I'm trying to follow the tutorial to create a chat server on haskell.org, but I keep getting this error:
app/Main.hs:19:32: error:
Variable not in scope: iNADDR_ANY :: HostAddress
19 | bind sock (SockAddrInet 4242 iNADDR_ANY)
I tried seeing if the issue was dependency related, but I included Network as a dependency and imported Network.Socket. I double checked the documentation for Network.Socket, and it's shown here.
I am new to ejabberd and trying to play with it. I installed ejabbered following the instructions present at official doc page with username and password. I am able to start the ejabbered server and connect to it through Java using "Smack" API's.
However, when I try to open Web Dashboard at http://localhost:5280/admin/ and then login with admin user, It doesn't show up anything. When I checked logs, it shows following erros -
2020-03-13 21:03:17.618 [error] <0.1965.0>#ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers:860 CRASH REPORT Process <0.1965.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
2020-03-13 21:03:17.619 [error] <0.535.0>#ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers:860 Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.1965.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
Pleasse help me out with this. Thanks!
Yes, that problem was introduced in ejabberd 20.02, and it's fixed in the following versions.
You have two options:
Download ejabberd 20.01, that doesn't have this problem
Or download ejabberd 20.03 or above.
How do I use NMSSH in Swift?
When I execute the code below, I get these messages in my debug console:
2019-11-14 19:15:53.830479+0100 unLock[49480:480479] NMSSH: Start resolution
2019-11-14 19:15:53.832950+0100 unLock[49480:480481] NMSSH: Socket connection to on port 44 failed with reason -1, trying next address...
2019-11-14 19:15:53.833005+0100 unLock[49480:480481] NMSSH: Failure establishing socket connection
2019-11-14 19:15:53.833047+0100 unLock[49480:480481] NMSSH: Disconnected
The code:
let session = NMSSHSession(host: "", andUsername: "root")
if session.isConnected == true{
session.authenticate(byPassword: "alpine")
//if session.isAuthorized == true {
session.channel.execute("killall SpringBoard", error: nil)
print("killed Springboard")
What I've done is allowing arbitrary Loads in App Transport Security because I thought the problem may be that the ssh server isn't HTTPS, but it did not help. The fact that I try to SSH into an iPhone isn't the cause Haswell, as I tried it with a Raspberry Pi, same result. Also don't mind port 44 as it is the correct port for checkra1n.
You can see similar type problem here.
How to use NMSSH in swift
Also Read the Readme file for NMSSH and setup this framework using podfile.
pod 'NMSSH'
Read Documentation here
I have a test application that I created to start learn weblogic with Eclipse .
yesterday the jsp page was working well when I run as / on server , I got the basic page that I created .
but today I have an error message :
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197)
ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:750]
in the browser I got this :
Error 404--Not Found
From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.4.5 404 Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
and an other time I got this on console :
weblogic.application.ModuleException: null
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.createModuleException(WebAppModule.java:1824)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.init(WebAppModule.java:270)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.init(WebAppModule.java:682)
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.init(ScopedModuleDriver.java:162)
at weblogic.application.internal.ExtensibleModuleWrapper.init(ExtensibleModuleWrapper.java:98)
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
can you explain to me what I miss , when I start the server it has the status started . thank you I can add any information .
The most probable cause is server running in debug mode and having the same debug port as an existing server on same machine.
If you have multiple domains configured for each domain running in development mode on the same machine make sure DEBUG_PORT in the setDomainEnv script has different values.
If you have multiple managed servers on the same domain and same machine, create a separate startManagedWeblogic script to start your managed servers and set the Debug Port in that script.
If you use Node Manager to start your managed servers, make sure you have the following lines set in your nodemanager.properties file, otherwise etDomainEnv.sh won't be executed:
This way, if you start the Managed Server via the Admin Console, setDomainEnv.sh will get called.
Then, you can modify the WebLogic domain script setDomainEnv.sh to set the proper DEBUG_PORT value according to the server name that needs to be started:
Use your favourite editor to change the setDomainEnv.sh file
You should find the following lines already :
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "" ] ; then
The same way, you can add :
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "ManagedServer1" ] ; then
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "ManagedServer2" ] ; then
I get this error while running web services using a web application.
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Source Error:
Line 108: [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://tempuri.org/VerifyFingerPrint", RequestNamespace="http://tempuri.org/", ResponseNamespace="http://tempuri.org/", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
Line 109: public string VerifyFingerPrint([System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(DataType="base64Binary")] byte[] VeriBmp, string empcode) {
Line 110: object[] results = this.Invoke("VerifyFingerPrint", new object[] {
Line 111: VeriBmp,
Line 112: empcode});
Source File: D:\Mayuri1working\BOBFingerPrint\BOBFingerPrint\Web References\localhost\Reference.cs Line: 110
Please help !
First update your web service references used in your application.
If web service references are not get updated, then check all files and folder containing source code files in your web service project solution and rebuild it and then update web references used in your project.
Else if its working fine then you need to check your network services used by your development server and windows firewall settings as suggested in above solutions.
I also encountered same problem and I came to know that I was referencing wrong folder having same name but used in another solution.
Enjoy codding.
Hello Ive downloaded jetty and whenever I try to start it it generate the following log and gives an error so I can't use it, can somebody tell me whats wrong or whats missing
Im starting on terminal in the bin folder with the "./jetty.sh start"
Here's the error on localhost:8080
Error 404 - Not Found.
No context on this server matched or handled this request.
Contexts known to this server are:
Powered by Jetty Java Web Server
Heres the log:
Looks like that port 8080 is already in use: "java.net.BindException: Address already in use
Try an different port or don't declare a port and use logic like this to figure out what you are bound to:
Server server = new Server(0);
int port = ((ServerConnector) server.getConnectors()[0]).getLocalPort();