Can Carla sensor.semantic_segmentation support "reflection" label - semantic-segmentation

Carla Version: 0.9.13
Question: can sensor.semantic_segmentation support "reflection" label? That is whatever reflection pixel will be labeled as "reflection". The reflection area includes: wet road (water reflection), shiny metal (mirror reflection), glass/window reflection, etc.
If not, how can we enhance the sensor.semantic_segmentation to support it?
Thank you.


Mapbox GL - transition animations for unclustering and for active feature

In Mapbox GL JS, I'm looking to use clustering + use a different icon for one feature which is currently defined as "active". I want the necessary transitions (unclustering + change of the active feature) to be animated, but can't find a way of making this all happen.
Mapbox provides an example showing how to implement clusters, which uses different layers for the clusters and for non-clustered features. This technique can also be used for rendering the "active" feature in its own layer with a different image. When a cluster breaks ("unclusters") into features, it basically gets removed from the clusters layer, and the features get added to the "unclustered" features layer. But this doesn't allow adding a transition animation, since there isn't really a transition here. I would like to show the cluster splitting into features, with each feature moving to its respective location.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Some ideas that don't quite provide a full answer:
Use Leaflet with the markercluster plugin and its "spider" behavior for clustering. This works and provides a nice "spider" transition animation for unclustering. However there is no "official" binding between leaflet and Mapbox GL, so I'm reluctant to use that (there is just this which I would need to modify and it's based on undocumented Mapbox internals). Also I'm now sure whether this is good or bad performance-wise with thousands of features. And I know from experience that adding an animation to modify the shape of Leaflet markers (for active/inactive transitions) doesn't really work.
Use markers in Mapbox, instead of layers, but then how to do any sort of clustering?
I can't think of any reasonable way to implement this just using Mapbox GL JS, short of learning WebGL and implementing a custom source.
But I wouldn't write off the Leaflet+Mapbox approach - in my experience, the performance is ok (though I haven't tested with clusters or what you're trying to do).
There is a similar approach with OpenLayers: I have also used this and it worked fine.
Finally, it seems there are quite a few Leaflet and OpenLayers libraries that specifically solve the animated clustering issue: (And most of these answers are very old, so perhaps there are more libraries now).

Is there any way of importing background terrains in paraview?

I just want to know if there's a way to include a background terrain in paraview, it could be roads, trees, clouds, landscapes etc. I checked the paraview user guide and tutorials for version 5.5 but couldn't find any such features. I also would appreciate any online resources which I can use for further help (terrains, tutorials, etc).
There is nothing specific, you can load a 2D background though, or you can just load your "background terrain" geometry has any other dataset.

Elementary graphics in java/scala

I'd like to add a real-time graphical representation of what's going on behind some scala code. Just a black window of a given size where I can put colored pixels at random (x, y) points will do. That's exactly want I'll be doing, actually.
What library should I use? I want to stay as simple as possible, so as to avoid mixing in (say) a full-fledged game-writing library just for a quick and dirty way to place pixels on a canvas.
I'd just use the Java 2D Graphics API.
Scala has support for Java's Swing GUI API, see the scala.swing package in the Scala API documentation.

Bing Maps AJAX control version 6.3 landmarks have disappeared from the base layer

I have a map using version 6.3 of the AJAX library. I was informed by a customer that sometime recently some of the landmarks that were visible on the base layer of the map have disappeared and indeed they have. If I switch to the enhanced road style the landmarks are there again. Does anyone know if there is a reason why these disappeared from version 6.3 and if this is documented anywhere? I know that the opt-in for the new style ends in May 2011 but would like to keep the old style for now until we are able to upgrade to version 7.0
When you say that a "landmark" has disappeared, do you simply mean the label for that landmark is not shown on the tile, or that the landmark itself is no longer shown?
Assuming that you mean only the label:
The tile images used in Bing Maps are constantly being updated.
You don't state, but I assume that your "base layer" uses the default road view, which displays not only the underlying road network, but also buildings, parks, and other shows labels for certain "landmarks" - e.g. significant public buildings.
As the road map is updated to reflect new developments, changed road priorities etc. then different landmark labels may be shown in order to ensure the map maintains a balance of detail and also readability. This is unrelated to the upgrade to the new map style, but is a continuous process of map updates.
If you mean that the feature itself has disappeared:
Can you provide an example of any particular feature that has disappeared? Does this happen at every zoom level?

image effects iphone sdk

are there any tutorials for creating image effects in iphone? like glow,paper effect etc
Can anyone tell me where to start?
A glow effect is not supported by default within the iPhone SDK (specifically CoreGraphics). For the paper effect I am not sure what you are looking for.
If you insist on effects not supported by the SDK, you should try to find less platform specific sources and adapt them to the iPhone:
Glow and Shadow Effects (Windows GDI)
Another possibly great source of effect-know-how are the ImageMagick sources.
Take a look at this project:
It includes code that can do various image effects such as canny edge detection, histogram equalisation, skeletonisation, thresholding, gaussian blur, brightness normalisation, connected region extraction, and resizing.
Another other more low level option is to take a look at ImageMagick or FreeImage which are further image processing libraries.