PowerShell - Microsoft.graph.intune - Get-DeviceManagement_DetectedApps - List all apps, not just first 50 - powershell

I'm wondering if anyone can help?
I am running the cmdlet Get-DeviceManagement_DetectedApps in the microsoft.graph.intune module and getting back this result
Get-devicemanagement_detectedapps output
I have a count of 6975 apps but in the value array I only am getting 50 apps. I can't figure out how to display all the apps or move onto the next page of data. Every paramter I put in doesn't change a thing and the property #odata.nextLink is always showing:
Does anyone know how I get all the apps to show?
I have tried changing all the parameters to see if anything changes and nothing does
Thanks for your help


Maneuver issues in Turn By Turn Navigation with HERE maps in Flutter

Thanks in advance.
We have to use HERE map's Turn by turn navigation feature in one of our Flutter application, we have added billing in the developer account and have created the necessary keys.
When we try HERE map examples they have provided, we get everything except maneuver instructions that shows the user when to turn right/left/go straight for some distance etc.
I'm new to this and I have no idea how to get this, we never get events on the listener and it only shows updating there, am I missing something ?
this is how it looks right now, Updating...
I think we should be getting the progress here, but we are not getting it here...
_visualNavigator.routeProgressListener = Navigation.RouteProgressListener((routeProgress) { }
Please look into the provided example app. It shows here how to get the maneuver actions.
Your screenshot shows a different app, so make sure everything works with the example app, at first. The app offers to run a simulation mode. This should work. If you run the example app with real GPS updates, you may need to go outside and move to get location updates. This should also work.
If this still does not work, it could either mean that your device has an issue with getting GPS locations. Some iPads, for example, lack support. Or that you have disabled getting location updates. You can cross-check this when trying the positioning_app example from the same repository that shows how to get location updates.
A last point may be to clarify what events you get and what you miss: There are multiple event listeners providing real-time information during guidance - if you have only an issue with maneuvers, then most likely you can solve your issue by following strictly the code of the example app.
Note that previous HERE SDK versions, prior to HERE SDK 4.13.0, only provided empty maneuver instruction texts during guidance when they have been taken from the route instance. Make sure to take this information from the VisualNavigator instead.

Suddenly conv.user.storage data is not persisting or acting in a strange way

Conv.user.storage data is not persisting, when using an alpha tester account it resets every time. When using the simulator the data goes back to some snapshot it took at some point and has some values associated with a previous session.
I know this is vague but I was wondering if anyone ever had this problem.
I'm guessing the most reliable solution is to just use Google sign in if you are in anyway depending on that conv.user.storage data, is that right?
Let me add this snippet from Response section in the simulator, here you can user storage in the middle of the game, then I close and start again and all the values change completely going to a previous set of values from some point in the past, but this same set of values appears no matter how many times I reset, how can user storage find some previous snapsnot of values like this?
"userStorage": "{\"data\":{\"questionorder\":\"19,29,27,18,30,20,16,22,12,11,17,28,14,25,6,21,8,4,5,3,1,23,10,26,13,24,7,2,15\",\"thisquestionnum\":9,\"randmozier\":true,\"visited\":true,\"questioncode\":111,\"popularity\":50,\"population\":100,\"rounds\":1}}"
"userStorage": "{\"data\":{\"questionorder\":\"5,20,13,18,6,19,12,9,1,21,11,10,22,25,24,8,14,3,16,17,7,26\" ,\"thisquestionnum\":4,\"randmozier\":true,\"visited\":true,\"questioncode\":111,\"popularity\":30,\"population\":100,\"rounds\":2}}"
What is weird about this is, no matter what user storage starts out at, it will return to the second "After" values if I restart the game -- nowhere in the code is this being set, it's a previous set of values from some point, how can this issue suddenly appear?
I have even reset the code back 1 month so it is not possible at all to choose up to 26 questions like is shown in "questionorder" above -- but still it returns to that second state of user storage which is impossible in the code as it is, this is some major error in actions-on-google library or something which has changed in the last few days, has anyone had this issue with conv.user.storage?

DFP - Line item is delivering but ad slot is empty

I just noticed this problem, one of my line items is still delivering, confirmed from the status in DFP, but one of the slots defined in this line item isn't showing the creative. I am not sure why this is happening as I am pretty sure the code and configuration is correct as the ad used to be showing in that slot.
Does anyone have any idea where I should begin to debug?
Many thanks!
Have you tried checking the output of the DFP console?
Have a look at this page here: https://support.google.com/dfp_sb/answer/181070?hl=en
Using the console you should be able to see if there are any problems with the delivery of your line item or creative.

Access 2010 Form.Repaint - Hanging

I'm hopefully missing something obvious here...
I have just kicked off developing a new Access 2010 application. Something personal and hopefully simple.
The first thing I need to do is read a bunch of files off of the hard drive. I parse the contents adding the information to a table if it doesn't already exist.
Code works fine, that's not the issue. As it can take a while I've added a simple progress dialog using a standard form but in dialog/popup mode. As the For Each loop of the FSO.Folder.Files object is progressed I send some information to a couple of text boxes and issue a Me.Repaint (have also tried DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "FormName").
The issue is that I can get anywhere from 5% to 35% of the process complete before the repaints stop responding. The form only repaints when it gets to 100%.
The process uses limited recursion - if there is a subfolder - it calls itself to process that subfolder, but the folder structure is fairly linear so not many of those.
There are nothing bound to the form. All table updates happen in code and via RecordSets.
Any ideas why Access stops responding?
Add DoEvents after Repaint. That will cause Access to yield to Windows, which will can then handle its pending tasks ... such as updating the display in this case.
Actually, if your code updates text boxes, I don't see why you need to Repaint the form in order to display the changes. Try something like this instead ...
Me.MyTextBox = "hello"

Why is Eclipse's HTML viewer randomly showing previous output and an error?

Well, this video shows my problem best : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDeChV254Ck&feature=youtu.be
If I have a page that is proper/ok, everything works fine and as expected.
If I purposely induce an error (which I have been doing loads of whilst learning!), Eclipse doesn't show an error at all inline/red underline, and, when I try to run, it will either display an error (which I expect it should be doing every time), or it will randomly display the last successful build.
I can (remotely) understand the logic of alternating, maybe someone would want to see the previous output, but, this is just completely random - no logic at all, so, I just don't understand why it is happening.
Does anyone know what is going on?
edit - been able to recreate this on a brand new install. What is going on!?