Azure Devops Build Verification pipeline field clears itself - azure-devops

So, I have had build verification for our repos set up for months and today I had a coworker come to me saying that it wasn't running, and his PR couldn't get to main. Upon further inspection the field for what pipeline to run in the build verification policy for the main branch was empty. I reassigned the build pipeline and saved, however If I refresh the page and go back into the policy the field is empty again. Can anyone provide any insight?
Here is an image of the field in question:
Also before it is asked, The pipeline exists, so does the yaml file it is associated with, and it can be run independently of the build verification policy on our PRs.


I want to create a bug whenever my build pipeline fails in azure devops. And i want to have it configured for a particular branch

I want to have my build pipeline configured such a way that when ever my pipeline fails there is a bug created for the same. I cannot find an option to select this configuration for a particular branch. Can someone help me with this.
I want to create a bug whenever my build pipeline fails in azure devops. And i want to have it configured for a particular branch
There is an option Create a work item on failure on the pipeline Options tab.
If the build pipeline fails, it can automatically create a work item to track getting the problem fixed.
But we could not configurate it for a particular branch for this option, but we could create a new pipeline with trigger filter Branch specification:
In this case, only the particular branch build failed, it will create a bug.

Can Azure Devops pipelines, where the build failed, show the user of the last commit when triggered with CI?

I'm doing Visual Studio builds on a self hosted agent, which are currently being triggered by the Continuous Integration setting in an Azure Devops pipeline.
When a build completes, it shows: Triggered by Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.TFS
It also shows the repository, branch and revision number.
However, it is expected it would show Triggered by , If not showing the correct Azure Devops user, at least showing the Subversion user name, that would be something.
There was an expectation it would be possible to send email notifications to the user of the commit. (Not fool proof that they caused the problem, but the most convenient way to give the responsibility to somebody to make sure any build error gets resolved)
Does anybody know if a solution exists?
In both Classic and yaml pipelines, you can specify a condition for a pipeline step. If you want it to run when the pipeline fails, it will be condition: failed() (in yaml), or Control Options -> Run this task -> Only when a previous task has failed (in Classic). Alternativel, you can check Agent.JobStatus variable.
there's no predefined variable for current committer, but you can easily determine the last commit's author by using svn command, then log it. (any other version control system will have its own CLI that should allow it).
In yaml, it could look like this (using git instead of svn):
... (your build)
- bash: |
author=`git log -1 --pretty=format:'%ae'` # get last commit author from git
echo "last commiter: $author"
# TODO: send email or other kind of notification
condition: failed()
In classic one:
You are using wrong tool for you task. CI build will be triggered after changes was committed to branch. In that case it is not possible to fix those changes. As a result you will have history where a lot of revisions are not stable.
It might be more suitable for you to use PR policy build. It is designed to validate incoming changes so target branch will be always stable and ready to some deploy. In this case, policy build will be triggered by PR creator so he will be informed about it's result. That can be configured in personal notification settings.
In the end I couldn't Continuous Integration triggers to reliably work. They would always stop working after a short time. I'm surprised I have ran into so many issues with this, but I guess it just isn't that well supported.
Instead, now, I am queue the build via an svn post-commit hook which uses the azure devops REST API.
the REST API has setting, requestedFor":{"id":""}, where you can add the user id (which I also needed a rest api command to find)
A lot of messing around to get to this point, for a feature I expected to 'just work', hopefully this keeps working

Is there a way via API to track triggered builds in Azure DevOps?

With the classic build pipelines and classic triggers, it was easy enough to track builds that were triggered by completion of other builds by just polling for builds requested by the same user.
Now, with resource triggers, the requested by property switching to the build service account instead of the original author of the triggering commit.
I have been going through the documentation to try and find another way to see triggered builds from the original build ID but have not found anything.
There is an "Associated Pipelines" tab on the build summary page that at least has the pipelines containing the triggered builds, but I cannot find anything to get that by API either.
According to your description, you can first call the REST API to get all the running build pipelines in the definition, and then use the powershell script to loop check the id in the parameter triggeredByBuild in the request body in the specific build so that you can see triggered builds from the original buildId.
Note: The id marked in the attachment is the original buildId that triggered another build pipeline.

Azure Pipelines Exclude Commit Message from Pipeline Name

My pipeline name is set as
name: $(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r)
this works but Azure Pipelines still includes the commit message in my pipeline name. For example, the pipelines UI shows:
#20200422.2 The commit message
is there a way to get Azure Pipelines to just use the name I specified?
is there a way to get Azure Pipelines to just use the name I specified?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
This behavior is by designed and is not a bug. I do not believe there is a way to set Azure Pipelines name without submit message.
Including the submit message in the name of the pipeline helps us find the cause of the pipeline failure faster.
For example:
Just like above build history, We could directly judge the cause of the failed pipeline by the same submit information, not from the code update, more from the task settings and pipeline settings.
On the other hand, We could judge that the pipeline failure may be due to the update of the code according to the different submit information. Then we check the submit record through the submitted history, and we will quickly know which code we have modified to cause the build to fail, which provides great convenience.
This is especially important for those pipelines that enable CI.(
Enable continuous integration).
Hope this helps.

Automatically Tagging a PR Build in Azure Devops

I have branch validation in the form of a PR Build, which means I have duplicated my original build and removed some steps (such as pushing to my docker registry).
I would prefer to simply be able to automatically add a tag / some kind of identifier to a PR build and exclude the step on the original build using custom conditions.
Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so how to achieve it? I'd really rather not duplicate each and every build.
If I understand your question correctly, you would like to run a build step based on a custom condition. In this case, the custom condition is whether the build is a PR build or not.
You can check the pre-defined build variables available in Azure Devops here and you can see that there is a Build.Reason variable.
I am listing a few variables here.
Manual: A user manually queued the build.
IndividualCI: Continuous integration (CI) triggered by a Git push or a TFVC check-in.
PullRequest: The build was triggered by a Git branch policy that requires a build.
You can specify the condition in custom condition settings of your build step like this.
More examples available in the docs