How to create an ONVIF PTZPresetTourSpot C# - xml-serialization

I'm developing an Onvif client software on C# in visual studio.
I tried to create new PTZPresetTourSpot to set a new PresetTour in ONVIF, but I always got an error in xml serialization (onvif ptz wdsl -->
I tried to create new PTZPresetTourSpot to set a new PresetTour, but I always got the error:
"There was an error in serializing body of message : 'There was an error generating the XML document.'. Please see InnerException for more details."
Here the ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message:
"<>f__AnonymousType0`1[System.String] cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor."
I understood that software can't serialize anonymous type in XML as "Item" in my code.
I would like to know how I can avoid this issue.
Thank you.


how to upload file in Advanced Rest Client

I am trying to use post method in this add Attachment to SAP ODATA service (URL), then I am getting the error
"Key 'file_name' not given".
I used Multippart/form-data and given file_name (with single cotes and with out it) still the error is same.
Any idea where to give file_name?

SOAP Web Service Client error, While consuming the service

I am getting this error while using SOAP web service client with axis 1. I had created stub from the wsdl file and tried to consume it then I got this error. wsdl is given to me by someone else.
error in msg parsing: xml was empty, did't parse!
below is the error message and stack trace for the same. Anyone can help.?
In order to fix the javax.activation.DataHandler issue you must add the JavaBeans Activation Framework activation.jar in your classpath.
In order to fix the javax.mail.internet.mimeMultipart issue you must add the Java Mail API mail.jar in your classpath.
The warning messages printed in your console shows that the above jars are not in the classpath.
There are several common reasons to receive the message:
error in msg parsing: xml was empty, did't parse!
The most obvious is that no message was sent. If you have some way of inspecting your transport channel, that would be worth looking at.
Also, the xml message could have been sent in an unexpected character set, e.g. A header declares it to be "Utf-8" but it is really "Win-1252", sometimes you can get away with that if you only use 7-bit ASCII characters, but anything in the 8-bit plane will cause it to bomb.
Also, the xml message could have had a byte order mark unexpectedly inserted at the beginning of the message.
Also, the xml message might not have the document declaration ( starting in the first byte of the message, that violates the specification, and often causes parsers to puke and claim that no message was found.
All things considered with this error message, the parser was not able to find a valid xml message that it could parse, so it didn't. You need to grab the data on the transport channel and figure out what exactly is wrong to resolve the issue.

Debugging Transformer Errors in Mirth Connect Server Log

Fairly new to Mirth, so looking for advice in regards to debugging/getting more information from errors reported in the Server Log in Mirth Connect. I know what channel this is originating from, but that's about it. This error is received 10 times for each message coming through. It should be noted that the channel is working properly except for this error cluttering up the logs.
The Error:
ERROR (transformer:?): TypeError: undefined is not an xml object.
What I've Tried:
Ruled out Channel Map variables (mappers), they don't have null default values, they match up with vars in the incoming xml message, even changed to Javascript transformers to modify the catch to try to narrow down the issue, but no luck.
Modified external javascript source files to include more error handling (wrapped each file in a try/catch that would log with identifying info) but this didn't change the result at all.
Added a new Alert to send info if errors are received, but this alert never fired.
Anything else to try? Thanks for any/all help!
This is a Rhino message that happens when you use an e4x operator on a variable that isn't an xml object. The following two samples will both throw the same error you are seeing when obj is undefined. Otherwise, 'undefined' in your error will be replaced with obj.toString();
// Putting a dot between the variable and () indicates an xml filter
// instead of a function call
// Two consecutive dots returns all xml descendant elements of obj
// named test instead of retrieving a property named test from obj.

Bean Validation 400 errors are returning default error page (html) instead of Response entity (json)

I have a JUnit testsuite: GrizzlyHttpServerFactory + Jersey + Bean Validation
(jersey-container-grizzly2-servlet/jersey-bean-validation ver 2.12, grizzly-http-server ver 2.3.16,
hibernate-validator ver 5.0.0.Final)
The 400 errors generated by a ValidationException are returning Grizzly's default error page (html)
instead of the Bean Validation's Response entity (json). I've tried a ClientResponseFilter and its
entityStream also contains the html error page.
When I run the system under Tomcat, the ValidationExceptions return a Response with a json-formatted
Any ideas on how to configure Grizzly/Jersey/Validator to NOT return the error page (html)
and put the ValidationExceptions into the Response's entityStream, just like Tomcat?
Thanks in advance,
Mike Norman
After looking into the code to which alexey pointed to for Jersey 2.13, I found out that the code path in question can be avoided by setting the property jersey.config.server.response.setStatusOverSendError to "true".
So, as a workaround until JERSEY-2673 is fixed, I just placed property(ServerProperties.RESPONSE_SET_STATUS_OVER_SEND_ERROR, "true"); into my ResourceConfig class and was able to see the custom error responses in the browser.
I went throw Jersey code and looks like it's the way Jersey works and IMO it's just a coincidence that it works fine on Tomcat.
Jersey processes the validation (and probably not only validation) errors following way:
writes JSON error message to the Servlet OutputStream;
calls HttpServletResponse#sendError(int, String), that according to the Servlet spec:
... If data has been written to the response buffer, but not returned to the client (i.e. the
response is not committed), the data in the response buffer must be cleared and
replaced with the data set by these methods ...
So Grizzly clears up buffer with the JSON error and replaces it with the default error page.
I'd suggest to file an issue # Jersey issue tracker

WSDL empty <types> tag and YAWS SOAP support

I am trying to invoke a WebService through SOAP using Erlang and YAWS (yaws_soap_lib module specifically). The examples published on work for me.
However, when trying to invoke my own web service YAWS fails. The first problem were partner links in the WSDL that were put there because of BPEL is befind this service. I deleted them (for now).
Unfortunately, I've come across another problem: mentioned WSDL has an empty <types> tag. Now, I am not very familiar with WSDL specification and SOAP so my question is whether it is
Erlang SOAP library issue that cannot handle empty <types> tag or
badly generated WSDL?
Does anyone know any better Erlang library for handling SOAP? I have taken a look at erlsoap but it does not support WSDLs.
EDIT: error caused by mentioned WSDL:
in function erlsom_add:add_model/2
called as add_model({model,[{type,'_document',sequence,
in call from yaws_soap_lib:initModel2/5
For those who are familiar with the source code: The problem is the Xsds array returned by getXsdsFromWsdl function is empty.
My XML schema fu is a bit rusty, but as far as I can see the schema permits empty <types/> elements. That would suggest the first alternative, though it's hard to be sure. What error message do you get?
I would guess given the function clause error that erlsom is not handling some particular function input as being undefined. But I assume you've already validated your WSDL to make sure it's OK? Also, any chance of posting the WSDL somewhere so we can see it?
The issue has been resolved in latest YAWS version. In order to construct mentioned WSDL model following command has to be invoked:
yaws_soap_lib:initModel(WSDL_FILE_URL, [{include_fun, {erlsom_lib, find_xsd}}])