I have to send buildId value from powershell script to the jenkinsfile pipeline. I am trying something like below. Is this right approach?
powershell script
if($out -match "buildId-") {
$splitline = $out.Split("-")
echo "splitline: " $splitline
$buildId= $splitline[1]
echo "buildId: " $buildId
$buildIds= $env:$buildId.Value
then want to use that build to pass as a parameter to trigger the build job.
build job: 'build_Test', parameters: [validatingString(name: 'buildId', value: '$buildIds'), string(name: 'TASK', value: 'build')]
You can give it a shot, but I'm not sure simply adding it to an environment variable will allow you to access the value from the Jenkinsfile. You can find more about this problem in this question. However, you maybe able to achieve your goal via the EnvInject plugin, or simply store the value in a file in your workspace and access it via Jenkins later.
I'm using Azure DevOps Release pipeline which has next steps:
Download KeyVault secrets
Invoke Console App with correct parameters
Downloading of KeyVault secrets works fine and I can confirm that they are available by using $(Key1) where Key1 is actual key stored in KeyVault secrets.
Now, what I want is to loop against list of the secrets (simple text file with keys separated by comma) and append them to a console app parameter, but I fail to retrieve Azure DevOps pipeline variable with PowerShell variable.
$keyVaultVariables can be Key1,Key2,Key3 which corresponds to the keys stored in KeyVault, meaning that when I'm calling $($kvVar) is should get value of the secret with the key. What I get is just key, but no value.
$keyVaultList = $keyVaultVariables -split ','
$stringReplacementValues = ""
foreach($kvVar in $keyVaultList)
$val = $($kvVar)
Write-Host $val
$stringReplacementValues = $stringReplacementValues + "$kvVar|$val;"
Write-Host $stringReplacementValues
What am I doing wrong?
What you want cannot be done this way. It's a security feature.
Secrets can only be iterated through the task-sdk from a custom task. Any script or existing task that doesn't have this functionality needs to have these values passed in through an input or the environment or through inlining the value in the script directly. This is a security feature to prevent say a roque npm package from extracting all of the secrets from a pipeline.
If you move your functionality into a custom task, it could access the secrets.
The corresponding PowerShell function.
The corresponding Typescript Function
I have a pipeline variable called TestVariable.
I can easily access this variable from a PS script like so:
write-host $(TestVariable)
But if the name of that variable was dynamic, is there any way I can access the variable value from PS?
For example, the name of the variable would go into a string variable. I've tried these combinations as experiments...they just return the variable name, not the value (not surprisingly):
write-host $($varname)
write-host $("$varname")
write-host $"($varname)"
write-host $("($varname)")
I think the answer is no, but I want to be sure. Any help much appreciated!
Edit - note
Both answers answer the question but don't solve my problem. After trying the solutions I realized I missed an additional complication which the answers don't help with unfortunately. Am noting here in case someone tries to do something similar.
The extra complication is, the value of the variable is set during the release (I'm trying to access ARM template output variables).
I thought I may be able to hit the API and get the 'live' variable value but unfortunately the release data does not exist (from the API) until the release completes.
So when I call this during a release:
I get "Release with ID 38 does not exist".
Late to the party, but figure I'd share.
As mentioned in the Defined Variables doc, pipeline variables are accessible through
the environment variables. While $(varname) gets processed before the task starts, $env:varname can be invoked mid-run. So you can cheat by using:
Write-Host ('$env:'+"$(varname)" | Invoke-Expression)
The task will resolve $(varname) into its value before the task begins. So the script reads as
Write-Host ("$env:TestVariable" | Invoke-Expression)
And it'll spit out the same as calling $(TestVariable).
Though you do need to respect the rules, such as " " and "." -> "_".
Dynamic variable name in VSTS (Azure DevOps) pipeline
Agree with Krzysztof Madej. There is no out of box way to achieve this.
That because the nested variables (like $($varname) are not yet supported in the build pipelines.
To resolve this issue, you could use the Definitions - Get to get the value of Dynamic variable:
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/definitions/{definitionId}?api-version=5.1
Below is my test powershell script:
$url = "https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganizationName/YourtProjectName/_apis/build/definitions/<definitionsId>?api-version=5.0"
Write-Host "URL: $url"
$pipeline = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers #{
Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
$VFDV= $pipeline.variables.$varname.value
Write-Host This is Value For Dynamic Variable: $VFDV
The output:
Hope this helps.
