Is there any way to present again Local Network Permission dialog when user already denies access?
I am able to trigger this dialog first time, but if user later disables the permission to Local Network, I want to present again this dialog.
P.S : I saw apps that do this, so it is possible somehow...
#lorem ipsum was right, there is no possibility to ask again for permission. The app I had with this feature just imitated the permission dialog, but when you taped on OK, I was redirected to Device settings menu.
I logged into my github account from the website from someone else's computer. I don't have access to that computer. Is there any way to log out of that computer without accessing it? Something like Google Chrome's log out of all devices feature. Note that I've actually not stored any credentials on that computer. I simply logged into the website from Safari, set Remember Password to never, and downloaded a repo as a zip.
The security section of your user settings page should list all of your active sessions and should provide a revoke option if you are logged in anywhere else on any device.
To logout from Github on a device or all devices follow the steps:
Account => Settings => Account Security
Under Session section => See session button => Revoke session button
Go to Personal Settings -> Sessions, there will be a list of devices. Click See More option against the device you want to sign out. The next page will have a red button with Revoke Session option, click on it and your account will be logged out from that device.
Click on your profile pic(on the top right corner). Select 'Settings' from the dropdown.
Click 'Password and authentication' (on the left side).
In that section, you can see all your sessions opened on multiple devices. Click on 'see more' button to go to the screen where it gives you the option to revoke the session.
Note: These directions might need some changes later on as GitHub constantly changes its UI.
CLLocationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization Authorization dialog works only for once.
How to change status from "Don't Allow" to "Allow" by popping up the same Authorization Dialog again.
So, as you already figured it out you can check for authorizationStatus. Once you check that the user has denied you access, you can always use custom alert (dialog) for telling the user, he/she needs to permit your app to use Location. A good way to do that is adding Alert option that navigates him to the Settings of your app, as you have found out, you can do that with: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString.
A good tutorial on this subject is:
Also, I would recommend you to take your time and look at the Apple doc site (this always helps me see the big picture):
You can't I don't believe, if the user has denied your app access to their location you have to instruct them to turn it on in their settings.
When asking a user for publish_actions permission in my facebook apps, facebook asks the user for the level of visibility fir these posts. like so.
However, for each app I get a different level set as the default in this dialog, in some "public" is set, some "friends" and some "only me".
I know I can change these in the user's app settings , but how can this default level be controlled from the app itself (seeing as I would like to ask for public permission by default ).
I dont mind the user selecting a different level in the dialog, but how is the default level set?
Any ideas will be appreciated.
In your app dashboard, go to App Details, section App Center Listed Platforms.
Click on Configure App Center Permissions, select Default Activity Privacy, and Save the setting.
(Your app does not need to be listed in App Center, nor do you need to submit your App Details for review for this setting to take effect.)
Edit: It seems they removed this setting, so now it is totally up to the user to select their desired privacy setting when they are asked for publish_actions permission; suggesting a default value does not seem possible any more.
As #CBroe pointed out it can be set in the app center permissions on the app dashboard.
details here
I've created a facebook app for my site and an html page where i can login into the user account allowing the app for do that...
So, this work correctly when i attempt to logon with the my account, that are the ADMIN of the page, but with other else account, the facebook popup window retrieve an error (with no useful details).. my sensation is that the app is not open to the public, how i can open it for the public?
Are you sure you haven't forgotten to take the app out of Sandbox mode in the app's advanced settings?
By default sandbox mode is not enabled, but yes try this way. If it's not that can you please bring us some code?
Whenever I first click on a Facebook app it puts up a screen asking for permissions. Does the API enforce this, or is it possible to display a screen using either fake or the user's publicly accessible data?
You do not have to ask for any permissions right away. Your app can have the equivalent of a "guest" mode, similar to how many websites work until the user has logged in. I'm not sure why more apps don't operate like that, as a user I'm always a bit put off when something asks for permission before I've even seen the first page of it.