I just want to know if there's a way to include a background terrain in paraview, it could be roads, trees, clouds, landscapes etc. I checked the paraview user guide and tutorials for version 5.5 but couldn't find any such features. I also would appreciate any online resources which I can use for further help (terrains, tutorials, etc).
There is nothing specific, you can load a 2D background though, or you can just load your "background terrain" geometry has any other dataset.
ask a general question. There are few sprite resources and they are hardly liked by me. I would like to learn from the absolute scratch, such as how do I create a sprite from my idea.
Can I ask do I create it this way or what's the standard process?
1. draw it on white paper
2. scan it into a .png jpg etc
3. render it in photoshop
It's not quite right for Stack Overflow indeed, but I have a few suggestions anyway.
If you want to hand draw your art there are a few approaches. I started drawing the resources I needed on paper and scanning them, but this raises a couple of problems.
The first problem is that it can be hard to remove the white background properly leaving nasty bitty edges. This can be solved with time, practice and patience, and as far as I know there is no good way around this.
When using paper, it can be very hard to get clean areas of solid color. Pencils and the like leave and extremely distinctive paper texture, but approaches that give more solid colors using inks tend to go very blotchy.
The other problem is that if you want to animate these, or indeed reuse part of one sprite in another, you're left drawing bits of sprites - this lead me on to my currently favored methodology.
My recommendation would be to use ink onto acetate. You'll need to do some research into the best inks to use, but it means you can build the sprites in layers, much like animators used to do for film back in the day. You still have to solve the white background problem after scanning though, and if you pick the wrong ink it can be very easy to smudge your drawings - not ideal.
The other, more expensive alternative is to use a graphics tablet, and cut out the paper/acetate stage all together. This solves the white background problem, but some people find drawing with tablets oddly difficult - myself included.
Adobe software wise - I would personally use Illustrator while working with a graphics tablet, Photoshop for making adjustments to the resulting images, and Fireworks for building UI interface elements.
Hope this helps!
This is not really a coding question. As far as I know stackoverflow is only for technical problems. That said, I would recommend Illustrator to get started. There are some great tutorials out there. :)
I'm completely newbie to Qt
i want to create a 800X600 window that just show some circle and be able to manipulate pixels of the form. there is no interaction between user and form(no click, no dblclick,...) it just shows some circles with one color and lines with different pixel colors(each line may have different pixel colors)
also i want to be able to change the coordination system, i mean change it from top-left to the center of the window. could anyone help me do that with some sample code?
thanks in advance for your reply.
Please try downloading the Qt Creator (IDE), then reading through the tutorials. There's a whole host of very useful information provided for free, including a lot of the code samples you are looking for.
The following examples might also be of particular interest:
Animation Framework Examples
Graphics View Examples
Painting Examples
I'm currently trying to write an app, that would be able to show the effects of glas, as seen through the iPhone Camera.
I'm not talking about simple, uniform glas but glass like this:
Now I already broke this into two problems:
1) Apply some Image Filter to the 2D-frames presented by the iPhone Camera. This has been done and seems possible, e.g. in the app: faceman
2) I need to get the individual lighting properties of a sheet of glas that my client supplies me with. Now basicly, there must be a way to read the information about how the glas distorts ands skews the image. I think It might be somehow possible to make a high-res picture of the plate of glasplate, laid on a checkerboard-image and somehow analyze this.
Now, I'm mostly searching for literature, weblinks on how you guys think I could start at 2. It doesn't need to be exact, in the end I just need something that looks approximately like the sheet of glass I want to show. And I'm don't even know where to search, Physics, Image Filtering or Comupational Photography books.
EDIT: I'm currently thinking, that one easy solution could be bump-mapping the texture on top of the camera-feed, I asked another question on this here.
You need to start with OpenGL. You want to effectively have a texture - similar to the one you've got above - displace the texture below it (the live camera view) to give the impression of depth and distortion. This is a 'non-trivial' problem, in that whilst it's a fairly standard problem in its field if you're coming from a background with no graphics or OpenGL experience you can expect a very steep learning curve.
So in short, the only way you can achieve this realistically on iOS is to use OpenGL, and that should be your starting point. Apple have a few guides on the matter, but you'll be better off looking elsewhere. There are some useful books such as the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide that can get you off on the right track, but where you start would depend on how comfortable you are with 3D graphics and C.
Just wanted to add that I solved this old answer using the refraction example in the Khronos OpenGl ES SDK.
Wrote a blog-entry with pictures about it :
simulating windows with refraction
I'm trying to play around with ios development and thought of a function that I'd like to achieve but don't yet know where to begin. In short, what I want to do is being able to draw lines with touch and then compare the drawn graphics with another image by pixels. I'm wondering what graphics suite should I use for drawing and comparing image functions? Thanks!
Quartz and Core Graphics are what you will need for pixel processing in iOS. I'm not positive if there are any open frameworks available that try to wrap some of this into friendlier usage, but i haven't used any. Here is a link to the Quartz2d document from Apple: Quartz 2D
As far as touch handling, there are a number of great tutorials to help with this. Try googling iphone touchesBegan.
Could someone provide me with a start on the best way to go about this? What I want is circles within circles (for theoretical purpose let's say 3 circles). Each cirlces edge should be animated to mimic the aurora borealis (northern lights). They should flow and have subtle color changes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Some general questions:
Use Open GL Project Template or View Based With drawing Graphics?
How would you create the flowing animation?
How would you blend the colors?
Thanks, -s
I read about using Particle Systems with OpenGL to get these kinds of effects. In a chapter in iPhone Advanced Projects the author gave an example that creates smoke and fire effects using particle systems (source code provided).
If you search for iphone particle systems you can find lots more.