample is implemented as a C# console application using:
.NET 4.5
Microsoft Office Object Library version 15.0, and
Microsoft Word Object Library version 15.0
... that is, the MS Word Interop API that ships with MS Office 2013 Preview.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
using Application = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application;
namespace WordDocStats
internal class Program
private static void Main()
// Open word
var wordApplication = new Application() { Visible = true };
// Open document A, get its headings, and close it again
var documentA = wordApplication.Documents.Open(#"C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\documentA.docx", Visible: true);
var headingsA = GetHeadingsInDocument(documentA);
// Same procedure for document B
var documentB = wordApplication.Documents.Open(#"C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\documentB.docx", Visible: true);
var headingsB = GetHeadingsInDocument(documentB);
// Open the target document (document C)
var documentC = wordApplication.Documents.Open(#"C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\documentC.docx", Visible: true);
// Add a table to it (the traceability matrix)
// The number of rows is the number of headings + one row reserved for a table header
documentC.Tables.Add(documentC.Range(0, 0), headingsA.Count+1, 3);
// Get the traceability matrix
var traceabilityMatrix = documentC.Tables[1];
// Add a table header and border
AddTableHeaderAndBorder(traceabilityMatrix, "Headings from document A", "Headings from document B", "My Description");
// Insert headings from doc A and doc B into doc C's traceability matrix
for (var i = 0; i < headingsA.Count; i++)
// Insert headings from doc A
var insertRangeColOne = traceabilityMatrix.Cell(i + 2, 1).Range;
insertRangeColOne.Text = headingsA[i].Trim();
// Insert headings from doc B
var insertRangeColTwo = traceabilityMatrix.Cell(i + 2, 2).Range;
insertRangeColTwo.Text = headingsB[i].Trim();
// Based on:
// ->
// ->
private static void AddTableHeaderAndBorder(Table table, params string[] columnTitles)
const int headerRowIndex = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < columnTitles.Length; i++)
var tableHeaderRange = table.Cell(headerRowIndex, i+1).Range;
tableHeaderRange.Text = columnTitles[i];
tableHeaderRange.Font.Bold = 1;
tableHeaderRange.Font.Italic = 1;
// Repeat header on each page
table.Rows[headerRowIndex].HeadingFormat = -1;
// Enable borders
table.Borders.Enable = 1;
// Based on:
// ->
// ->
private static List<string> GetHeadingsInDocument(Document document)
object headingsAtmp = document.GetCrossReferenceItems(WdReferenceType.wdRefTypeHeading);
return ((Array)(headingsAtmp)).Cast<string>().ToList();
Basically, the code first loads all headings from the two given documents and stores them in memory. Then it opens the target document, creates and styles the traceability matrix, and finally, it inserts the headings into the matrix.
The code is based on the assumptions that:
A target document (documentC.docx) exists.
The number of headings in the two input documents (documentA.docx, and documentB.docx) contains the same amount of headings - this assumption is made based on your comment about not wanting a Cartesian product.
I hope this meets your requirements :)