Facebook app works only with admin - facebook

I've created a facebook app for my site and an html page where i can login into the user account allowing the app for do that...
So, this work correctly when i attempt to logon with the my account, that are the ADMIN of the page, but with other else account, the facebook popup window retrieve an error (with no useful details).. my sensation is that the app is not open to the public, how i can open it for the public?

Are you sure you haven't forgotten to take the app out of Sandbox mode in the app's advanced settings?

By default sandbox mode is not enabled, but yes try this way. If it's not that can you please bring us some code?


app not active: This app is not currently accessible and the app developer is aware of the issue

I got this error on the Facebook page.
App not active: This app is not currently accessible and the app developer is aware of the issue. you will be able to log in when the app is reactivated.
Also, I was implement facebook login in the Laravel with "Laravel Socialite".
It's happened because your app on Facebook for developers website is not live
go to Facebook for developers from here
choose My Apps from the top bar
click on your app icon ( then you will notice that your app is not live from the top bar )
from the left side select settings >> basic
put your privacy policy link in the Privacy Policy URL and in the User data deletion field, you can make a copy from this privacy policy ( to make a copy from the privacy policy select file from the top bar and select make a copy )
press save changes
I hope that it was helpful
The error suggests your Facebook app is not active; it should definitely be in Development Mode.
You get that error because the Facebook user account you are using to test the login with Facebook feature is neither added to your Facebook app as an Administrative nor Developer account.
You should check and ensure the Facebook user account meets either condition above.
Alternatively, you can change you App Mode from Deployment to Live, if you are ready to make it accessible to your users.
Go to developers.facebook.com/apps/your-app-id/app-review/permissions
Change public_profile to Advanced Access.
Thats all.

Can't get Advanced Access to public_profile on a disabled app?

Last night Facebook disabled our app with the following justificative:
Developer Policy 6.1: Verify that you have integrated Login correctly. Your app shouldn't crash or hang during the testing process.
During Login, your app is crashing or hanging excessively, creating a broken experience for people trying to use your app. To make sure this flow runs smoothly, check that you've integrated Facebook Login correctly. We recommend that you test Login on all integrations. If you have not already done so, please:
• Here's our quickstart guide for implementing Facebook Login for Android: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/android
• We encourage you to test your Login integration following these steps here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/testing-your-login-flow/
• Best Practices for Login can be found here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/best-practices
After going through the app options for Facebook Login, I found out that our public_profile permission is in "Standard Access." To allow our users to use Facebook Login, I will need to upgrade to "Advanced Access."
The documentation says that "Business apps created before February 16, 2021, were automatically approved for Advanced Access for the email and public_profile." I should be able to move our public_profile permission to "Advanced Access" because our app was created way before 2021. The problem is that after I click on the "Get Advanced Access" button and type my password, the page reloads, and the public_profile permission is still on the "Standard Access" mode.
So, these are my questions: what I am doing wrong? Is my app unable to upgrade our permissions to "Advanced Access" while being in this "Disabled" state? How can I debug my app to make it work again?
Some additional info about my app:
It passed through the Facebook App Review in 2019, and we already got permission to manage Pages and read connected Instagram accounts;
Everything was working fine until Facebook warned us that our Login integration was not working correctly;
In response to the Facebook notification and before Facebook disabled our app, we enabled the "Login with the JavaScript SDK" and updated the "Allowed Domains for the JavaScript SDK" (such as "https://www.example.com/").
I can't switch back our app to "Dev Mode" because the option is not showing up (is it due to being "Disabled"?)
For anyone landing here from google: I had the same issue, it is a brand new Facebook app, it's not blocked nor disabled. I needed to enable login through Facebook, thus needing advanced access to public_profile. When I tried that, it sometimes asked for my FB password, sometimes not, but it did nothing. There were no errors in the javascript console in the browser, nor any failed requests. I managed to make it work by simply waiting 10-30 seconds after each click (Request advanced access -> wait -> check the box -> wait -> write password -> click submit) to let the JS in the browser finish whatever was going on and then click the next button etc.
I discovered that it is not possible to modify your permission settings while your app is blocked.
I recovered my app using the appeal form, saying that I can't correct it while it is blocked because I need to change the permission settings. In case anyone needs an example, this was the exact text I sent to Facebook on the appeal form:
To get our app into compliance, we still need to upgrade our
permissions from "Standard Mode" to "Advanced Mode", but we can't do
this while our app is disabled. I would like to ask Facebook for an
Extension of the deadline and to re-enable our app, to allow our team
to change the permissions to "Advanced Mode" and properly test and get
our app into compliance. In case it is not possible to make an
extension to the deadline, we ask Facebook to revoke all permissions
given through the App Review process and then re-enable our app, in
Dev Mode. This way, we would be able to make all the required changes,
properly test our app, and submit it again to the App Review.
for me it was not possible to get a reply from facebook with the text of #lgfischer. All the time only chatbots answered. After 2 weeks of writing we decided to remove the facebook login from the app.
the end result is: no more facebook login in our app. 😁 thanks to all facebook chatbots and to the intelligent metaverse. ;-)
I had the same issue, it is a brand new Facebook app, it's not blocked nor disabled. I needed to enable login through Facebook. It asked me to enable advanced access to public profile setting When I tried that, it sometimes asked for my FB password, sometimes not, but it did nothing.
There was no errors, the setting was just not turning on to advanced. this problem was faced by some others too, who have posted their answers under this same topic
I have been able to access the advanced setting now.
All I had done was change from brave browser (Tried with chrome also, but didn't work) to Mozilla Firefox
It just worked like magic. make sure you enter the right password for that account.
If this helps, hit an Upvote. or comment your experience below

