I want to create a bug whenever my build pipeline fails in azure devops. And i want to have it configured for a particular branch - azure-devops

I want to have my build pipeline configured such a way that when ever my pipeline fails there is a bug created for the same. I cannot find an option to select this configuration for a particular branch. Can someone help me with this.

I want to create a bug whenever my build pipeline fails in azure devops. And i want to have it configured for a particular branch
There is an option Create a work item on failure on the pipeline Options tab.
If the build pipeline fails, it can automatically create a work item to track getting the problem fixed.
But we could not configurate it for a particular branch for this option, but we could create a new pipeline with trigger filter Branch specification:
In this case, only the particular branch build failed, it will create a bug.


Azure release pipeline for static web app

I have a React app and I've set up a build pipeline that publishes the build directory as artifacts.
I was anticipating setting up a release pipeline to deploy it like I would with AzureFunctions or an AppService.
But apparently not: when I created the static website it has created a new build pipeline which also deploys. Why would you want every build to deploy? This is nonsense.
Also, the branch name is hard-coded somehow and can't be changed. Obviously I'll want to change that to master after I've got it working.
Furthermore, when trying to create a release pipeline there is no task for Azure static website.
What is going on?
Can I have a normal build and release like everything else?
Why does this have to be different -- the inconsistency is confusing and infuriating.
But apparently not: when I created the static website it has created a
new build pipeline which also deploys. Why would you want every build
to deploy? This is nonsense.
You can change the trigger of the pipeline to make the deployment be done as you want.
Check these official documents:
CI Trigger for DevOps
PR Trigger for DevOps
If you don't want the pipeline trigger automatically, you can replace the trigger part of the pipeline as this:
trigger: none
Also, the branch name is hard-coded somehow and can't be changed.
Obviously I'll want to change that to master after I've got it
Just like the above, the design of Azure SWA in this regard is a bit counter-intuitive, these settings are also not operated on the Azure Portal side, but on the DevOps side.
You need follow these to change the source:
After the above two steps, the source of the Azure SWA will be changed successfully, but the UI of the Azure Portal side will not change immediately at this time. A success deployment will change it:

Azure DevOps Build Validation use latest run

i want to prevent the User from merging a PR if a specific pipeline failed. But i don't want to trigger the pipeline again but i want to use the latest run because the pipeline is a scheduled systemtest.
The "Build Validation" policy has no option to check the latest run of a pipeline.
Add build policy
Is there a way to achieve this?
I am afraid that there is no such method can use Build Validation to check the latest run instead of triggering new pipeline.
Refer to this doc: Build validation
A build validation policy queues a new build when a new PR is created or changes are pushed to an existing PR that targets the branch.
Triggering new build is the default behavior of the Build validation in Branch Policy.
I suggest you can add an extra pipeline to set the branch policy, in the extra pipeline you can use the Rest API: Latest - Get to check the latest running status of the target pipeline

Azure DevOps - How to easily switch branches to use for multiple environments

I have four environments that I deploy to.
I also have four different code branches that we use to deploy code from.
We constantly switch the branches we use to deploy on these environments.
One time I want to build and deploy a daily branch on my test environment.
Later I want to build and deploy a enhancements branch on the same test environment.
Next I want to build and deploy the daily branch on my test2 environment.
I think you get the picture
We are currently using a manual process to pull from the branch we want deployed, then zip it up and push it to AWS code deploy.
Using Azure DevOps pipeline and release what is the easiest method to allow me to switch to use different branchs on different environments.
I currently have a successful setup in Azure DevOps that performs a gradle build, creates the artifact and then lets me push it over to AWS CodeDeploy on one of my environments. I just can't seem to figure out a way to eastily swtich the branch without creating tons of Azure pipelines and releases.
Thanks all!
Where you manually trigger a build pipeline by clicking Queue or Run Pipeline, A new windows shown as below will be prompted which allows you to switch the branches.
If you want to automatically deploy different branch to different environment. You can push the build artifacts over to AWS CodeDeploy in a release pipeline and set the branch filters. Please refer to below steps:
1, set branch filter in the build pipeline as shown in below screenshot which will build the selected branched. Check here for more information about triggers.
2, create a release pipline to push build artifacts over to AWS CodeDeploy.
And Set the Artifact filters which will only allow the artifacts built from the specified branch to be deployed to this tage.
You could use a queue time variable to specify the branch name you would like to use on your build pipeline. You would need to:
Edit your build pipeline and create the variable on the "variables" tab. Make sure to mark the "Settable at queue time" check
variable creation
Update the source of your build pipeline, to specify the new variable under the "Default branch" option. It would look something like this:
pipeline source
RUN your pipeline. Before finally clicking on RUN, you will be able to specify the desire branch:
set variable value
Hope this works

How to automatically trigger a build after a PR is completed in Azure DevOps

Is there a way I can set up a build in Azure DevOps to automatically run every time a PR is merged and completed and contains a specific keyword in the name? for example: "Some PR name here [RUN_BUILD_123]"
The reason for this is because I have different builds on top of the same branch so instead of triggering all the builds I just want to trigger those that I know need to be rebuilt based on the particular projects getting changed.
A PR has a target-branch. If you want to trigger a build after a PR is completed just configure a build with a ci-trigger for that target-branch. You can't check for certain keywords in the PR-name unfortunately
Agree with D.J. For detailed setting, you can check the Enable continous intergration option in the Triggers settings, then select the target branch you want ci-trigger build in the Branch filters.This will automatically trigger the build after pr is completed.
But you can't do it if you want to include special keywords in pr name.
Topic is a bit old, but if there is anyone who want's to archive this stumbling over this topic - here is my approach how I would solve this:
The basic of all are scripted pipelines, so if you still do it in the GUI - that's wasted time. Create a .yml build and put it into your Git. The M$ documentation is really helpful with this.
Create the trigger for your branch
Put this on the first line, so the pipeline will be executed when master (or your branch) has a new commit
- master
Read out the commit message via the VSTS variables
Trigger the builds, based on their ID via REST API (you can use the pipeline token for authentication)

Automatically Tagging a PR Build in Azure Devops

I have branch validation in the form of a PR Build, which means I have duplicated my original build and removed some steps (such as pushing to my docker registry).
I would prefer to simply be able to automatically add a tag / some kind of identifier to a PR build and exclude the step on the original build using custom conditions.
Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so how to achieve it? I'd really rather not duplicate each and every build.
If I understand your question correctly, you would like to run a build step based on a custom condition. In this case, the custom condition is whether the build is a PR build or not.
You can check the pre-defined build variables available in Azure Devops here and you can see that there is a Build.Reason variable.
I am listing a few variables here.
Manual: A user manually queued the build.
IndividualCI: Continuous integration (CI) triggered by a Git push or a TFVC check-in.
PullRequest: The build was triggered by a Git branch policy that requires a build.
You can specify the condition in custom condition settings of your build step like this.
More examples available in the docs