Why have seperate input/output topics in Kafka? - apache-kafka

It is often said that Kafka works well with domain driven designs.
Why is it then that Kafka blog posts mostly talk about CQRS or similar - suggesting seperate input and output topics?
It seems like a topic could be about a thing. Why should services 'talk' about that same thing spread out by an implementation detail of who/what is talking?
Isn't this a lot of overhead to protect services from peers that have issues causing them to spam the topic?
I'm hoping for responses that offer pros/cons - why people might think a given thing. Not opinions about the 'right' answer. If this is a better fit for a different SO, I'd appreciate being pointed the right direction.

To summarize
CQRS is a pattern you use within a service (Bounded context), that allows you to implement the command and query sides in separate ways. That is what CQRS is all about.
Event sourcing is an optional pattern that you often see together with CQRS, but it is not a requirement.
I see Kafka as the backbone between services, as the record of truth between services, like how the picture below:
In this case, you use Kafka to pass notifications of what happens in the different services. (Event-driven architecture). But I would not try to use Kafka for request/response communication even though it is possible.
When you aim for a request/response pattern, you typically want a synchronous response, like if the user sends a command to the system. But in general, to reduce coupling you should not send commands between services, better to publish events and let other services react to those events.


Mixing communication methods for microservices

I am working on a project which is actually will be a better version of an old project. We want it to be scalable to be able to deal with high load. So we decided to go with microservices instead of monolithic. Then I started to do research about microservices, how they communicate, common design patterns and other things. Since I want my services to be scalable, event based communication made sense to me. So I decided to use kafka for this purpose.
We have much more services in the system but to simplify my question lets say I have 2 types of services which are work-node and master-node. I want both of them to be scalable. For now they are communicating over kafka.
My question : for a case I want to publish an event (produce a message on a topic) from master-node and get that event (consume from the topic) from all work-nodes. But for an other case I need to send a message to specific work-node. To be able to cover first case, all my work-nodes have different group ids in kafka and when a message published on a topic they all get that message. I know that I am not able to send a message to specific consumer with kafka. Since my nodes are scalable and their number can increase or decrease depending on the load, creating a topic for each node does not seem a good idea. My first solution was adding work-node id in message. So other work-nodes can ignore that message. Well it works but I don't think it is a good solution. My second solution is sending http request if I am going to send a message to specific node. But I don't know mixing 2 communication methods is a good solution.
What do you guys think about this problem. Is there a better solution that I am missing ? Or my whole design is going wrong ?
Kafka is not an appropriate technology for the use case you describe. I would recommend using Cadence Workflow which natively supports routing tasks to specific nodes as well as dozens of other features that messaging systems lack.
Feel free to join Cadence Workflow slack channel if you have specific questions.
I think you should able to. Consider regular Kafka flow. You have some consumer groups subscribed to the topic. Producer doesn't send message to specific partition until you specify.
Now think about the scenario that you produce some message based on your algorithm to the specific partitions.
Message received from A
some kind of algorithm like hashcode generated always 0 for A
Message send to Partition 0
Consumer 1 connected to Partiton 0
Only Consumer 1 gets the message coming from A

