Whisper Open Ai Got Stuck - openai-whisper

import whisper
import os
model = whisper.load_model("medium")
result = model.transcribe(os.path.join("samples","speech.mp3"),fp16=False)
You can find your API key on https://replicate.com
(Whisper_api) prasun#prasun-Latitude-5400:~/Documents/Projects/whisper-main$ python3 Api.py
Getting stuck with no output


Having Problem in TensorFlow-Tutorials-Image segmentation

I'm using a jupyter notebook.
I followed the code below and entered it.
pip install git+https://github.com/tensorflow/examples.git
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
from tensorflow_examples.models.pix2pix import pix2pix
from IPython.display import clear_output
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
And I tried to "Download the Oxford-IIIT Pets dataset"
dataset, info = tfds.load('oxford_iiit_pet:3.*.*', with_info=True)
However, in the console, printed this
Downloading and preparing dataset Unknown size (download: Unknown size, generated: Unknown size, total: Unknown size) to ~\tensorflow_datasets\mnist\3.0.1...
and there was no data in the folder created.
Why isn't it working?
Tutorial link:https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/images/segmentation

only instance of a python 3.7 application run

I want to make my application by Python 3.7 run just in only one instance.
I have tried the code bellow codes but I didnt succed.
import psutil
import time
procs = [p for p in psutil.process_iter() if 'python.exe' in p.name() and __file__ in p.cmdline()]
if len(procs) > 1:
print('Process is already running...')
for i in range(10):

FreeCAD CMD color lost after import

Whenenver I try to import a model via FreeCADCmd Script the objects loose all color information.
This can be checked within the GUI by running macros
import FreeCAD
import ImportGui
doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
ImportGui.insert("file1.stp", doc.Name)
will preserve the colors -- but can not be run on commandline, because of ImportGui.
import FreeCAD
import Import
doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
Import.insert("file1.stp", doc.Name)
will import the model without any color information.
Is there any way to import a step file into FreeCADCmd (commandline -- so no GUI) without the color information being dropped?
Or does anyone know a way to run FreeCAD (GUI Version) without running a xserver?

How to import .py in google Colaboratory?

I want to simplify code. so i make a utils.py , but Google Colaboratory directory is "/content" I read other questions. but this is not my solution
In Google's Colab notebook, How do I call a function from a Python file?
%%writefile example.py
def f():
print 'This is a function defined in a Python source file.'
# Bring the file into the local Python environment.
This is a function defined in a Python source file.
It look likes just using def().
using this, i always write the code in cell.
but i want to this code
import example.py
A sample maybe you want:
!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tensorflow/models/master/samples/core/get_started/iris_data.py -P local_modules -nc
import sys
import iris_data
I have also had this problem recently.
I addressed the issue by the following steps, though it's not a perfect solution.
src = list(files.upload().values())[0]
import util
This code should work with Python 3:
from google.colab import drive
import importlib.util
# Mount your drive. It will be at this path: "/content/gdrive/My Drive/"
# Load your module
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("YOUR_MODULE_NAME", "/content/gdrive/My Drive/utils.py")
your_module_name = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
import importlib.util
import sys
from google.colab import drive
# To add a directory with your code into a list of directories
# which will be searched for packages
sys.path.append('/content/gdrive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks')
import example.py
This works for me.
Use this if you are out of content folder! hope this help!
import sys
from example import*
STEP 1. I have just created a folder 'common_module' like shown in the image :
STEP 2 called the required Class from my "colab" code cell,
from DataPreProcessHelper import DataPreProcessHelper as DPPHelper
My class file 'DataPreProcessHelper.py' looks like this
Add path of 'sample.py' file to system paths as:
import sys
import sample

import error: Django Running in terminal works but not in eclipse IDE

from django.http import HttpResponse
import urllib2
import simplejson
import memcache
def epghome(request):
if mc.get("jsondata"):
return HttpResponse("<h1>This Data is coming from Cache :</h1><br> " + str(myval))
responseFromIDubba = ""
responseFromIDubba = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.idubba.com/apps/guide.aspx?key=4e2b0ca2328e03acce0014101d302ac7&type=1&f1=1&f2=0&channel=&gener=&page=0&summary=1").read()
parseResponseString = simplejson.loads(responseFromIDubba)
for data in parseResponseString["data"]:
#for keys in data:
#body=body+str(data .items())+".."+str(data[str(keys)])+"<br>"
return HttpResponse("<h1>No Cache Set</h1>" + responseFromIDubba)
Hi, This code is working if I run it in the terminal Python, without any error.
But in ECLIPSE IDE it always gives Import Error.
Even if I downloaded and install those modules. Also, and I restarted both Eclipse and my system, but it won't help.
Can you please suggest me a site where I get all libraries at once ?