FreeCAD CMD color lost after import - freecad

Whenenver I try to import a model via FreeCADCmd Script the objects loose all color information.
This can be checked within the GUI by running macros
import FreeCAD
import ImportGui
doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
ImportGui.insert("file1.stp", doc.Name)
will preserve the colors -- but can not be run on commandline, because of ImportGui.
import FreeCAD
import Import
doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
Import.insert("file1.stp", doc.Name)
will import the model without any color information.
Is there any way to import a step file into FreeCADCmd (commandline -- so no GUI) without the color information being dropped?
Or does anyone know a way to run FreeCAD (GUI Version) without running a xserver?


How do you embed an ipython console with exec_lines?

I'm trying to embed an ipython console into my command line application.
I have the following:
import IPython
from traitlets.config import Config
c = Config()
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = [
'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt',
return IPython.start_ipython(config=c, user_ns=globals())
However, it seems to completely ignore the "exec_lines" part since plt is not available.
See: Can you specify a command to run after you embed into IPython?
IPython.start_ipython(config=c, user_ns=locals())

Unable to call Notebook when using scala code in Databricks

I am into a situation where I am able to successfully run the below snippet in azure Databricks from a separate CMD.
%run ./HSCModule
But running into issues when including that piece of code with other scala code which is importing below packages and getting following error.
import{File, FileInputStream}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util{Calendar, Properties}
import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util._
ERROR = :168: error: ';' expected but '.' found. %run
FYI - I have also used and still facing same issues.
You can't mix the magic commands, like, %run, %pip, etc. with the Scala/Python code in the same cell. Documentation says:
%run must be in a cell by itself, because it runs the entire notebook inline.
So you need to put this magic command into a separate cell.

How to import .py in google Colaboratory?

I want to simplify code. so i make a , but Google Colaboratory directory is "/content" I read other questions. but this is not my solution
In Google's Colab notebook, How do I call a function from a Python file?
def f():
print 'This is a function defined in a Python source file.'
# Bring the file into the local Python environment.
This is a function defined in a Python source file.
It look likes just using def().
using this, i always write the code in cell.
but i want to this code
A sample maybe you want:
!wget -P local_modules -nc
import sys
import iris_data
I have also had this problem recently.
I addressed the issue by the following steps, though it's not a perfect solution.
src = list(files.upload().values())[0]
import util
This code should work with Python 3:
from google.colab import drive
import importlib.util
# Mount your drive. It will be at this path: "/content/gdrive/My Drive/"
# Load your module
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("YOUR_MODULE_NAME", "/content/gdrive/My Drive/")
your_module_name = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
import importlib.util
import sys
from google.colab import drive
# To add a directory with your code into a list of directories
# which will be searched for packages
sys.path.append('/content/gdrive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks')
This works for me.
Use this if you are out of content folder! hope this help!
import sys
from example import*
STEP 1. I have just created a folder 'common_module' like shown in the image :
STEP 2 called the required Class from my "colab" code cell,
from DataPreProcessHelper import DataPreProcessHelper as DPPHelper
My class file '' looks like this
Add path of '' file to system paths as:
import sys
import sample

Why can't I import config into my Ember helper without typing the name?

I have a helper helpers/asset.js that needs to import the config.
This works:
import ENV from 'sixtysevenjourney/config/environment';
This doesn't
import ENV from '../../config/environment';
In the latter case it just says it can't import config/environment from helpers/assets, why can't I do a relative import?
Your import will work if you do this:
import ENV from '../config/environment';
Notice that your code is under app/, but when you import using
import ENV from 'sixtysevenjourney/config/environment';
You don't put the app part
import ENV from 'sixtysevenjourney/**app**/config/environment';
I don't know how things work internally for this to work. Hope that helps

IPython Notebook: Open/select file with GUI (Qt Dialog)

When you perform the same analysis in a notebook on different data files, may be handy to graphically select a data file.
In my python scripts I usually implement a QT dialog that returns the file-name of the selected file:
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
def gui_fname(dir=None):
"""Select a file via a dialog and return the file name.
if dir is None: dir ='./'
fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Select data file...",
dir, filter="All files (*);; SM Files (*.sm)")
return fname[0]
However, running this function from an notebook
full_fname = gui_fname()
causes the kernel to die (and restart):
Interestingly, puttying this 3 command in 3 separate cells works
%matplotlib qt
full_fname = gui_fname()
%matplotlib inline
but when I put those commands in one single cell the kernel dies again.
This prevents to create a function like gui_fname_ipynb() that transparently allows selecting a file with a GUI.
For convenience, I created a notebook illustrating the problem:
Open/select file with GUI (Qt Dialog)
Any suggestion on how to execute a dialog for file selection from within an IPython Notebook?
Using Anaconda 5.0.0 on windows (Python 3.6.2, IPython 6.1.0), the following two options are both working for me.
OPTION 1: Entirely in a Jupyter notebook:
%gui qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog
def gui_fname(dir=None):
"""Select a file via a dialog and return the file name."""
if dir is None: dir ='./'
fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Select data file...",
dir, filter="All files (*);; SM Files (*.sm)")
return fname[0]
This is working for me but it seems a bit...fragile. If I combine these two things into the same cell, it crashes. Or if I omit the %gui qt, it crashes. If I "restart kernel and run all cells", it doesn't work. So I kinda like this other option...
MORE RELIABLE OPTION: Separate script that opens dialog box in a new process
(Based on mkrog code here.)
from sys import executable, argv
from subprocess import check_output
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog, QApplication
def gui_fname(directory='./'):
"""Open a file dialog, starting in the given directory, and return
the chosen filename"""
# run this exact file in a separate process, and grab the result
file = check_output([executable, __file__, directory])
return file.strip()
if __name__ == "__main__":
directory = argv[1]
app = QApplication([directory])
fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Select a file...",
directory, filter="All files (*)")
import blah
I have a universal code where it does its job without any problem. Here is my sugestion:
from tkinter import Tk
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilenames
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter import filedialog
Tk().withdraw() # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing
filenames = filedialog.askopenfilenames() # show an "Open" dialog box and return the path to the selected file
print (filenames)
hope it can be useful
This behaviour was a bug in IPython:
that was fixed here:
The function to open a gui dialog should work on current master and on the oncoming 2.0 release.
To date, the last 1.x version (1.2.1) does not include a backport of the fix.
EDIT: The example code still crashes IPython 2.x, see this issue.