Pub/Sub and consumer aware publishing. Stop producing when nobody is subscribed

I'm trying to find a messaging system that supports the following use case.
Producer registers topic namespace
client subscribes to topic
first client triggers notification on producer to start producing
new client with subscription to the same topic receives data (potentially conflated, similar to hot/cold observables in RX world)
When the last client goes away, unsubscribe or crash, notify the producer to stop producing to said topic
I am aware that according to the pub/sub pattern A producer is defined to be blissfully unaware of the existence of consumers, meaning that my use-case simply does not fit the pub/sub paradigm.
So far I have looked into Kafka, Redis, NATS.io and Amazon SQS, but without much success. I've been thinking about a few possible ways to solve this, Haven't however found anything that would satisfy my needs yet.
One option that springs to mind, for bullet 2) is to model a request/reply pattern as amongs others detailed on the NATS page to have the producer listen to clients. A client would then publish a 'subscribe' message into the system that the producer would pick up on a wildcard subscription. This however leaves one big problem, which is unsubscribing. Assuming the consumer stops as it should, publishing an unsubscribe message just like the subscribe would work. But in the case of a crash or similar this won't work.
I'd be grateful for any ideas, references or architectural patterns/best practices that satisfy the above.
I've been doing quite a bit of research over the past week but haven't come across any satisfying Q&A or articles. Either I'm approaching it entirely wrong, or there just doesn't seem to be much out there which would surprise me as to me, this appears to be a fairly common scenario that applies to many domains.
thanks in advance
An actual simple use-case that I have at hand is stock quote distribution.
Quotes come from external source
subscribe to stock A quotes from external system when the first end-user looks at stock A
Stop receiving quotes for stock A from external system when no more end-users look at said stock
RabbitMQ has internal events you can use with the Event Exchange Plugin. Event such as consumer.created or consumer.deleted could be use to trigger some actions at your server level: for example, checking the remaining number of consumers using RabbitMQ Management API and takes action such as closing a topic, based on your use cases.
I don't have any messaging consumer present based publishing in mind. Got ever worst because you'll need kind of heartbeat mechanism to handle consumer crashes.
So here are my two cents, not sue if you're looking for an out of the box solution, but if not, you could wrap your application around a zookeeper cluster to handle all your use cases.
Simply use watchers on ephemeral nodes to check when you have no more consumers ( including crashes) and put some watcher around a 'consumers' path to be advertised when you get consumers.
Consumers side, you would have to register your zk node ID whenever you start it.
It's not so complicated to do, and zk is not the only solution for this, you might use other consensus techs as well.
A start for zookeeper :
( strongly advise to use curator api, which handle lot of recipes in a smooth way)
Unfortunately you haven't specified your use business use case that you try to solve with such requirements. From the sound of it you want not the pub/sub system, but an orchestration one.
I would recommend checking out the Cadence Workflow that is capable of supporting your listed requirements and many more orchestration use cases.
Here is a strawman design that satisfies your requirements:
Any new subscriber sends an event to a workflow with a TopicName as a workflowID to subscribe. If workflow with given ID doesn't exist it is automatically started.
Any subscribe sends another signal to unsubscribe.
When no subscribers are left workflow exits.
Publisher sends an event to the workflow to deliver to subscribers.
Workflow delivers the event to the subscribers using an activity.
If workflow with given TopicName doesn't run the publish event to it is going to fail.
Cadence offers a lot of other advantages over using queues for task processing.
Built it exponential retries with unlimited expiration interval
Failure handling. For example it allows to execute a task that notifies another service if both updates couldn't succeed during a configured interval.
Support for long running heartbeating operations
Ability to implement complex task dependencies. For example to implement chaining of calls or compensation logic in case of unrecoverble failures (SAGA)
Gives complete visibility into current state of the update. For example when using queues all you know if there are some messages in a queue and you need additional DB to track the overall progress. With Cadence every event is recorded.
Ability to cancel an update in flight.
Distributed CRON support
See the presentation that goes over Cadence programming model.

What's the best practice to collect data from different clients?

Here are the details of my use case:
What's my data..
There would be user experiences, error report, state info and so on. The data is fragmented and may change in the future. So I plan to use NoSQL, maybe mongodb, to save data in the server.
What are the clients..
They are clients written in different languages, like C#, C++, LabVIEW and so on. Some don't even have an access to a mongodb driver, so of course it's not an option to communicate with database directly. And framework like below is needed.
Clients -> (Some protocol) -> Broker -> Database.
As those clients are not web client, so common web server using http may not suit for my case, right? Is there any suggestion for the protocol, broker and database, Or even a new framework.
My goal is to make the clients can send data as convenient as possible.
Thank you!
This is not really new, but a message driven application, which is a well understood pattern.
I did this mostly in Java, so I will stick to this language here.
A broker alone would be not enough here. Let us say you use Apache ActiveMQ as you message broker, you would still need to get your data into the database, since MQ is... ...a message queue. So you need a part which gets the messages out of MQ, processes them according to your business rules and stores them in the (correct) database instance, and the correct collection/bucket/table. Of course you could write this part by hand, but that would be pretty much reinventing the wheel. There is a notion of a "message routing and mediation engine", and the most commonly suggested here is Apache Camel, which has quite some components to communicate with databases and other so called consumers and producers. And that is the key point. In general, if possible, your clients should send their data to the message broker directly. But, if they can't, they can simply send text files or make REST calls – there are actually too many options to list here. This incoming data can be preprocessed and normalized to your standard format by a "route" in Apache Camel (a set of a consumer, conversion rules and a producer, in it's simplest form) and send as an AMQP message to MQ. From there, another Camel route can process the AMQP messages, apply your business rules and store the data in the database... ...or whatever else may come to your mind (for example sending an email).
So this solution supports a multitude of protocols for incoming and outgoing messages (as long as they are supported by Camel) and you have your business rules in a centralized and well defined location.
To implement this, I'd strongly suggest using Apache ServiceMix, which is a distribution of ActiveMQ, Camel and a system to manage the components and business rules.
Finally, web server with http protocal could suit for the use case, I think.
Mostly I want is a universal API for different kinds of clients to save data to cloud. Http has method GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, so with a RESTful API it is naturlly suitable for operate data, I think.
My solution at last is Node.js(Express) + Mongodb (a quite common group), and a RESTful API is provided via Express web server, clients can use http to operate data conviencely. Also, it is quite light weight and easy to get started.
Here is some tutorial: http://cwbuecheler.com/web/tutorials/2013/node-express-mongo/

