nopCommerce paypal PDTHandler redirect url problem - paypal

I am working on paypal payment part to integrate in my nopCommerce 4.5+ version project. I have installed Paypal Standard in my local plugin and also configure the redirect url in pyapal merchant account. When, I order and pay the product via Paypal sandbox account, it does the transaction. After the transaction, paypal page shows the confirmation with button "Back to the seller page". When I click this button, it returns error 400 and does not redirect to my website. Is it a nopcommerce Paypal plugin problem or Paypal issue?


error executing bank card payment paypal express checkout javascript

I try to integrate paypal express checkout on my application.
when I use a paypal account to pay, it works.
When I choose not to use a paypal account but pay by credit card and not creating an account (on the sandbox) when I click on the "pay now" button, it "processes" for a while and return to the "PayPal Guest Checkout"
when looking at the browser console log, I got the next error on my client side.
POST 400 (Bad Request)
I use the javascript checkout sdk on my client side:
the test paypal payment id is: "PAY-0TR22559BT642343YLD4EHJA"
Are you still facing this issue? If you're, can you file an MTS ticket and send to them? They usually will be able to investigate through your sandbox account and see if there's any issue with the account or the integration.

nopcommerce paypal sandbox account not working

I am testing paypal sandbox on nopcommerce. I have created buyer(personal) and seller(business) accounts in paypal sandbox accounts. below is the business profile api credentials tab
Classic TEST API credentials
I have configured paypal payment method I used business email Notice it is different from username shown above
for pdt I copied and pasted the signature show above
I left ipn handler blank. Then I tested a transaction as guest and entered shipping and billing address ( my actual texas address!) here i don't know if this matters. in payment method I see two options credit card and yes credit card!! I proceed to enter the buyertest email as in sandbox account and entered my real credit card information.. and confrim.. it says success. but when I check sandbox account there is no mention of this transaction..also no notifications....can some one please guide me step by step how to make this work. I have paypal account and sandbox account had worked for me on sharepoint public website before.
If you're using this gateway ensure that your primary store currency is supported by Paypal.
To use PDT, you must activate PDT and Auto Return in your PayPal account profile. You must also acquire a PDT identity token, which is used in all PDT communication you send to PayPal. Follow these steps to configure your account for PDT:
Log in to your PayPal account.
Click the Profile subtab.
Click Website Payment Preferences in the Seller Preferences column.
Under Auto Return for Website Payments, click the On radio button.
For the Return URL, enter the URL on your site that will receive the transaction ID posted by PayPal after a customer payment (
Under Payment Data Transfer, click the On radio button.
Click Save.
Click Website Payment Preferences in the Seller Preferences column.
Scroll down to the Payment Data Transfer section of the page to view your PDT identity token.
Two ways to be able to receive IPN messages (optional):
The first way is to check 'Enable IPN' below. It will include in the request the url of you IPN handler
The second way is to confugure your paypal account to activate this service; follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Premier or Business account.
2. Click the Profile subtab.
3. Click Instant Payment Notification in the Selling Preferences column.
4. Click the 'Edit IPN Settings' button to update your settings.
5. Select 'Receive IPN messages' (Enabled) and enter the URL of your IPN handler (
6. Click Save, and you should get a message that you have successfully activated IPN.
Your PDT Token is not the same as your paypal signature.
To use paypal standard you need to use your PDT Identity Token.
The PDT Token is 59 characters long.
The PDT page can be found under profile/my account settings/Website Payment Preferences:
When doing a test transaction. Log into paypal with your buyers sandbox account.
Paypal e-mail notification can be found under profile/my account settings/Instant Payment Notification (IPN):
Nopcommerce email account must first be setup from configuration/email accounts and ensure a test email send successfully.
Nopcommerce e-mail notification can be setup from content management/message templates.

Auto redirect Explanation

I'm configuring a paypal payment gateway in my website, at the moment a sandbox is configured and I'm using paypal standard. Everithing works fine except for some small thing I need to discuss with you:
after user (redirected to paypal site) make the payment is there a way to redirect automatically after the payment is done...I would avoid that user has to click the link: "return to xxx website". ( I have seen and used many websites that use to redirect to paypal but after payments is done the really automatically redirect to the website...without any additional click)
I have personalized the aspect of my page under paypal account (in sandbox mode) but when i test the payment the page is not personalized but show the standard my question is personalized pages works under sandbox?
For paypal standard subscribe button is required an HTTPS protocol or they accept also normal urls?
1) If you are using PayPal Payments Standard (Buttons) then you will have the return to merchant at the checkout page, this is because the payment is complete at this point. What you are thinking when you are redirected back immediately is ExpressCheckout and the merchant can process the payment immediately or by user action.
2) Yes, personalized pages work in sandbox. You need to make sure it is set as primary
3) For PayPal Payments Standard you do not need HTTPS, as the payment is handled on the Paypal website.

Paypal Express Checkout for PayPal Buttons

I have created some paypal buttons using paypal button manager (My Saved Button Page). All works good so far.
I however want the paypal payment page to open the credit card tab by default. (the tab that says 'Don't have paypal account?').
From other stackoverflow answers I can see I need to use express checkout, and in the API call I need to set SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.
But how do I set this on my normal Paypal payment buttons (the ones I created using Button manager)?
My account on paypal is a business account, and does support Paypal payment pro and Express checkout.
Did you know that paypal will default to the "don't have a paypal account" for customers who don't have accounts.
PayPal automatically checks if your customers cookies to see if they have ever logged into paypal. If so, it will default to log in, if not then the pay with debit or credit card.
This is why you always see log in. Try clearing your cache and cookies on your browsers and then go to your payments page, you will see.

Is it possible to to use sandbox without having paypal account?

I am beginner php Programmer, i am creating a shopping cart application, I have already created Sandbox Seller and buyer A/c I jst want to know is it possible to show the demo of "payment" to client without creating (having paypal credentials of client's A/c) paypal A/c.
You can show demo up to the page redirects to PayPal sandbox, but you have to have PayPal buyer account to do some transaction.
You can keep logged into PayPal sandbox account earlier and while the page redirecting to PayPal page then it will automatically show the payment section by skipping login pages.