Right way to convert a model to entity in Flutter, MVVM architecture? - flutter

I'm a beginner in MVVM architecture and I'm stuck on an issue in a product app.
The issue: Mapping a Model to an Entity
Let me explain my code structure;
Domain > Respository > order_repo.dart
This order_repo.dart is an abstract class OrderRepo that declares a function getOrders that returns OrderEntity.
Data > Repo Implementation > order_repo_impl.dart
The order_repo_impl.dart contains a class OrderRepoImpl that defines the function getOrders that returns OrderModel that extends OrderEntity.
Domain > Usecase > order_usecase.dart
The order_usecase.dart contains a class that uses OrderUsecase that uses an instance of OrderRepo to call getOrders. Both the getOrders and call functions return OrderEntity.
The problem is that when I call the usecase, I expect it to return OrderEnity but the runtimeType is OrderModel. I tried to parse it as OrderModel but I could not do that because I get this warning, Unnecessary Cast, because at compile time the compiler is also expecting OrderEntity.
One solution I found is to define a Translator, that would convert OrderModel to OrderEntity inside usecase, but I'm confused regarding the right place for its definition, because I cannot use OrderModel inside the Domain layer as per Clean Architecutre to keep Domain independent of other layers and if I define the Tanslator inside Data layer, I still cannot call it in the usecase, because of the same reason.

It is bad practice
The order_repo_impl.dart contains a class OrderRepoImpl that defines the function getOrders that returns OrderModel that extends OrderEntity.
Not always model can extend entity f.e. (Code-Generated Model)
The domain layer should not know about implementation and about the data layer, because Implementation can change but Business logic will not as long as there is no changes in business logic.
I found is to define a Translator that would convert OrderModel to OrderEntity inside usecase
It is good practice
It is good practice to convert it inside implementation of repository. Because, repository is kind of binding between domain and data layers,
Or even, You can create converter class that translate entity to model and vice verca and the instance of the class will be to the constructor of repository implementation.
Why it is better to follow these advices.
Implementation quite often can change but abstraction rarely changes.
Easy to switch from one implementation to another one.
You follow SOLID principles
P.s. I hope I could answer to your question. Whether you have feel free to ask it on comments


Should service layer accept a DTO or a custom request object from the controller?