Akka.Net work queues

I have an existing distributed computing framework built on top of MassTransit and RabbitMQ. There is essentially a manager which responds with work based on requests. Each worker will take a certain amount of items based on the physcial machine specs. The worker then sends completion messages when done. It works rather well and seems to be highly scalable since the only link is the service bus.
I recently evaluated Akka.Net in order to see if that would be a simpler system to implement the same pattern. After looking at it I was somewhat confused at what exactly it is used for. It seems that if I wanted to do something similar the manager would have to know about each worker ahead of time and directly send it work.
I believe I am missing something because that model doesn't seem to scale well.
Service buses like MassTransit are build as reliable messaging services. Ensuring the message delivery is primary concern there.
Actor frameworks also use messages, but this is the only similarity. Messaging is only a mean to achieve goal and it's not as reliable as in case of the service buses. They are more oriented on building high performance, easily distributed system topologies, centered around actors as primary unit of work. Conceptually actor is close to Active Record pattern (however this is a great simplification). They are also very lightweight. You can have millions of them living in memory of the executing machine.
When it comes to performance, Akka.NET is able to send over 30 mln messages/sec on a single VM (tested on 8 cores) - a lot more than any service bus, but the characteristics also differs significantly.
On the JVM we now that akka clusters may rise up to 2400 machines. Unfortunately we where not able to test, what the .NET implementation limits are.
You have to decide what do you really need: a messaging library, an actor framework or a combination of both.
I agree with #Horusiath answer. In addition, I'd say that in most cases you can replace a servicebus for the messaging system of an actor model like akka, but they are not in the same class.
Messaging is just one thing that Akka provides, and while it's a great feature, I wouldn't say it's the main one. When analyzing it as an alternative, you must first look at the benefits of the model itself and then look if the messaging capabilities are good enough for your use case. You can still use a dedicated external servicebus to distribute messages across different clusters and keep akka.net exchanging messages inside clusters for example.
But the point is that if you decide to use Akka.net, you won't be using it only for messaging.

Why bother with service discovery when message oriented middleware does the job?

I get the problem that etcd/consul/$whatever are trying to solve. Service consumers need to talk to service providers, a hugely fluid distributed system needs a mechanism to marry the two.
However, the problem of "where do service consumers go with their requests?" is old and IMO has been solved with MOM -- message oriented middleware.
In MOM, the idea is that service consumers do not care where the service providers live. They simply send a message and have the messaging bus take care of routing the message to the appropriate consumer. There can be multiple providers all doing the same thing (queue-based round-robin) or versioned providers (/v1/request goes to one, /v2/request goes to another).
This is a simple, powerful integration pattern that completely decouples a service interface from its implementation.
And yet I see this bizarre obsession with discovering service providers, which appears to create tight coupling between consumers and providers (in addition to a few other anti-patterns as well.)
So, what am I missing here? TIA.
In MOM, everything flows through the bus, so it might become a bottleneck. With service discovery, a consumer looks up a producer "once" (ok it might have to check back again after a while), and then "directly" (ok could be through a proxy) talks to it.
Or if you prefer catchy phrases: smart endpoints & dumb pipes vs (i guess) dumb endpoints & smart pipes.
Personally I don't see the two as either or for this type of architecture. You could use the service discovery to see what services are available at the moment and subscribe to the MOM for the events you then know will be there. If you can't find services you depend on you can raise an alert. Not all MOM's let you know when there is no publisher for a channel.
You can also combine them in the way that the service discovery is where you find the services you want to contact directly, for example a data store that does no job, and still use the MOM to subscribe to events for changes that other systems do. Not all use cases fit well with job queuing either, as some tasks must be solved synchronously, and then the service discovery is a great way to have a dynamic environment.
I do prefer the asynchronous MQ myself, and I think that if you do it right, with load balancing, redundancy, clustering with separate readers and writers etc you can easily have great stability, scalability and a standardized way for all your components to communicate.