This is not possible directly in YAML but you can use for instance az cli. With this you can set programatically a variable name a get value of it
$variableName = "some"
az pipelines variable list --org "https://dev.azure.com/thecodemanual" --project "DevOps Manual" --pipeline-name "DevOps Manual-CI" --query ($variableName + '.value')
$variableName = "test"
az pipelines variable list --org "https://dev.azure.com/thecodemanual" --project "DevOps Manual" --pipeline-name "DevOps Manual-CI" --query ($variableName + '.value')
Now you can use this code in a powershell task to fetch value of variable.
Here you have info how to install extension.
I know its too late but I can tell you a perfect solution. as we know all the pipeline variables are available as environment variables so we can access the values as below
upper= ${var^^} //convert the variable to uppercase as env variables are upper
echo ${!upper}
Please note the above solution is tested and works in bash only. I haven't written for PS
I have a complete CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps and its working perfectly. now i have a JSON file including the version number for the release.
I need to get this version number as a global variable. How to assign file value to a global variable. I need to use this release no as my build pipeline id, docker tag and release pipeline id.
The way to set a global variable is:
##vso[task.setvariable variable=name;]value
So you can write a PowerShell script that read the release version from the JSON file and set the variable, for example:
$jsonFile = Get-Content path/to/json
$json = $jsonFile | ConvertFrom-Json
$version = $json.release.version
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=releaseVersion;]$version"
Now you can use the variable $(version) in your docker tag, etc.
just to add to existing answer, here's how you set build id to the calculater value (because you cannot set it before the build starts, as it is only calculated during the build):
- pwsh: Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]${env:VERSION}"
assuming version is how you called your variable.
I need to use Build.Repository.Uri in a release pipeline. (to pass it to a PowerShell script)
In a buildpipeline:
Write-Host $(Build.Repository.Uri)
> 2019-07-15T08:30:51.8695425Z
In a releasepipeline:
Write-Host $(Build.Repository.Uri)
> The name Build.Repository.Uri was not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if the path is correct (if included), and try again.
Why that inconsistency?
I also try Write-Host $(env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_URI) because of that: How to read directory path of the Artifact in Release pipeline in Azure DevOps? (I also don't understand the logic behind . to _)
Is there a way to get Build.Repository.Uri in a releasepipeline?
EDIT: Solution
If you set system.debug variable to true, you can find all predefined variables inside of the Job Initialize (Auftrag initialisieren) Report after a build.
If your project or repository name contains spaces, make sure that you replace them in your script with %20:
$Uri = $Uri.Replace(" ", "%20")
To access the Build URI in the Release Pipeline you need to use the release variable:
{alias} is the the alias of the artifact source you have in the release
If you accessing variables within PowerShell scripts you need to replace any dots with underscores i.e. $env:RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_{alias}_BUILDURI
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/release/variables?view=azure-devops&tabs=batch
The variable Build.Repository.Uri is agent-scoped. It can be used as an environment variable in a script and as a parameter in a build task. When you add variable System.Debug with value true in the pipeline, the init job will log all the available environment variables, which includes the REPOSITORY_URI.
You can try with following variables:
Please note that the {alias} is the uppercase of the Artifact source alias.
Created a CD with few steps starting from "Azure PowerShell Task".
In Azure PowerShell tasks, executing a PowerShell script file and set a value in a variable.
At the end of the script I have set the variable with a value –
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=myvariable;isSecret=false;isOutput=true;]myvalue"
myvariable is the variable
myvalue is the value.
Based on the value of “myvariable”; downstream task will be executed or skipped. Mentioned "Custom Condition" in downstream task (Task - Azure Create or Update Resource) –
and(succeeded(), eq(variables[‘myvariable’], ‘myvalue’))
But, it’s always skipping the step; despite the correct value is passing. Here is my release tasks snippet -
How do I overcome?
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=myvariable;isSecret=false;isOutput=true;]myvalue"
And then
and(succeeded(), eq(variables['myvariable'], 'myvalue'))
In the second part, the code you pasted in has the incorrect quote types, you had curly quotes ‘ ’ rather than the normal straight quotes ' '
You often end up with the wrong quotes if copying / pasting from Word or Outlook. I'm sure there's a proper a typography term for them.
Thanks everyone for your valuable input. Resolution -
PowerShell Script -
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=myvariable]$myvalue"
Assign value ("hello") in a variable ($myvalue), then set it in "Write-Host". Direct value did not work for me.
Now we can use/verify "myvariable" value in downstream tasks in Custom Condition as mentioned by #Alex KeySmith.
and(succeeded(), eq(variables['myvariable'], 'hello'))
task -
Works in Build and Release pipeline.