Flutter File_picker MissingPluginException - flutter

I'm trying to install file picker except that when my button is clicked or the file picker function is assigned, I have this error that appears: "MissingPluginException (MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method any on channel miguelruivo.flutter.plugins.filepicker))"
I couldn't find anything about it

image_picker and file_picker don't work well with the ios simulator. You have to use a real device instead.

in your project path use this command
flutter clean


ImageCache is reset to zero when I open iOS plugin by MethodChannel

I am trying to use iOS image picker plugin in my Flutter using MethodChannel.
But I found that if I open and close the image picker(My Image Picker button), ImageCache is reset to zero.
So NetworkImage gets loading again like it has never been downloaded before.
On the other hand, Flutter's image picker(Flutter Image Picker button) doesn't reset ImageCache to zero so it is fine.
Why is this happening? Did I miss something?
I have tried overriding ImageCache size like below but the problem is not solved:
overriding image cache in Flutter
Please help me...
my app home tab
my app image tab
flutter image picker
I recommend to use flutter package to make developer easier to code and even the package also use MethodChannel, inside code is also coded pretty well such as error handler etc. It is also works for IOS and Android, which is this is the function of Flutter that make developer easier to deploy IOS and Android apps.
You can explore more about this:

Custom Flutter Android FirebaseMessagingService

I'm trying to make a custom FirebaseMessagingService in Android for Flutter to execute Kotlin code on receiving a notification in the background. Does anyone have an example of how this can be done while still receiving the notification/message.data in the main flutter app?
I ended up creating a custom flutter plugin that is run in the background using the FirebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage(backgroundMessageHandler);

Flutter model_viewer plugin for iOS not showing anything

I tried to build an AR app using Flutter and model_viewer plugin. It works just fine in Android but when I tried to test it using iOS it is just showing a blank page. I tried to follow the documentation provided in https://pub.dev/packages/model_viewer by adding :
but nothing has changed. Can you explain why?
Did you try to insert YES instead of true, beetwen a balise string like?

Flutter Image picker issue

Hi I am trying to use image picker plugin for a flutter project. I am getting an error only in IOS.
2019-07-21 13:37:52.901660-0400 Runner[71283:10367169] flutter:
MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method pickImage on channel plugins.flutter.io/image_picker)
I think you did not include adding the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription to the info.plist file.
please Add this in your info.plist
<string>Your project Name </string>

Flutter : map dependencie crashes the app

I'm trying to use google map with flutter so i'm using the dependencie "google_maps_flutter"
version: "0.5.18"
The problem is when I add the line below (in my pubsec.yaml)-->
google_maps_flutter: ^0.5.16
dependecies img
the app crashes.
Below is the picture of the error. I've tried to look what 15.0.1 and 16.0.1 were refering to but I have no idea.
error img
Good to know :
When I add the above line the following code is automatically added.
changes in the pubsec.lock file after adding above line
Apparently the error was in my dependencie (pubsec.yaml file) It seems location and google_maps_flutter aren't compatible. Either I had to remove one to make the other work.
Edit :
The plugin "geocoder: ^0.1.2" does work. I can successfully display location (lat & long) from typing addresses or by passing lat & long as parameters.
geocoder docs : https://pub.dev/packages/geocoder