As the title suggests what is the best practice when designing service layers?. I do understand service layer should always return a DTO so that domain (entity) objects are preserved within the service layer. But what should be the input for the service layer from the controllers?
I put forward three of my own suggestions below:
Method 1:
In this method the domain object (Item) is preserved within the service layer.
class Controller
private ItemService service;
public ItemDTO createItem(IntemDTO dto)
// service layer returns a DTO object and accepts a DTO object
return service.createItem(dto);
Method 2:
This is where the service layer receives a custom request object. I have seen this pattern extensively in AWS Java SDK and also Google Cloud Java API
class Controller
private ItemService service;
public ItemDTO createItem(CreateItemRequest request)
// service layer returns a DTO object and accepts a custom request object
return service.createItem(request);
Method 3:
Service layer accepts a DTO and returns a domain object. I am not a fan of this method. But its been used extensively used at my workplace.
class Controller
private ItemService service;
public ItemDTO createItem(CreateItemRequest request)
// service layer returns a DTO object and accepts a DTO object
Item item = service.createItem(request);
return ItemDTO.fromEntity(item);
If all 3 of the above methods are incorrect or not the best way to do it, please advise me on the best practice.
Conceptually speaking, you want to be able to reuse the service/application layer across presentation layers and through different access ports (e.g. console app talking to your app through a web socket). Furthermore, you do not want every single domain change to bubble up into the layers above the application layer.
The controller conceptually belongs to the presentation layer. Therefore, you wouldn't want the application layer to be coupled upon a contract defined in the same conceptual layer the controller is defined in. You also wouldn't want the controller to depend upon the domain or it may have to change when the domain changes.
You want a solution where the application layer method contracts (parameters & return type) are expressed in any Java native types or types defined in the service layer boundary.
If we take an IDDD sample from Vaughn Vernon, we can see that his application service method contracts are defined in Java native types. His application service command methods also do not yield any result given he used CQRS, but we can see query methods do return a DTO defined in the application/service layer package.
In the above listed 3 methods which ones are correct/wrong?
Both, #1 and #2 are very similar and could be right from a dependency standpoint, as long as ItemDto and CreateItemRequest are defined in the application layer package, but I would favor #2 since the input data type is named against the use case rather than simply the kind of entity it deals with: entity-naming-focus would fit better with CRUD and because of that you might find it difficult to find good names for input data types of other use case methods operating on the same kind of entity. #2 also have been popularized through CQRS (where commands are usually sent to a command bus), but is not exclusive to CQRS. Vaughn Vernon also uses this approach in the IDDD samples. Please note that what you call request is usually called command.
However, #3 would not be ideal given it couples the controller (presentation layer) with the domain.
For example, some methods receive 4 or 5 args. According to Eric Evans in Clean Code, such methods must be avoided.
That's a good guideline to follow and I'm not saying the samples couldn't be improved, but keep in mind that in DDD, the focus is put on naming things according to the Ubiquitous Language (UL) and following it as closely as possible. Therefore, forcing new concepts into the design just for the sake of grouping arguments together could potentially be harmful. Ironically, the process of attempting to do so may still offer some good insights and allow to discover overlooked & useful domain concepts that could enrich the UL.
PS: Robert C. Martin has written Clean Code, not Eric Evans which is famous for the blue book.
I'm from C# background but the concept remains same here.
In a situation like this, where we have to pass the parameters/state from application layer to service layer and, then return result from service layer, I would tend to follow separation-of-concerns. The service layer does not need to know about the Request parameter of you application layer/ controller. Similarly, what you return from service layer should not be coupled with what you return from your controller. These are different layers, different requirements, separate concerns. We should avoid tight coupling.
For the above example, I would do something like this:
class Controller
private ItemService service;
public ItemResponse createItem(CreateItemRequest request)
var creatItemDto = GetDTo(request);
var itemDto = service.createItem(createItemDto);
return GetItemResponse(itemDto);
This may feel like more work since now you need to write addional code to convert the different objects. However, this gives you a great flexiblity and makes the code much easier to maintain. For example: CreateItemDto may have additional/ computational fields as compared to CreateItemRequest. In such cases, you do not need to expose those fields in your Request object. You only expose your Data Contract to the client and nothing more. Similarly, you only return the relevant fields to the client as against what you return from service layer.
If you want to avoid manual mapping between Dto and Request objects C# has libaries like AutoMapper. In java world, I'm sure there should be an equivalent. May be ModelMapper can help.

How to solve this: application model and engine model mismatch when using JPA persistence?

The title may seems confusing, but it's not easy to describe the question in few words. Let me explain the situation:
We have a web application project, and a calculation engine project. The web application collect user input and use the engine to generate some result, and represent to user. Both user input, engine output and other data will be persisted to DB using JPA.
The engine input and output consist of objects in tree structure, example like:
Class InputA {
String attrA1;
List<InputB> inputBs;
Class InputB {
String attrB1;
List<InputC> inputCs;
Class InputC {
String attrC1;
The engine output is in similar style.
The web application project handle the data persistence using JPA. We need to persist the engine input and output, as well as some other data that related to the input and output. Such data can be seem as extra fields to certain class. For example:
We want to persist extra field, so it looks like:
Class InputBx extends InputB{
String attrBx1;
Class InputCx extends InputC{
String attrCx1;
In Java OO world, this works, we can store a list of InputBx in InputA, and store a list of InputCx in InputBx because of the inheritance.
But we meet trouble when using JPA to persist the extended objects.
First of all, it requires the engine project to make their class become JPA entities. The engine was working fine by itself, it accept correct input and generate correct output. It doesn't smell good to force their model to become JPA entities when another project try to persist the model.
Second, the JPA doesn't accept the inherited objects when using InputA as the entry. From JPA point of view, it only know that InputA contains a list of InputB, and not possible to persist/retrieve a list of InputBx in object of InputA.
When trying to solve this, we had come up 2 ideas, but neither one satisfied us:
idea 1:
Use composition instead inheritance, so we still persist the original InputA and it's tree structure include InputB and InputC:
Class InputBx{
String attrBx1;
InputB inputB;
Class InputCx{
String attrCx1;
InputC inputC;
So the original input object tree can be smoothly retrieved, and InputBx and InputCx objects needs to be retrieved using the InputB and InputC objects in the tree as references.
The good thing is that no matter what changes made to the structure of the original input class tree (such as change attribute name, add/remove attributes in the classes), the extended class InputBx and InputCx and their attributes automatically synchronized.
The drawback is that this structure increases the calls to the database, and the model is not easy to use in the application(both back end and front end). Whenever we want related information of InputB or InputC, we need to manually code to search the corresponding object of InputBx and InputCx.
idea 2:
Manually make mirror classes to form a similar structure of the original input classes. So we created:
Class InputAx {
String attrA1;
List<InputBx> inputBs;
Class InputBx {
String attrB1;
List<InputCx> inputCs;
String attrBx1;
Class InputCx {
String attrC1;
String attrCx1;
We could use this as model of the web application, and the JPA entities as well. Here's what we could get:
Now the engine project can be set free, it doesn't need to bind to how the other projects persist these input/output objects. The engine project is independant now.
The JPA persistence works just fluent, no extra calls to database is required
The back end and front end UI just use this model to get both original input objects and related information with no effort. When trying use engine to perform calculation, we can use a mapping mechanism to transfer between the original objects and extended objects.
The drawback is also obvious:
There is duplication in the class structure, which is not desired from the OO point of view.
When considering it as DTO to reduce the database calls, it can be claimed as anti-pattern when using DTO in local transfer.
The structure is not automatically synchronized with the original model. So if there are any changes made to the original model, we need to manually update this model as well. If some developers forget to do this, there will be some not-easy-to-find defects.
I'm looking for the following help:
Is there any existing good/best practices or patterns to solve similar situation we meet? Or any anti-patterns that we should try to avoid? References to web articles are welcome.
If possible, can you comment on the idea 1 and idea 2, from the aspect of OO design, Persistence practices, your experience, ect.
I will be grateful for your help.

