how to make a specific background in flutter? - flutter

I Want to make a container background like the one in the picture
How did he create it
i try by using gradient option but not have a nice result ?


How do i achieve this with custom clipper in flutter

I want to achieve the container form in flutter
I want to create a container like the one shown in the image above. I can add a background Image myself, I just want to know how to create that container
You can create custom paint designing to achieve this.

Flutter how to know on which part from image was tapped

I have a car image and i want to make user enable to tap on apart of it then the tapped part name will be shown. How can i do it?
Like this image but i want to use car image not a map.
I think the way I'd do this, is use a Stack to overlay a GestureDetector on your image and see what the coordinates are. You could even use a CustomClipper with some custom shapes, or overlay multiple Positioned widgets with separate listeners on it, depending on your needs.

I have attached a image. I am trying to get such effect on flutter. Can anyone tell how such effects are created?

I am doing Flutter development. I want to add image like this and want to know how such effects or images are created. I think 3D effect is used. But I don't know how to create such image. Please help.
[![Attached Image][1]]
You can either directly create this kind of image using your picture editor (PS, Figma, Paint, anything really). Add manually a margin to your Card and set the Runner for it to be out of the Card. Then simply display the picture file in Flutter using Image.assets(...).
In the case you want to programmatically create a similar image you can use a Stack in Flutter in order to make the runner picture overflow the card positioning manually both pictures.

Displaying an image over another image along with transition

I have a welcome screen which displays an image using label as background.
Now, I want to and I'm trying to display an icon upon this background image with transition.
So, once the icon transition over the background image is done, I should be able to see the background image and the icon displayed in one screen.
Is it possible? How should I do it?
This is possible in Codename One using layered layout, I don't recall if we added it to LWUIT or later on as we forked to Codename One.
Failing that just set the image as the bgImage and then just place the other image on top.

how to draw a popover view instead of using image on iPhone?

just like the popover in the attached screenshots, the popover allow user to change themes.
I know that there are some examples around but they are all using images to achieve this, make it hard to change themes.
I believe the app in the screenshots doesn't using images to do it.
thanks for any help!
In my Win background such skins (called "Flat" in Delphi and WinForms) were made by drawing in code: select a color, draw a line, select another color, draw a rounded rectangle and so on.
Also, it is necessary to introduce a class "ColorTheme" with a set of fields for every color used. You may have several ColorTheme instances and swap them when you need to change color theme.