facebook external login not redirect back

I have a MVC5 application with external login. When I use Facebook login, after I put in my login information into facebook login page, facebook fails to direct me back to my application.
I got a white page with the following URL in Chrome's URL bar:
If I use IE, I got "The website cannot display the page" error page with the following URL on the borwser's URL bar:
Anyone has an answer to this problem? Thanks!
Thanks Nathan, clear cache on browser didn't help. I tried to clear cache/cookies on both IE and Chrome several times before I post the question.
The weird thing is that if I create an app under my personal facebook account and use the FacebookAppID/FacebookAppSecret for my app, the external login works fine. That's how I did all my testing.
But when I try to deploy the website I want to create the app under company's facebook account. I set up the app under the company's facebook account exactly the same way as I did when using my personal facebook account, then I got this redirect problem. If I switch back the FacebookAppID/FacebookAppSecret to the one I created under my personal account, everything works fine. That's even more puzzling.
I finally figured out the problem. I forgot to turn on "make this app and all its live features available to the general public" setting for the app I created in Facebook. So the login was only available to the developer who created the app. After I turn that setting on (it is under the Status and Review Tab), everything works fine.

create auth permission dialog in facebook

basically i have integrated fb in my app and for that i have created the app in fb developer site.
I have got app id and i have authorized my app with fb using this id.
While asking permissions in fb, the auth dialog havn't appeared good. like i want to display auth dialog as below image.
but i didn't see above style of auth dialog while authorization. How will i get that style of dialog?.
Currently i am getting the below style of dialog.
Please advise in this regards.
Go to your facebook profile from which you have created your app,or from which you are accessing your app.
Then go to Privacy Setting -> Apps, Games and Websites
And here go to apps you use there click edit in front of your app and then remove it.
It will simply remove your permission and will ask you again as you have shown in screen.
If anything feel free to ask.

How can i make my iframe app visible for everyone?

I'm new to Facebook app development and I ran into a stupid issue:
I made a simple app consisting of a flash player embedded in an iframe stored on my server and then I added it (as a tab) to a Facebook Event page I also created.
My problem is that the iframe will only load the page's content if the user's role is mapped in the app settings; it works fine for me since I'm the administrator and I believe my test users can also see it quite well, but for everyone else the iframe is blank.
Any ideas on how to make it visible for everyone?
Thanks in advance
Content page is here:
Tab is here:
Sounds like your app is in Sandbox Mode. If it is, you're right - only Admin, Devs, and Testers will be able to use / see the app. If you want everyone to see it, disable Sandbox Mode:
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
Select your app and then Edit Settings
Settings > Advanced
In Authentication section, set Sandbox Mode to Disabled