Dealing with state in factory implementations

What pattern would one use if you have multiple factory implementations, each of which requires different state information to create new objects?
IModelParameters: contains all the inputs and outputs to a complex calculation
IModelParameterFactory: has methods for getting and saving IModelParameter objects.
The issue is that one factory implementation might be getting your parameters from a database, with some state needed for retrieval, (i.e. a UserID), another might be getting your inputs from a file, in which case you don't have a UserID, but you do need a file name.
Is there another pattern that works better in this case? I've looked at some dependancy injection tools/libraries, and haven't seen anything that seems to address the situation.
Have you tried to put the requeriments in a class?
Every factory implementation has their own requeriments, but all requeriments classes derives form a base requeriment class (Or impements a requeriments interface). This allows you to have the same interface for all factory implementations, you just must do a cast to the correct requeriments class in every factory implementation.
Yes, casts are ugly and error-prone, but this method provides an uniform an extensible interface for your factory.
It's hard to say without seeing some code, but you may want to look into implementing a Repository Pattern. The Repository implementation would be responsible for retrieving the data that the factory then used to build its object(s). You could inject the repository interface into your factory:
public class ModelParameterFactory : IModelParameterFactory
private readonly IModelParameterRepository Repository;
public ModelParameterFactory(IModelParameterRepository repository)
Repository = repository;
...interface methods use the injected repository...
Then you would have, say a DatabaseModelParameterRepository and a FileModelParameterRepository. But I'm guessing you also have logic around which of those you would need to inject, so that calls for another factory:
public class ModelParameterRepositoryFactory : IModelParameterRepositoryFactory
public ModelParameterRepositoryFactory(...inputs needed to determine which repository to use...)
...determine which repository is required and return it...
At this point, it might make more sense to inject IModelParameterRepositoryFactory into the ModelParameterFactory, rather than inject the IModelParameterRepository.
public class ModelParameterFactory : IModelParameterFactory
private readonly IModelParameterRepositoryFactory RepositoryFactory;
public ModelParameterFactory(IModelParameterRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory)
RepositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
...interface methods get repository from the factory...
Whether you use a DI container or not, all logic regarding which repository to use and which factory to use are now moved into the relevant factory implementations, as opposed to the calling code or DI configuration.
While not terribly complex, this design nonetheless does give me pause to wonder whether your ModelParameterFactory and ModelParameters are too generic. You might benefit from teasing them into separate, more specific classes. The result would be a simpler and more expressive design. The above should work for you if that is not the case, however.
In my point of view, a state is something that you store in memory, such as static object, global variable, cache or session. Usually in DI, such states are not maintained, but being passed as a parameter. Example:
public IEnumerable<Records> GetRecordByUserId(string userId){ /*code*/ }
The userId is being passed instead being maintained in the repository.
However, when you want to make them as configuration-like instead of passing each time you do query, I think you can inject it as a wrapper class. See my question for more info. However, I don't recommend this design at repository, but I do recommend at service level.

EXT GWT BaseModel needs to have DTO reference?

I am very new to GWT.
I am using ext-gwt widgets.
I found many places in my office code containing like,
class A extends BaseModel{
private UserAccountDetailsDto userAccountDetailsDto = null;
Also, the DTO reference is unused.
public class UserAccountDetailsDto implements Serializable{
private Long userId=null;
private String userName=null;
private String userAccount=null;
private String userPermissions=null;
Now, I am able to get the result from GWT Server side Code and things Work fine, but when I comment the DTO reference inside the class A, I am not getting any Result.
Please explain me the need of that.
Well the problem is in implementation of GXT BaseModel and GWT-RPC serialization.
BaseModel is based around special GXT map, RpcMap. This map has defined special serialization rules, which let's avoid RPC type explosion, but as side effect, only some simple types stored in map will be serialized. E.g. you can put any type inside the map, but if you serialize/deserialize it, only values of type Integer, String ,Double,Byte, Float and Short (and arrays of this types) will be present. So the meaning behind putting reference to the DTO inside BaseModel, is to tell GWT-RPC that this type is also have to be serialized.
Detailed explanation
Basically GWT-RPC works like this:
When you define an interface for service, GWT-RPC analyzes all the classes used in parameters/ return type, to create serializers/deserializers. If you return something like Map<Object,Object> from your service, GWT-RPC will have to create a serializer for each class which implements Map and Serializable interfaces, but also it will generate serializers for each class which implements Serializable. In the end it is quite a bad situation, because the size of your compiled js file will be much biggger. This situation is called GWT-RPC type explosion.
So, in the BaseModel, all values are stored in RpcMap. And RpcMap has custom written serializer (RpcMap_CustomFieldSerializer you can see it's code if you interested how to create such things), so it doesn't cause the problem described above. But since it has custom serializer GWT dosn't know which custom class have been put inside RpcMap, and it doesn't generate serializers for them. So when you put some field into your BaseModel class, gwt knows that it might need to be able to serialize this class, so it will generate all the required stuff for this class.
Porting GXT2 Application code using BaseModel to GXT3 Model is uphill task. It would be more or less completely rewrite on model side with ModelProviders from GXT3 providing some flexibility. Any code that relies on Model's events, store, record etc are in for a rewrite.

ViewModel -> Model: Who's responsible for persistance logic?

in my ASP MVC 2 application I follow the strongly typed view pattern with specific viewmodels.
Im my application viewmodels are responsible for converting between models and viewmodels. My viewmodels I have a static ToViewModel(...) function which creates a new viewmodel for the corresponding model. So far I'm fine with that.
When want I edit a model, I send the created viewmodel over the wire and apply the changes to back to the model. For this purpose I use a static ToModel(...) method (also declared in the view model). Here the stubs for clarification:
public class UserViewModel
public static void ToViewModel(User user, UserViewModel userViewModel)
public static void toModel(User user, UserViewModel userViewModel)
So, now my "Problem":
Some models are complex (more than just strings, ints,...). So persistence logic has to be put somewhere.(With persistence logic I mean the decisions wheater to create a new DB entry or not,... not just rough CRUD - I use repositories for that)
I don't think it's a good idea to put it in my repositories, as repositories (in my understanding) should not be concerned with something that comes from the view.I thought about putting it in the ToModel(...) method but I'm not sure if thats the right approach.
Can you give me a hint?
Warappa - we use both a repository pattern and viewmodels as well.
However, we have two additonal layers:
The service layer deals with stuff like persisting relational data (complex object models) etc. The task layer deals with fancy linq correlations of the data and any extra manipulation that's required in order to present the correct data to the viewmodel.
Outwith the scope of this, we also have a 'filters' class per entity. This allows us to target extension methods per class where required.
simples... :)
In our MVC projects we have a seperate location for Converters.
We have two types of converter, an IConverter and an ITwoWayConverter (a bit more too it than that but I'm keeping it simple).
The ITwoWayConverter contains two primary methods ConvertTo and ConvertFrom which contain the logic for converting a model to a view model and visa versa.
This way you can create specific converts for switching between types such as:
public class ProductToProductViewModelConverter : ITwoWayConverter<Product,ProductViewModel>
We then inject the relevant converters into our controller as needed.
This means that your conversion from one type to another is not limited by a single converter (stored inside the model or wherever).